Role Lock Varian in QM

I understood the comment perfectly. And I also understood that everything about it was incredibly silly.

The person who wants to play a Bruiser or Assassin role now gets a respective queue time. That’s called fairness. What a world ending consequence when queue times are generally sub one minute during typical play times.

There are also 90 heroes in this game. The idea that an exclusive Varian per team is going to lock Varian players out of a consequential number of games is absurd.

Yes, there will be a technical difference. No, it will not matter to the average, or likely even to an overwhelming number of players. If you can’t spare the extra few seconds in queue, you didn’t have time for video games anyways.

They didn’t have a ranged bruiser, I know what a ranged bruiser is, thank you.

Expanding parameters doesn’t throw out matching healer/healer, tank/tank, but flex rules such as support/bruiser/melee assassin aren’t strictly mirrored.

I ask again which server do you use? If you’re on the EU, in QM you will more likely have the flex roles mirrored than on the US server, or the small servers like SEA/ANZ/Brazil.

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No, you don’t get it, but I’m not going to sit here and explain it to you further.

Not sure who I am responding to, but in support of Minky!

I just realised I could go through my Kharazim matches to fish for examples. I generally know him as the Healer Who Struggles; I don’t play him much. Out of five matches, two qualifies.
Kharazim, Gul’dan, Nova, Zul’jin, Medivh (winners)
Samuro, Junkrat, Valla, Hammer, Auriel
It provides extra support to him. Relatively fair match by ratings, but Gul’dan and Nova apparently carried. Possibly irrelevant as the first team has Minnie and Mickeytroll, but nothing weird is visible from the stats.
Blaze, Kharazim, Li-Ming, Tracer, Abathur
Diablo, Deathwing, Sonya, Jaina, Anduin (winners)
You can see this is an older match, and that role matching was very loose.

Another (generic) problem with these matches is that Kharazim is a melee healer and thus I assume he works better when he can brawl alongside others. Being solo frontline means he won’t heal the team much.

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Rag, Thrall, Malthael, and Xul are considered assassins for quick match despite their in-game classification. I’m not sure if it’s considered a bug or not, but it’s not a case of quick match dropping the bruiser vs bruiser rule, it’s that these particular heroes aren’t considered bruisers at all by the matchmaking system. You shouldn’t see them as a solo “bruiser” against a team with a bruiser that is actually flagged as a bruiser for the quick match system.

I apologize if I offended you with how I worded my response, that truly wasn’t my intention. I don’t know your background with the game and my response was based solely on your post and my own experience with quick match. I have a lot of experience with quick match including long queue time matches in the middle of the night on US servers when very few players are queuing, so I would expect that I would’ve seen this happen at least a few times by now.

Edit: If you still have that screen shot with Sonya on a team and no bruiser on the other team, I’d still appreciate if you posted it. Sonya is considered a bruiser by the quick match system, so that screen shot would clear this up and if my belief about the quick match system is wrong, I won’t provide bad information in the future again.


Blaze, Kharazim, Li-Ming, Tracer, Abathur
Diablo, Deathwing, Sonya, Jaina, Anduin (winners)
You can see this is an older match, and that role matching was very loose.

That one is still matched correctly - If one team has a tank, the other team gets a tank (Blaze-Diablo), and bruisers are no longer necessarily matched. If neither teams get a tank, and one team gets a bruiser, the other team is supposed to also get a bruiser (provided it’s not one of the bruisers that have a different role in QM matchmaking)

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They had changed the roles a while back. It used to be Warrior, Assassin, Support, and Specialist, Varian was the only Multi-Class.

To my understanding the old Warrior role consisted of heroes like Yrel, Varian, Sonya, Leoric, Imperius, and I think every tank. There are probably more bruisers that were once classified as Warriors. Varian was a Warrior and Assassin simultaneously, hence the title of multiclass. Ragnaros, Malthael, and Thrall were classified as Assassins, not to be confused with Range Assassin or Melee Assassin.

In the Role Expansion Update, they didn’t clarify if this would change the way the matchmaker worked to match teams together and I don’t know if they ever did explain it, so I think this is why there are lot of matches where the roles don’t seem to add up.

That game is long gone in my match history, but I did have a QM yesterday where our team had Sonya (and no additional bruiser or melee assassin) and the enemy had no bruisers, only Illidan.

As Bruisers/Melee assassin are treated as “flex roles” by the MM, this isn’t a surprise to me. I’ll pull a screenshot from a replay when I next play Hots.

You didn’t offend me, but I appreciate the apology and extend to you the same.

Alrighty, here is a match where Malthael is matched against Kharazim and Zeratul.
For science.

ps.: I just checked my own Malthael match history, three matches, and they all fulfill the idea that he is matched as melee assassin (against Butcher, Murky, Zeratul). I intended this is an example of a leisurely “melee” matchup, but these matches work Dreyda’s hypothesis. Oh well. I was eager to support the case and also a bit overwhelmed by the match.

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Highly depends on team comp. Varian as a bruiser is not that great to have when there are bruisers that does his job 10x better.

Only time a Tank/bruiser Varian beats a Solo tank team is when Varian can freely attack and kill everyone that cant defend himself againts him. Or if he plays againts a team that is too weak compared to his.

Role locking does nothing but remove his role as a muliclass hero. Thats why you keep seeing trash Varians pick Twin Blade into everything and then blame his team for not doing anything while he left his team without a propert tank.