TOD is my favorite map in HOTS, it’s the map I have the most frequent epic comebacks on. I’m glad you’re leaving for now on a high and I hope to see you back soon. Take care.
You’re the rare kind that I have encountered, well rarely. It really helps when you meet a four man and they make you feel included. I think most players just want to do their best and know a four man may have not only a special rapport, but their own approach to playing the game. It’s always wonderful when they include you and clue you in on things like this, rather than just treat you like an extra puzzle piece they don’t care to place.
When they took the second mage leaving you without a tank, did they say “any comp works bro”?
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I am weird in that I like winning more than losing, and getting the fifth player on board, especially if you are going to do something a little different, means I win more. We had a 4 stack running on ToD the other night, and we told the random right off that we were going to have Blaze double soak, and everyone else would stay bottom. Fortunately, they had chat on. Life was good.
lol! Well ain’t that the real truth, it doesn’t have to come down to altruism. More people should take your approach when they play as four, or as any size. Players sometime say “it’s not my job to do x…”, and they might be correct. If though it might not be my job to do “x” if it means helping out a player that is a weak link or uncooperative, juts do it not because you’re being nice, but want to win.
Sadly many peoples brains aren’t as… Advanced as yours, and their main interest while playing as 4 is to mock the random whether the game is won or lost. If they won, it was despite the random. If they lost, it was his/her fault.
So they care more about their fragile ego than boosting their win rate by cooperating with the random.
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took a huge break from ranked, played first SL game in a month and my router DC’d 5 minutes in to the game. Came back just to see boss hitting our core. That was 12 games winstreak broken
Yea, true. I can back you up on that claim since I have been a victim of false reporting too in the past.
When you are getting called darling by a toxic DV.a then you know its a girl you are playing with who somehow love to mock everyone els not in her party.
And yes the others fangirled her hard from start to end. They just keept supporing her toxic behavior.
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Tried again. It can’t happen to my team every game after all.
Double mage is good against Valla right? Gul Dan + Tassadar is a solid dps duo. I don’t know how we lost.
Aoe damage vs aoe healer. Immediate disadvantage. You also have no protection against being dived on. Your damage is also very reliant on long fights to do well numerically. Once Chen and Mei jump into your team, not much your ana or gul dan can do. Lost in Draft dude.
The map is BoE, we have a Diablo and an Artanis, so the random last picks …
… Imperius.
Just why?
Sleep dart, Horrify, Black Hole/Archon or Gorge? Phase’s team has some ability to react. I am more concerned about:
I mean Tassadar can go for laser build in this situation, but still I also prefer a real AA-based hero. On a bright side your team has at least good wave clear and defense against the zerg wave.
I get it, Gaz + Prob + Hammer, not the best but it’s QM and we’re just having fun… Which we did.
I don’t mind losing, just wtf is this Jaina position???
You finally got a tank lol. I can’t tell too much, but I’ve deviated from thinking “zerg-clear” to be THE priority on Braxis. Personally, only 2 is needed. “Point-hold” and Rotation is king for me. Stitches and Ana are suboptimal on the map, much prefer the enemy comp. Intead, Garrosh/Lucio, Tyrael/Malfurion… Mei excels vs low mobility as well.
With your luck though, you got a tank
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You never know, it could have just been a guy channeling what they think is D.Va’s personality, a true diva at heart kinda person. I’ve never been called darling in the game before, but I guess that would instantly raise a red flag.
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Double mage is usually not a great gamble in ranked, at least though you had a burst mage in Tassadar and a somewhat sustained damage mage in Gul’dan. The only time I remember double mage really working in ranked was on TOTSQ as we had so much better wave clear and siege than the enemy and that map is small, so it worked.
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My salt. I never expect anything but bad in QM. After a string of good games where my solo teams vs mostly groups mopped the floor with Janitor Leroic’s, well mop, I get matched with a four man.
The map is BHB, and aside from the 9 coins I turned in, my team refused to turn in a single coin. When the chests pop up, run away from them. When it’s safe to turn in, run 1vs5 and give them your coins! We never got a single turn in and our Tyrande player had the lowest healing I’ve ever seen on any Tryande in a 25 minutes,11k heals. She had gone for a full Sentinel build and did everything to pad her damage, but still was the lowest damage on both teams less than half the damage on the enemy Lt Morales. A really demoralizing game.
I want to make a complaint thread: “Stop putting me on groups, it’s unfair and unfun!” It’s funny how people claim going agasint groups puts you as a disadvantage. Most my games won over the past couple of days were against 4 or 5 man stacks. The few times I was stomped was when I was matched with four man teams.
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My team: Aba, silenced Zera, Tracer, Alarak and Hammer
Enemy team: Azmo, Butcher, Valla ofc, Medivh, Genji.
No wave clear and no one took a single camp to help me push lanes as Aba.
No sustain and dmg either and Butcher was stacked after 5 min only cause Tracer and Zera feeded him.
Later on it was just a joke game and all my mines got reveal and removed by Medivh so my mines bascly did nothing since he took the reveal talent.
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Flamed for not taking Deadly Charge on 10 when enemy has Pyroblast and Consume souls (two mages who chose burst ults).
Why the heck would I pass Counter-Strike? Who takes DC on 10 anyway?
Some of the advice level 1000+ people give in this game is just awful.
People who has zero clue about Alarak or has never played him.
They probably saw some Grandmaster streaming their Alarak play that was flexing by taking Charge at 10 and getting kills against scrubs or something. I’ve seen a lot of people take Charge at 10 and basically do nothing with it all game just because they saw some streamer be successful with it.
Got that several times. E.T.C. vs Stitches abduction with no friendly cleanse on ToD. I had already stolen 2 altars with Stage Dive, since people on my side were clueless. Got hard flamed for not going Mosh by a 1v5 engaging Samuro… lvl 300+ if that means anything.
Just got out of a game where our Johanna and Butcher played like hot garbage on fire yet they kept blaming “comp” for the loss. They would repeatedly dive at low HP and Butch would dive at low-meat just to lose what little he did have repeatedly. I explained that if it was comp, our Kharazim would have a similar amount of deaths (Johanna had twice his deaths, Butcher had THREE times his deaths!) due to the fact he’s also a Melee hero. All I get back was “BRO IT WAS COMP BRO”.
This was an ARAM game, so as it stood, I wasn’t gonna care all that much about the outcome. That being said, there is something about people playing bad and blaming literally everything and everyone else that really gets me salty, even in a more casual mode like ARAM.