Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I think it’s partly because it’s not something we can resolve, yet again we can hope to resolve it by posting about it.

If I set up my model trains, and something goes wrong, I have two options: I can either fix it, or I can accept it. Like the ÖBB Krokodil that really just derails everywhere. Not exactly this one, but similar:

I also think people are even more invested in their hobbies compared to their jobs. I’ve just read a really snide comment about photographers. Maybe because hobbies really interest us and we are either trying to be helpful or did so much self criticizing that it just breaks out. Like when I had this nice boss mama who was a literal ball but decided to get healthy, a couple weeks into it she started to talk to everyone in the office about how to eat healthier and move our bums more. A couple years later, I was doing the same!

Ouch, looking at it brings memories of my own TLV teammates today, scoring 6.5 or so deaths. The sound was getting annoying. Does Kerrigan have a good time? :smiley:

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I’m so sad right now.
Won against a player, before that, they had one win, 20 losses, 1 win, 5 losses.
Must be awful.
Mostly mid-silver with hitting G5 once, and now roughly low bronze.
Didn’t play particularly well but didn’t troll either.
5088 lifetime matches, 50.0% winrate. Most of this loss streak with his 2nd highest winrate hero at 53.8% winrate.
So sad. I built my own (unstable) shell around it and his logoff is exactly my solution, but still.

ps.: Okay, the chest afterwards is funny.

  • Their team had a failing Tyrande, arguably a composition problem. I got her You’ve Been Outmatched voiceline.
  • Our team had a well performing Cassia, got her Toon Thunder Goddess portrait.
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be playing QM
“I want to play vikings sounds like fun”
proceeds to get 9 games in a row on two lane maps
“fine, ok no vikings, guess I’ll like, level some low level heroes”
immediately queue against a garbage vikings that doesn’t know how to seperate vikings… on Cursed Hollow



I was listening to the radio and heard, “On tomorrow’s show, stupid people die faster”

I was like, “You guys play HotS?” lol.

I’ve never seen an alex never use any of her healing abilities once
tactically position herself so her dragon breath doesn’t heal anyone

UNTIL today
I hope they leave the game I really do

Some things don’t change and playing a tank doesn’t help in getting your team to listen. 35 minute volskaya game where we end up with no buildings and need only one proper opportunity to attack move enemy core in order to win. Whenever we kill someone I mention to push out the lanes so we can even afford to fight at an objective for a full minute or more. 4 to 3 alive, instead of camping the objective while I create some room for breathing, my team starts chasing the enemy and the all die with staggered deaths 15 sec inbetween. In the end we lost to minions before the robot even arrived to our base.

That’s why I hate playing classes with no wave clear. I can’t count the number of times I was the only thing standing between a loss, because no one else woul clear a giant triple catapult wave, or siege giants walking to core.

Last such game, my team was chasing while a boss was on our core.

Some players are beyond help. Johanna and Blaze are in a totally different league from other tanks and you can easily snowball the game just by making sure stuff doesn’t expire at your fort’s door. Really don’t know what to say after seeing Jaina with only 2 orbs collected by the time you got 20.

Every game is TANK? TANK? with everyone just pointlessly throwing damage at each other without any real kill potential and even if one did happen to die, there’s much more value to be had elsewhere on the map. Same as with taking mercenaries, the timing may not be perfect but it is 2-3 waves worth of experience if capped on cooldown, instead two guys will walk past and then wait 10 more seconds before the enemy decides to provoke them.

Other time I get accused of pointlessly riding around the field while someone on my team is taking a beating. If it wasn’t an indicator enough to start running in an opposite direction while I hold my abilities for your potential evacuation… idk. I’d much rather proceed to a different lane that is being ignored while two kids are flexing mid field with no building being threatened.

Man, I don’t care if it’s SL, QM or whatever. I’d like just ONE of my games that includes a Nazeebo not to be an auto loss.


Nazeebo? Let’s team up.
I mean, you play in the US and playing Naz there I missed everything.
Come over to our side of the pond!
Oh and, to make the victory likely, let’s play against easy ai :slight_smile:
But seriously, Naz is one of my better, like Ming he needs a match or two of practice but then it’s time for ten wins in a row :slight_smile:

I am slightly surprised Nazeebo didn’t win the game by his own. Nine deaths against such team is ridiculous even for a half an hour long match and the difference in healing makes it seem like you were constantly two levels ahead and still struggled at every corner. One direct hit with spiders is enough to have everyone running so I can only imagine how many DVA explosions he directly contributed to.

Just an example of how differently a game against much tougher teams might look stats wise (similar match length). Again the case of not understanding that the game might drag on forever, why wave control is important and wasting every opportunity to capitalize on dead opponents.

Enemy standing in your base and they can’t directly assault the core without minion support, yet half of your team is dumb enough to take the bait instead of wearing them down before rushing into them.

It might have something to do with a 900 mmr difference between two players on the same team. Closest enemy is 200 points below. Wonderful matchmaking all around. One game before this I had to beg my team to remove themselves from the top two lanes of Blackheart Bay. Very hard to understand the benefit of having two enemy players babysit only one of your own. Edit fiesta.

If I want to play heroes that are best suited to one lane maps, I find that playing with another hero first until you get a two lane map, then queuing up as your TLV will almost always result in you being given a 3 lane map.

