Restrict full 5m parties to ranked

There is really no business for a full 5m party to play in QM; it’s always a pub stomp. There is a feature for these people who want to have a proper “full game”, it’s called ranked mode.

There is really too many disadvantages for the non-full 5m pre-made party, such as team composition, communication etc etc. Even a 4m pre-made is dependent on the last member, but a full 5m pre-made doesn’t have any kind of disadvantage at all. These are the same players who have >70% winrate because they only queue as 5m pre-made.

It’s disheartening, anti-fun, and just plain head on frustrating to be matched up against a 5m pre-made. Please, let these bullies have their fun being matched against other 5m pre-made. Quick Match is not supposed to accommodate this kind of play.


they did in Masters and Grandmasters

Most 5 men in QM are just casuals who play with their friends ot people using the group feature to do quests or get more bonus xp.

While smurf bully groups do exist, they are a minority in comparison.

Most 4 5 men aren’t any different to deal with than all solos.

How about we restrict all of you QM whinners to ranked?
That actually would be a fantastic idea because all you cry about is having 4 people of your skill level in your team and comp not being to your taste so forcing you to draft mode with people of your rank would be the best.

Lastly, on the behalf all the masters who can’t play with their friends in ranked and have to smurf or derank or play QM or URD : go screw yourself , i am against smurfing but i may do it just to spite you and all solo QM whinners.


Minority? of 4 5m premade i played against today in a short span of 2 hours, 3 of them camp fountain and refuse the end the game.

Why can’t you play with your friends? play with just 3 if you want QM? nobody at your rank in ranked? Don’t speak on behalf of all masters you are just speaking for yourself.

People who are in your situation are far and few. There are far many more solo QM players who occasionally queue with a few friends. I’m not afraid of master players; in fact i get ranked against these 5m pre-made because my mmr is similar to some of them. What ticks me off is the 5m pre-made advantage; so go ahead and smurf I don’t give a rat’s a***.

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I never saw people camp fountains , ever.

Most i have seen are people delaying a bit to get all the structure for max xp in a stomp while a bit insensitive it did not drag the game much and still very rare , like 2 or 3 occurrences.
And some times those delaying stupidities made us isolate one or two guys and win the game later because of stagger deaths and xp catch up.
Any personnal experiences are different and have the same value.

Why don’t i play with 3 friends in QM?
I play with my friends when we can and feel like playing.

What am i supposed to do when i get 4 friends showing up?
Some are total beginners or want to just try the new heroes they don’t have, am i supposed to tell them to go screw themselves?
No, i go to QM because this is the sole pvp format allowing us to do so and queue times aren’t much of a problem.

And mind you we get to face more of those “bullies” than you poor all solos we also are matched mostly against 4 5 men and this is why i can tell it is either full casuals or people grouped with the feature without the voice.

Now , how about you answer my question.
Why don’t you go to ranked?
How is forcing all solos QM complainers to ranked not a good idea when all you complain about is same skill level and comps?

If blizz asked me if i want old TL and HL back i would do so in a heartbeat.

What if i want to do QM with some people because i dont care doing SL? I dont want to have to deal with bans and stuff , i just want to have everyone play what they want and do wonky comps once in while.

Like that 5 support team, thats always awesome lol

Also , QM doesnt have just bronze in there, ive often played vs D and M players in there and those were by far my most entertaining matches !

So that whole idea to restrict full parties to rank…please no.


I’m too tired to dig up the hots wiki, but players in a 5 party going against solos get a significant MMR penalty as a counter-balance for their communication advantage (though not all 5 parties even communicate on voice or chat).

Which means the solos you face are 300-500 MMR higher than the players in your party and will be favored to win the game unless you really are coordinating combos and strategies on voice chat.

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I stopped playing in bigger groups, because the communication is usually lacking and the skill gap within the group is too wide. Combined with the significantly better enemies, it’s usually a one-way match.
You’d be surprised how much better the non-premade usually is. I’ve been in matches against a perfect 5 stack and both their micro and macro was so horrendous, we ran circles around them.

