Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

why most of people in this game think “your” is the same as “you’re” like when you’re solo vs someone in top lane and your team is fighting 4v4 and they lose for some reason and spam pings on you whatsoever and then you reply with “stop pinging you lost a 4v4” then an idiot reply with “your supposed to join the fight not stay top” so you’re supposed to leave that player to push and get the keep just so you suicide with your team! also (YOUR) playing bad! your a bad player. your your your your… jesus nothing pisses me off more than this lol (your bad player)


Maybe they are not good at English and dont know the
difference in how to use it correct. Or it sounds better in their head :smiley: No matter we are not English teachers here on the forum or in the game so we can’t give them a D- for bad grammar.

Honestly I find those who try to correct such typo more annoying than those who do it.

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your not helping!

your actually not helping either!

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So your


your thinking i’ll fall for you’re attempt to do this?

Yes your are will.


your actually smart. you’re attempt worked your the winner now i need to cleanse my brain to not actually start typing like them.

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Is this clone Cath or the real Cath i cant see the difference

wait what do you mean?

Im playing the Nova game. Clone Cath use your and real Cath use you’re.

oh lol i was about to talk about “decoys” i could be a decoy tho :sunglasses:


2 games in a row on anub:

The first could have been competitive if our illidan would have taken some camps on sky temple, match ended with him at 8 deaths and 0 merc xp for our team while theirs had almost 4k. I swear im a macro focused player because if im not no one else will, might as well be ARAM :frowning:

The second we had a newbie mediv, but he stated such at the start so the under performance was expected and not really salt inducing. What got my blood boiling was a team that never responded to pings…either engages or retreats, what appeared to be a total lack of map awareness, and the last 5min of the match was the 4 of them bickering at each other about who’s fault it was we were losing. “We aren’t playing as a team and we are taking bad fights” says Anub. Rag immediately deflects all fault back to Artanis for not being in team fights, and completely ignores when I try to point out how many pick opportunities were missed, or how the team never felt the need to contest the obj turn in.

Had to shut her down after that one, I just dont have the mental fortitude to look past this crap today.


Came back to hots after a week break. I was dominating with Genji. Got 10 kills in less than 10 minutes. We were level 14 and the enemy just got level 10. We still lost cause my team decided to threw hard :upside_down_face:

Why is it so impossible to have any kind of PROGRESS in this game with winning. I’m STILL at a 36% winrate after about 100 games and i JUST. CANNOT. WIN. GAMES.

I’ve tried breaks and it didn’t work, i’ve tried watching replays and it didn’t work, i’ve tried finding people to play with and there aren’t Any that stick around.
I’ve tried playing ranked heroes, and let me tell you…i have yet to have a worse experience than playing ranked heroes of the storm…the most VILE and TOXIC people are holed up in that Cesspit of a playmode.

I’m so tired of people not knowing anything about macro play. Don’t want to soak, don’t want to take objectives after we get 1-2 kills, just want to fight fight fight all the time, chase for kills and all that.

Then we lose and they say “game is just too snowbally” or “their comp was better”.



I don’t speak “group up” I only take merc camps and push lanes UWU



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I also had some serious stupid games yesterday, and i’m still salty about the win we got. It fells more good for me if the enemy team had won the match instead of this 3-16 Illidan i had on my team who suddenly had one lucky moment so we won. But 99% of the game he was feeding 5v1 and did not care if people asked him to stop. And yes he was a smurf Illidan one-trick pony.

2 game lost after 10 min cause Diablo went to chest alone on pirate map and got himself killed everytime, and left after his 5 death and 700 xp farmed. Same with Genji. Did nothing but feeding alone and left after his 5 death. So two bots after 5 min gameplay.

But these game have become daily games for me every weekend.

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Garrosh dying more than 15 times, feeding out of his mind and then blaming the team for losing the game :upside_down_face: