Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Agreed, it’s inviting to try and finish with a win, in which case you end with a positive experience.

But I find it’s overall backwards.
You always start your day with a higher MMR. So your warm up match is more difficult.
It easily turns into a “fail until you get a free win”, which can also get unsatisfying.
And if you are a bit unlucky, you just really get the mood.
Not to mention if there is some retention logic involved, the game can give you losses forever to keep you playing. Call it god, universe, karma, or your sabotaging self.

Turn it around, and even the bad sounds tolerable.
Free win to start with? Practice match.
Instant stomp? Outside the habit of wallowing about it in the Salt Mines, log off and move on.
Can’t lose, must keep playing? Oh, that’s a 4th world problem.

I agree about the weekend point. That’s why I don’t like PvP games as r&r. Come home after a day of work, sit down to play and get stomped?

A good ARPG session like Diablo, Torchlight or Path of Exile, just to name a few, are similar but possibly better.


thats what im doing right now ugh don’t confront me with the truth like that my man :cry:


When this happens to me but I want to keep playing, I take a few minutes to take deep breaths and focus on my breathing. It allows me to center my focus, and then after I have centered my focus (I think of chakra alignment), I can channel that focus into the game and I feel like I play better. Idk if I actually do play better but I feel less tilted at least.

When that doesn’t work, I just log off and hope next time is better. Idk if you’re into that kind of thing or if it’ll be effective for you but it has been for me, and I think it might be worth a try. Deep breathing also quiets the sympathetic nervous system which can also lower your heart rate.


you have to post salt in this thread bro complaining about nova being useless trash hero is normal pick something else to complain about please?

you make no sense.

I’m reminded of HOH, but without the élan or charm. I had a laugh that I felt instantly guilty about after reading this post. Really, it’s far too relatable. Most of us have felt that kind of frustration with a Nova player at some point.

The only thing I feel bad about in these kind of games is that I made a player like that win a game.

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Those are sometimes agendas to ensure they win.
Or, from your perspective, you made him lose his game.
Like the old children’s week quote - If you try to fail and succeed, what did you just do? :slight_smile:

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Sometimes I fail to NOT be awesome!


Don’t be so hard on yourself Phase, your dad jokes are always awesome and appreciated!


Wait, I don’t have kids. My jokes should be untainted. You don’t suppose I was mutated by my nieces and nephews?


In that case, you might still be a sugar dad.

Life is funny. I did the exact same thing to two girls before asking them out: research.
One said it’s creepy, the other said that’s how it should be. I guess the latter was Zagara.

Guess I’ll just stop posting and keep listening to good music.
Makes me happy as you can sense but it also brings out all it shouldn’t :smiley:

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Full Sonya aram game isn’t as fun as you would assume. The game revolves into attack moving into each other for 10-15 minutes. Half of the players either don’t understand that +1 always beats a lesser number despite skill difference or they just don’t care and want it to end faster.

Some time later, absolutely no damage has been done do either front door until eventually one side waltzes to the core within half a minute and destroys it.

Maybe it is just my luck but the last two hours have been unbearable. Three similar matches neither of which was too much fun, interweaved with constant leavers from the start and individuals too lazy to change their name from “Player” being too busy offering “feedback” to everyone brave enough to pick an unconventional hero.

One guy couldn’t control himself and started insulting me for completely sucking at a melee healer and having worse stats than the bot on our team after 20 minutes. A dysfunctional team with Dehaka Bot, imagine.

Another game a stack of 2/3 attacked our own LiMing also for being bad, after the key player from their own party also for some strange reason, before the doors even opened. Poor girl couldn’t even play her hero.

Hurray Blizzard great, Blizzard listens to us. Blizzard implement hotfix patch.

I’m not saying that all 10x hero aram games are the same. Few can be very enjoyable while most other feel the same way as when that one person on your team simply refuses to play healer and ruins the game for both teams by being stubborn.

What makes aram so appealing is that there is little to no room for any downtime and everyone on the team is constantly required to keep on their toes. Having 10 identical heroes on the screen with no way of sustaining themselves other than suiciding into the enemy team is a complete clown show that should have been relegated to an entirely separate game mode (weekly brawls for example).