Having said that, I’m not sure how you managed to get 9 games in a row on 2 lane maps. I’ve played this game since launch, and I have rarely had 2 games in a row with 2 lane maps.

Damn. -73.48% win chance match, of course lost.

My Li-Ming and our Hanzo into their Nova and Azmodan to start. Meaning, 0 hero damage as absolute everything will ever be blocked.

Meaning we don’t kill anything ever, meaning they’ll automatically win the XP game.

Meaning their Butcher will automatically win the numbers game. Charge in, win. No buttons needed. Into squishies, so they just die during the stun. (Note: Nova and Azmo will help soften them up. Average 100-0 duration: 1.184 seconds.)

Considering that, I’m ultra proud of my team that 3 levels down all the way, we held Volskaya for 18:25 despite losing all 3 objectives, even including a successful core defense.

Li-Ming could use a pierce talent, just like Chromie. Both heroes at level 1. Guess I could have taken the ultimate archon but that would root me, so. Arguments can be made about Disintegrate but we had no wave clear, so pretty much all my damage outside laning was Disintegrate.

I guess this is how “Heroes needs items” threads are born! :slight_smile:

But seriously, although my team was really on the back foot, it’s not impossible that with trait Tassadar I would have been the ultimate megaboss in this very same match. Walling Qhira targets, keeping my energy up off all the summons, and removing them anyway with split beam and Psi.

Oh well!

People who want items don’t really understand that talents are the substitute for items. Both modify heroes and grant them utility, functionality, scaling and that kind of stuff. This of course means having both is nonsense since you’re getting different functionalities from your talents, and then another set of functionalities off of the items.

Having both creates stupid heroes like a Zeratul with boots that grant move speed on top of his already highly mobile kit, or a ZJ with an axe that increases attack speed/damage. Its just ridiculous. This is also why I was strongly against the medallion. I mean it would be nice if you could use items to dilute some of Li Ming’s weaknesses, but overall it would create unbalanced heroes.

I like picking Hanzo’s AA talents with the % damage talent as well and idk if he picked it but he can be a super wave clearer with his quest done and can even deal damage while being silenced. I can just see easy ganks against him with Azmo, Nova and Butch. Really good gank trio that’ll make Hanzo have his D on CD a good amount of time.

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1st pick Nazeebo. I am really scared.


Followed by KTZ pick against Butcher. I have PTSD.


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Oh WTF. I was 2nd pick. I was willing to heal, and we get last pick Alex. COME ON!


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Sounds like he didn’t want to tank into that comp, although your team is as good as it gets.

I like the Butcher’s name: Beyond Meat.
Looks like you played against this trio twice. They even took the same heroes.

In this specific example I (we) needed cleave or pierce (pass-through).
It could get worse (make it Zagara, Nazeebo, Azmodan, Nova and Anub’arak, maybe switch in Samuro), but the end result is the same, the actual heroes are always safe behind a wall of mirror images.

Li-Ming spells are difficult enough to hit with, and her talents all require next level difficult hits - hit same targets with all 3-5 projectiles, or from a mile away with orb. (E build is just suicidal in this context.)
One item I would need is spell armor, which exists as a talent, but it’s conditional and it will trigger with unsatisfying frequency.

It’s okay if I’m the only one, I just go to a side lane and keep mopping up the xp and summons, and hope the 4v4 part works out.
(Except for ganks. In which case, casually noting on loading screen, this is a loss.)

I guess that’s why I’m a disproportionate fan of Q Jaina and D Tassadar as well.

I’m not tolerating shift blaming anymore
you start shift blaming in my match and I will report you again and again and again
im not putting up with it anymore
YOU’RE at fault not us

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Phase, I’m not proud to say in the past a player doing something like you posted would tilt me. I think, though, I lost more games not because of the stupid last minute Nova pick or whatever, but because of the tilt.

I’m not assuming you were tilted Phase, but it really is annoying when someone doesn’t communicate all draft only to take a hero that not only doesn’t complement your draft, but can weaken it by not taking a key role that is needed.

The above behaviour annoys me the most about Ranked play, because draft does “matter”, at least a little bit. Not only that, but I also fail to understand why people who want to play a draft mode, but their attitude is “any draft can work” and they always pull out their last pick Nova after showing they are planning to fill the role of tank all match.

Due to the sensitive report system, I’m very careful with my in game chat, but in a recent game, I couldn’t restrain myself. Probably the worst player on our team had started the match calling our Jaina a “feeder” after she had died once. He kept calling everyone “feeders” even though they had a higher death count than anyone on the team, yes, ironic.

This player really kept bullying the Jaina player and when the Jaina understandably told him to “get lost” he called her “toxic” and asked our team to report her for chat abuse. I’ve seen this many times, the bully (often successfully) switches tracks and becomes the “victim” of abuse. I took the risk and called him out in chat and pointed out that he had been bullying Jaina all match, and I asked him to just be quiet.

It’s a boring story, but if you’re curious, after I called them out, yes they did indeed ask the team to report me too. He managed to convince one of the team that the bullied Jaina was the actual “toxic” person, so sometimes I guess just being the loudest voice in chat is enough to convince some people of their innocence and misplaced good faith.

It’s probably not a coincidence, but that was the last ranked match I’ve played for many weeks.


My (notably) horrendous luck, which has managed to stretch to things far beyond just gaming

Believe me if there were a scale for luck, I’d be vastly far down the low end.

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