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peter griffin but i want it now template - YouTube
at least that is what I was thinking when I read this bit

Look Alextrasza… alextrasa… AlexstraZE-ar
you don’t need to go pure fire buffet when you’ve got two massive damage dealing assassins and a tank/brusier that can effectively peel enemies off them
what that team needs are heals not slows or damage, that shouldn’t be your top priority with that team, yes dragonqueen is good but only at lv 13 onwards can you properly uitlize it.
(also 9/10 you can’t aim for toffee lets not kid ourselfs)


E build Alex with W quest on level 1 is also a very viable alternative, you don’t hVe CDR sure but it won’t be useful for some cool plays anyways, it helps you to be a viable healer that can pretty much innervate whenever she wants with one click.

It actually was winnable. We team wiped them at a level disadvantage 16 deaths later, which was the first time everyone’s respawns had synced up so they were all at the same place, at the same time.

I can offer perspective of how useless he was; Nazeebo casually killing two minion waves before he even reaches level 2 equals around 10k siege dmg (even those clashed directly with your minions). Our guy had 20k by the time enemy team reached lvl 20. This is a sum total of killing three minion waves at a very inconsistent pace. Seeing it was also on a three lane map, quite an achievement, isn’t it?

Luckily he had Blood Ritual so he was able to gain some collateral stacks through no action of his own, otherwise it would have raised some suspicion with others - I am shocked they didn’t notice but that isn’t surprising and it appeared as if unlike him, they were giving their best all things considered - Kaelthas even picked mana shield.

These players fall into three categories;

  • those who lost you the game but are inexperienced with the hero so you probably forget the whole deal after inspecting their profile, no harm done but does 500 games on a hero disqualify?
  • ones that are aware of being forced to play at a disadvantage so they constantly fish for opportunities and try to reduce the xp gap, but never throw themselves at the enemy hoping for a favorable outcome because you can still win the game by being alive at the right moment, which understandably results with poor score, np
  • someone after who you have to clean up and as a result aren’t able to do much else

It is not as if I had a special incentive by my level one talent to spend three minutes of the game autoattacking to finish my quest, because I’ve noticed some users pointing fingers I had made the wrong choice (as if it would make any difference). Just seeing the enemy composition and choosing not to engage with them on a melee character should be enough. I don’t even understand how someone dares to talk back after they’ve cumulatively spent triple the time than it took me to finish my quest on waiting for respawn.

More proof of amazing matchmaker at work. valla overall stats, made sure to exclude vs AI

I am more than 600 mmr away from the average of 9 other players so the game must have thought it would be appropriate that our opponents are a 5 man premade. Better draw for sure, but everyone was pretty terrible mechanically.

Against what tier of players must have this guy been playing to have maintained 65%? He was in party with Greymane who didn’t manage to smash a single cocktail on minions and hit an enemy hero with it.

Just as you’re preparing to jump out of an open window, sometimes on a rare occasion you run into someone like this. Not the best player either, at first a little skeptical of your approach to the game, but quickly notices how much an advantage you are creating for your team through calls and decision making. Very disagreeable at first but they all ended up voting for me.

Smurfs are the reason this game died, period full stop

Was one of the reasons yes. But since game is F2P then smurfs will always be in your games.

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No one can convince me their prevelance wasn’t the primary reason people lost interest

if one wanted to feel helpless and unable to effect the outcome they’d go do their jobs, at least then they’d get paid for their misery

I really don’t see it that way. There’s no reason someone who had a high level on a hero couldn’t buy a skin, but neither was there a reason for someone lvl 8 on a hro to buy the skin if they liked it.

Some skins, like Bucaneer Falstad, were just really popular. The issue was that you had to pick between showing your mastery of a hero, or using a skin you liked. Which was why they created the Mastery rings.

dude I main Vikings, that’s like literally their whole schtick.

Either they are wasting time fighting you for soak, letting your team push 4v3, or you get free soak.

Nothing which can’t be handled with little coordination, nothing more than what is needed to be allowed to play the trio properly. If TLV’s four man stack pushes either extreme north or south, the enemy team player with good wave clear will usually be able to outsoak and outpush the vikings on two adjacent lanes.