On that note, if you have a recording of 10x Li Li or Morales, share!
For science, I’m curious.

Like with Morales, do the players form a proper pentagram, healing each other, while throwing grenades at the enemy structures to wear them down? Or coordinate to break the circle by grenading one player at the same time, without a window for knockbacks?

Is it possible to time a Stitches party pull in such a way that they all pull each other at once, effectively quadroupling the range?

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oh-ho it’s that ARAM time again where no matter what you do everyone else is failing to do their job.
over dramatic? no, not in any way shape or form. FROM THE BEGINNING
first match I had to play diablo, twas the only tank of the team, thought I’d go temper-tantrum build… and suddenly there was no damage or healing it’s like the healer was busy killing and the dps was scared silly

after that abysmal match I got auriel, thought things was going well we had a kael, a mephisto, high octane damage dealers, only they weren’t, not this match. No I had to try and make energy by haphazardly slapping the ever-increasing-in-power Artanis and the bouncing dwarf… oh yes and the diablo started flaming the mephisto.
so far so -wanna march to blizzard HQ and slap the goofy out of them

then I had a dull match of a 5v5 sylvanas match, we won but not after I lost the will to live because it was so booooringgg- got MVP!.. not that it means anything

then I gotta heal with malfurion because based on the previous matches I can’t trust the healers to… you know… HEAL but no cant even have that they decided to go uther artanis ragnoros and kael. spoiler alert :clap:NO :clap: DAMAGE :clap: SEEN :clap:

then I went malth because maybe I needed to find a balance of self healing and oppresion,
I had to engage because our johanna was running around like a headless chicken, yes we won but not after I had 5 deaths because I had to take alllllllllll the stuns

Finally having enough of this relying on others thing, I went naz and we at least had a fairly nice match. things were looking up!

Hine-sight no it wasn’t I had to tychus against a blind happy mei, and once again a noticeable lack of healing from bightwing

(to keep a long story short)
arthas- no backline defense
flastag- dpsvdps and a meidiv on the otheside, we won after I said “enough” and nose dived the heale- I MEAN suppo- I MEAN “dps”
johanna- lack of damage and healing, along with a samuro that got silenced

and that be me tale of woe

Once I was a Malthael main tank (or so) in ARAM and I collected 15.
Could be worse! :smiley:

Looks like you didn’t have much fun today.
Maybe just try QM :slight_smile:


That’s sound advice, Aphandra. To minimise the frustration with this genre of game, knowing when to log off and/or switch game modes is key to, err, maintaining your personal sanity.

While I understand the frustration people have with ARAM, expecting players to be skilled at the hero they are playing is unrealistic and that expectation is an open invitation for personal aggravation.

Many times I’ve been offered three hero choices, and I’ve had to pick the hero I’m the least terrible with. Not everyone can or has mastered or even played the entire hero roster, and going into ARAM with this expectation is unrealistic.

My little salt was an ARAM with a ten Li-Ming game. On my team, I was the only one to take the spell armor talent at 1. The enemy team all took it and in doing so, died far less than my team. A big shout-out to the two weird Li-Ming’s on my team who took all E talents but no Calamity at level 7… I really don’t understand the reasoning behind their build, someone can enlighten me if I’m missing something.

Their build was: 2/2/2/1/1/4/4

Most baffling to me was those two Ming’s taking Archon at 20, they were sitting ducks and instantly blown up. I hope I never get 10 Li-Ming ARAM again, it was a traumatic experience.

*I get this could be a case of the player not knowing how to build the hero, however one of them had a mastery ring and was over level 100 with Ming. :woman_shrugging:


someone who is normally VERY friendly with me got PISSED when I said I was a bad Deckard and picked Tyrael (the only frontline option, and a character I’m intimately familiar with) instead.

We won, but he unfriended me :frowning:


I feel those enjoyable games are out of the meta heroes. I mean, I like aram better without azmo, chromie, lucio, valla and other popular heroes cause they just work in ARAM…

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