Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I love those guys.


Revert Whitemane’s rework. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I hate people
First they refuse to give me a second hand (cus you know, solo tank Muradin is A PERFECT iea)
Then they last pick a Gul’dan when we need another frontline (literally anyone who can helpp get Cassia close to them without getting nuked down. Cus it was double AA on the enemy)

God, I actually had hope that maybe just maybe i could grit my teeth and get to gold before the season ends, I was at Silver 1 but nope. These idiots that I am unable to carry drag me back down to silver 3


Hate to break this to you, I hover between Plat and Diamond and you still get these kind of wonky drafts where people draft a single tank or a weak front line. :frowning:


People still draft a single front line in Plat. I have no idea how they get out the silver in the 1st place.


Had an odd one this weekend, it was a ranked game where Diablo and Mal’ganis were drafted. Mal said he would roam, but wanted another solo laner to back him up. This is either a strategy I’ve never heard of, or just a silly idea. Games were going fine and then something like this shows up, and of course we lost.

Enemy team has a Butcher.

Me at the start of the match: “Gl hf, don’t feed the Butcher and we can win easily”.

Butcher completes the quest in 4 minutes. Butcher ends the game with 500+ stacks. The other 4 players in my team have more than 50 deaths together.



That blows man, sorry to hear that. Just comes down to lack of compositional knowledge. That Zul’Jin probably didn’t know that you were going for a Solo lane pick, and thought a tank is a tank lol.

Some people are genuinely stupid, others simply don’t know how to play the game period.

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First game enemy team gets both lili and ana on the team while my team only had one. Was fun to watch two healer just outheal everything to the point the game was lost no matter what.

2 game. Gets a afk Zag that picks up Nydus ult but dont even use it and he was plat 1 in sl.

Better just leave hots until wednesday when dw comes and play the new D3 season until then. Cant be bothered with weekend game anymore.

“we have a tank, Zarya and Yrel”


Join a random party to play some QM games, making some new friends maybe. They queue up as two healers, deckard, rehgar. I say they wont pair us against two healers and we will be at a disadvantage. They don’t care, we get destroyed. The two healers have less combined healing compared to the enemies healer. We have no damage, no wave clear. They blame me the tank, then proceed to kick me out of the party after the game. Fun stuff.

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I want to know their secrets because my God I cannot carry a solo frontline as either DPS Healer or Tank (or the record when I DPS For this it’s always with a person with tank preference and I’m going a DPS that needs to be locked first

Junkrat and azmodan are a bad DPS combo
Either that or these idiots were just bad, one of the two
And they’ve got the nerve to whine that I wasn’t healing when I was only about 15K behind the enemy morales as a Blind Build Li Li (into 2 AA attackers Tychus and Lunara)

So easy just to blame everyone els but themself these days.
When players in this game would start to look at themself and what they do wrong maybe qm games will be 10x better. But until then, someone have to be the black sheep in among flamers/feeders.

I had a Valeera who thought she had a pocket healer because i was Lili. Spam pinged me everytime i did not save her from her extreme overextending. Game ended with me having 3k less dmg then she had with no dmg talents at all.

Also people who whine about not being healed like those two did just tells they dont even care if they had a healer on the team.


Also, it is almost 2020. Why are The Lost Vikings and Murky still a hero option for aram? Lol


All that lead we got from getting a fort and a couple kills is wasted when the enemy team just dives you guys with full hp/mana when you go for keep!!

Just stop doing that!

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6 games lost in a raw cause matchmaker favors one team while other team can just sit afk cause no dmg or no real frontline.

Just came out of a QM where I was paired with a 4-man.
What do you even think queueing wih Lucio, Zuljin, Zeratul and Murky?
Oh, and Zera had 8 deaths in a 14 min game.


When you play a game in Unranked with two players in premade group. One is lvl 57, the other is 77, they are both silenced, one instalock Murky and the second one Medivh you know it won’t be a good game at all!