Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Today I fed with Leoric I had 10 death, but I also got the same damage as Zul’jin and 8 kills, 13 assists. I am a feeder too?

Not necessarily, it also depends on game length. If someone died like 12 times in 14 mins, that would probably be inting.

Also in QM’s without a healer, death numbers sometimes get really high on both sides. 10+ in like 25 minutes is almost normal in those games.

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But I got flamed by my team as feeder… though.

Qm goes into extended.

My team KTZ (me) Raynor, Reghar, Valla silenced Aba.
Enemy team. Uther, Qhira, Sam, Medivh, Li-Ming.

Raynor instant quits game and complain in chat qm is trash and this game proves it.

Then spends rest of the game afk in base together with Aba. Meanwhile me and Reghar was the only active players on our team cause Aba was just hiding in base and Valla gave up too later on.

Reghar even tells him to go play unranked if he want 100% perfect teams but he ignores him and keep crying in base about it was better to lose fast then try winning the game.

Raynor I hope you enjoy the 4 afk reports we all gave you. Why que up if you gonna spend the whole game in base and even worse you lagged like every 4 min making you drop out from the match. ´

Or much better just avoid the game complety on countdown screen if you dont want to play it. You have like 5 sec to dodge the game if you think it will be unfair.


Well, 10 deaths is a lot. I start feeling bad when I have 5 deaths or more. Since Leo has Ghost walk, he tends to die less than most bruisers.

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I don’t care about losing this game, the salt comes from a player connecting and reconnecting every 5 seconds. What was more annoying than this was the announcer constantly telling me “x player has left, x player has returned.” I wish there was some method available to mute this, other than just turning off all sound, which eventually I resorted to.


Yeah it’s annoying. I can understand why they put it though. You don’t always notice when a player goes bot.

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If you lock genji in sl dont have top deaths…

If we let you play dmg dont afk soak with raynor

Just got out of a game with an awful Abathur. He builds absolutely no teamfight talents (the enemy team is VERY teamfight heavy and consisted of characters like Butcher/Illidan), chooses MONSTROSITY instead of ultimate Evo and constantly trash talks the team for not being able to win fights. At the end of the game, we lose miserably as he just wasn’t able to contribute ANYTHING of worth to the team. I could at least forgive awful picks like Monstrosity if this was some “God Abathur” player just flexing by building sub-optimally and still carrying games but… nah. He was bad AND built bad.

Wouldn’t be so salty about it if he didn’t keep trash talking the ENTIRE team everytime HE failed to do anything of value.

I HATE Abby players. Because it means the team is perpetually 4v5 and you just gotta HOPE the Abby knows what he’s doing. Or else it’s just a handicapp match altogether.

How is that exclusive to Aba? If you have a bad assassine, who don’t know what he is doing, you will lack damage. If you have a bad tank, you will lack a frontline and so on… I don’t see the difference to any hero.

I think it’s because it’s “one less body” thing. The thing about that is it works both ways, at least any Abby that hides in spawn isn’t going to be feeding, where as you say, that bad assassin player could well be dying often.

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I disagree, if the Aba is sitting in the base, he don’t use the full potencial of the kit. Sure he don’t feed, but that’s a trade for playing sub-par. And the missing body shouldn’t be the problem, if they really need it, because Ultimate Evolution is a thing. The only thing I am concerned that I see a lot of Aba players just picks monstrosity, when your team is indeed in need of the missing body. But I guess here is where Landmine is right that Aba needs indeed more skill than other heroes as he needs perfect map awareness. - But still all heroes needs to be played well and if the player behind is bad you will struggle to win this game.

I don’t know what you’re disagreeing with, I said nothing you didn’t. Landmine was speaking in broad strokes about any Abathur being a bad hero to have because your team is “perpetually 4vs5.”

I just pointed out that while that is true, you can have a terrible assassin player who is constantly dying and giving the enemy team XP and essentially leaving your team 4vs5.

Of course I think an Abathur shouldn’t be sitting in his base as he doesn’t get full value out of his kit. My argument was aimed at Landmines generalized argument about Abathur. My argument as deliberately glib and without nuance to match the assertions of Landmine.

Me too. I reacted to his generalize arguement about Aba being a disadvantage, because we are at mercy for every hero - not only aba - who needs to be played well. One more than the other, but all heroes can be a burden for the team, if played bad.

A bad Aba can be a burden like he said, but so can be Nazeebo, who is greedy for stacks… That’s my whole point.

That’s why:

An Aba, who just sits in base might not feed, but he would also gain less xp, except he is a master with that hero and can triple soak (but that’s only a few one and they would still use his body). And I claim that the xp loss might be the same to compare the less soak with feed.

On topic:

This game triggers me hard. It’s a prime example of those low elo games, where your team is chasing one Azmo and give the enemy an lategame punisher for free. Well played, Azmo, you made my team looks like dumb monkeys.

#1 Match

#2 Match

Ilidan in this match knows how to get 4 man report… He got tilted, because our banleader took the risk to not ban Valla and trolled the game with 1st pick Ilidan. On top of that he feeded hard…

So as usual, no one on my team shows anything. Then I show Raynor then my team mate locks Raynor, and then…


And this is what I ended up with.

Triple assassin. Told the Ming player not to go Calamity against all that CC. He still did, and kept teleporting into them.

I just…I can’t play. My team will ALWAYS make drafts that make no sense. While the enemy drafts normally. It can’t always be my team that does that. But it is. I have no way out of this.


Decided to play some games and got matched with a 4 man group who said to me at the start of the game they were reporting me for no reason just to get me banned, cause they loved abusing the report system for no reason at all, just to cause chaos and get people silenced/banned (:


This is why I never speak in draft chat and if I see four people grouped on the load screen I keep my chat disabled. The same has happened to me too Darak, exactly the same scenario you described. People on the forum didn’t believe me when I related this story. I always never want to be grouped with a four man, it’s usually a horrible experience.

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I rarely speak in chat. In these situations I dont speak at all, but people already proved you can get silenced/banned even with chat disabled.

I just played another game to say goodbye to hots for now, at least it was a good game. ToD, we had a huge comeback around level 20 when we were like 13 core hp and enemy still around 30. Guess it couldn’t be better than this.

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And this is why when I am in a 4 stack with friends, always go out of my way to be friendly. If the random doesn’t respond, I assume they disabled chat because of my group, and never get mad about it. Having been on the receiving end of a 4 man, I know how it can be.