If TLV team decides to push middle which could more easily allow them to intercept players moving across the map, the other team can counter this by regrouping at the same spot and by always rotating out the most wounded player for soak duty so they save on healer mana and walking time. This player is unlikely to get ganked or bullied by individual vikings even at 1/3 the health.

It feels like you either win because no one knows how to soak to begin with, individuals casually keep repeating the same mistake which creates a snowball or in case of premades, the four man team premade is much stronger that they could win the game with the fifth being afk. Vikings are only scary on BHB and maps with vehicles.

In my opinion their biggest potential isn’t spit soaking, but the ability to leisurely beat any opponent through brute force once they reach level 13.

A 6009 damage whitemane with 20K healing
this is not okay
Fix yourself quickly before I tell you everything you’re doing wrong

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Imo, smurfs are the second. First is Blizz. The company messed it up (forced esports costy; expectation to beat LoL, lol; dOnTyOuHaVePhOnEs which lead to a rush to fix the Diablo franchise which required more dev power which they took from HotS; Kotick and the firings, lawsuits; and all of this lead to pulling the plug: maintenance mode, which made a lot of ppl lose interest, and they already lost a lot of faith and hope with Blizz).


Both Youtube and Blizzo forums trying out some dumb UI changes on the same day. Shoot me now.

What changed? Did’nt notice anything so far.

I’m not sure. I don’t think it’s a functional change.

I can see only two cosmetic changes, which is to the “last visit” line, the blue highlight now only stretches 3/4 of the line, rather than the whole line. When you scroll up/down posts, the animation has also been changed.


One specific Aram made me roll into a corner weeping. Whitemane was the only available healer in our roster. And I had to be decent enough to choose her. Except I wish I wasn’t. Didn’t help that most of the allies didn’t at least try avoiding skill shots. Felt so relieved when enemy team put us out of our misery.
Ive been trying to get the all same hero Aram for a few days now!! When will it show up already :sob:

Sky Temple, we are in enemy base with 3 lines of catapults parked at their core and I am unable to beat it to death, so I start to retreat but lucky Illidan gets a hunt on me half a map away with help of Tyrande’ bird. We have superior numbers so it is not even a question of losing, game guaranteed to end in less than half a minute.

I’m dead but the game is over, so I go get pizza before it gets cold. The two objectives light up BLUE and I go afk. No way to lose this. I return 10 min later to find a reconnect screen + defeat in stats. What? I’m confused, load up the replay immediately following the moment of my death I notice the clown show starting; two of our four players abandoning the top shrine to go help defend Nazeebo against Illidan in the bottom shrine. They somehow kill him but lose the opposite one, so they start running across the map again during which one dies to Abathur’s mines after being dismounted five times. No threat to our own core we still have 3 keeps. All good.

Teamfight ensues (2v2 because others died to minions and temple guardians) and it says REPLAY DESYNC. How will I ever learn the outcome? I can’t even load up teammate profiles the check game history. It’s even worse if our opponents managed to lose after being given a second chance. If we lost it is for a good reason because my team was assembled out of morons and I don’t mind.

I’ve filled in the blanks with some friday-afternoon alcohol induced imagination. The corrupted replay indicates there’s 7 more minutes to go but it crashes before reaching that part.

welcome to my world
you’ll find thats an average wednesday evening and saturday mid-day.
never sunday though, no that’s when you put up with a stukov in every match fully speced into purple puddle

Tuesdays can be both

and just don’t play her on Monday, save yourself the fury

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Lol note taken, got the hang of her mid game but by then the enemy divers never missed the chance of one shotting me. The rest of my team were just cruising. A typical thursday.

Thats a friday
Thursday is when you don’t play whitmane and find 15 different perfect opportunities to dominate as a whitemane but when you decide “f it I’ma play whitemane” you get shoved on a team with a butcher unfamiliar with the term “retreat” zeratul who thinks their a god and an alarak that cant combo

anguish is the only constant

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