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Had the funniest team in diamond storm league. Zagara, Nova, Medivh, Genji, Abathur. Got no more to say.


playing alexstraza W build in QM
You know what happens next : c

You can’t play abundance build even in qm. This works probably in AI with lowest settings and all your teammates tied to you

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Tank Medhiv is the new thing it seems.

In other news. I lose 100% of games where one of my team mates picks Quira.

So for the first time in 4 years i finally got a qm game that lasted 45 min and both teams lvl 30. But that is not the salty part. My team had a liming that went glass canon talent vs a double reset Zera so she ended getting farmed big time in those 45 min and even ended the game with only 11 dmg less then me as Dehaka. How can a LIming end up being last on dmg. His Zag friend even out dmg him by 55k but he was also as bad as Liming was when he wandered around getting killed 3v1.

When you got a Liming that just sits and auto attack everything and throws out a orb here and there with no purpose then i get why the game was prolonged that long lol.

If that Liming just want to sit in her backline doing no dmg then she could just go play AI insteed of making the game close to 1 hour long.


I like long games. 30 min games up to maybe 50 min is what I’d want. One hour would be pushing my limits for a moba game since being continually hyper aware takes More effort compared to a turn based game

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enemy team interupted by bossing as Nazeebo 3 times, and my teammates had their head buried in the sand every time.

Did still mange to steal one of them back, with Zombie wall! :smiley:

Won the game in the end :slight_smile:

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Yesterday was rough on my win rate, as I had a long, brutal, soul-crushing streak of losses. It wasn’t match-making acting up, it wasn’t a constant stream of nitwits on my team, it wasn’t me playing horribly (although I will always screw up every now and then), and it wasn’t tilt or anything.

It was that damn “Win 3 games” quest. I swear, it is a curse worse than any “forced 50” match-maker could ever inflict.


Short version.

  1. I am sad that Nazeebo doesn’t really perform with me. Check my Heroes Profile and you’ll see. I have roughly 20% winrate for the last half year, and as far as statistics go, I play him just as fine as my 55% winrate Tassadar.
  2. I find it curious that soaking as Nazeebo has a 100% loss chance. Every time I do it, my team finds a way to lose massively in xp, usually 3 levels below. Again, check my match history and you’ll see. However, brawling can win. The sad part, nobody believes that, only my match history.

Lost pretty badly as probius in a team with no healer, no tank, all squishies, against an equally glass cannon team that has heroes only slightly tankier. QM be crazy like that sometimes.

My only satisfaction comes with how many times Zuljin underestimated me and ended up dying while trying to dive into me alone. When you win a 1v1 with probie it feels like you’ve beaten the odds.

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When does Li-ming mains get it into thier thick skull that orb build vs hard divers is a bad idea.

So many teamfight were she could have finished enemy team off with teleport build if she just had the brain to figure that out.

At least she did not take glass canon but what does that help when you already took full orb talents and then pick a talent that does nothing to that build.


The same Day Kael’thas Mains stop picking Convection and Pyroblast.


Pyroblast is accepted as good though

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TotSQ, D1+master players.

Enemy picks Uther.
We pick D.VA + Zerat.
Enemy gets Tyrande + Butcher.
I prepick Mei, the remaining two teammates prepick Medivh and Kael.

I am like “guys, we dont need 3 mages. Can we get a support and a counter to Butch?”

Bans are over.
Guy locks Kael. I sight and lock Mei.
Enemy goes ChoGall.
Last guy gets Kharazim.

Kael + Khara blame Zerat for picking Zerat.

Uther goes Divine Shield.
Tyrande goes full Butch support.
Kharazim goes Transcendance and 7SS.
Zerat goes MotN.
KT goes Pyro.

Butcher has quest done before both teams hit lvl 10.
Khara is healing nothing, we cant stop divone shielded Butcher and KT keeps pyroblasting enemy ChoGall.
Zerat with his Q build and MotN cant kill anyone.

At least it was a quick loss.


First game back decided I’d do a QM to see if I’m up for it

only CC on my team
yeah you know how THAT went when no one else could bait out the Qhira Begone buttons on every single target on that enemy team

God I can’t wait until this crap is gone.


First match, outgoing stomp.

Second match, incoming stomp. Granted I sorta ran out of heroes that I considered could work. Apparently Cho’Gall counters AA. As a whole team we couldn’t ever get him below 80%. Sure, I was trying to reach Brightwing or Fenix, but Cho’Gall was simply too much of a boss. Sidestepping 24/7 with 500 health, guaranteed losing 200 from Gall every few.
Assuming I was last pick, what should I have taken? Considering my heroes / not.

Infernal Shrines.

Our Leoric was afk-pushing whole game, didnt join for one objective.
Me (Anub), BW, Orphea and Kerrigan tried what we could.

Sadly, Kerrigan ended with 37k+ hero damage, less than me and BW (we borh had 42k+).

Not possible to win 4v5 game when one of your assassins is not even doing his job.

Kinda weird that happens in masters. Must be low masters/high diamond

I am currently D1.

But yeah, sometimes I amnreally wondering about the thougt process of some people after their pick…

You are the last pick. We have tank, bruiser, heal and mage.
They have Garrosh, Genji, Malf, Rexxar and KT.
What will you pick?

Of course Junkrat!
And of course you will have less damage than our healer.

If they’re like me then they main ranged assassin

In this case if he only mained mages instead of marksmen then there’s that too