That said, it is frustrating if the premade picks 3 ultra-gank heroes and preys on players who lack awareness early on. I find it most useful to try to stall as much as possible and go for macro play in late game.

Final opinion: It will always be hard to balance 5 mans against others. However, it doesn’t justify banning them from somewhere.

So, because I want to have fun with friends I’m supposed to get banned from playing the most popular game mode? What?


This is a problematic suggestion… Because certain players (master and above) were already limited to duo queue last patch.

Now if you also remove the ability to 5 queue in other modes, these players can never play with their friends in any mode except AI or custom…


Having premade groups in games just further shows how poor the match making system is. It is so easily apparent that there is no skill measure involved in putting together teams in Quick Match, especially when there’s premades involved. You will experience two types of premades in HoTs, one which is the reason you lost and one which is the reason you won, regardless on if they are friend or foe. For some reason when I have premades of 2-3 placed on my team, I WILL most likely lose that game. It is just something I noticed recently.

Considering the actual situation of HotS (where we can’t have again two different ranked queue), I would like to see SL reverted to only solo queue at all level. Premades of any size can go into QM and/or Unranked as they please.

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The problem when you face 5 man teams are mostly you need to pray to rng gods that you wont get half team full of trolls and feeders when you face them or its a complete stomp regardless of if the 5 man team is skilled or not.

Team comps are also a factor if it will be a stomp or not cause the 5 man team gets to pick their team comp and players while enemy team get a 100% blind draft by matchmaker. But that is also why i like to win over them.

Nothing is more satisfying to win over a 5 man team who think they are badass with their tryhard comp but then lose cause a 5 man teams always got one weak player that will lose it for them. I also sometimes check their rank if they have one. Most of them always have atleast one high rank and one low rank player on the team like diamond/master player and silver/bronze player.

But most 5 mans you face in qm are mostly casuals who found eachother in lfg or friends who play for the exp they get. I think i need to go atleast 2 years back just to find a 5 man team who were a tryhard comp that by my guess was on Vent or TS the way they sync their ults on us and rotated lanes.

You will also face 5 man teams now regardless of party size now.
Before 5 man teams was restricted to 3-4-5 man teams and they had long ques. About 6-10 min sometimes. Now you can que up as full team and get que times of 1min.

actually the only way a 5man premade is bad is when they fill their team with high dia and above.Mostly because then mm cant find people who are above their lvl because i noticed that mm puts premade against much stronger opponents. Every time it put me against a 5 man premade they were usually so much worse than my teammates that they got completely stomped. Most people dont notice just how much of a difference there is between a rank or two so even if they make some good comp they cant use it well


Why don’t you play as 5menpremade yourself then?
It’d be a more fair solution than banning ppl from QM just because you think you can’t play against premades successfully.
I mean… Blizz stated that their internal stats showed them that premades are actually not an issue.
And a bit of an anecdotal: there were times when my allies or the enemy thought the other side was a 5men premade but actually it was just a buncs of solos.

Because it’s called “quick match” for a reason. If you intend to play in a 5m party, it is only fair that you get matched vs other 5m parties.

There is nothing about same skill level and comps, and especially comps; 5m parties get such a huge advantage when it comes to comps. I just faced a team abusing auriel cho-gall after the buffs.

this has not been true for a long time; there is another post in another thread showing how matchmaking favours roles over MMR. Case in point, the 5m premade i face are all diamond and above; how are you supposed to find 5x diamond solo queue at the same time with the exact roles-matching? answer: you don’t. Before hotslogs was taken down, every single one of those games have these players at an average of 200-300 higher than the 5x solo queue, with maybe 1-2 players on the solo team at their MMR. These same 5m premade players have 70+% winrate on their statistics because they only play as 5m.

Because I want a quick game?

I don’t mind a challenging game, I don’t mind losing a game, but I don’t want to play an unfair game.

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You are aware that the system already compensates for this by treating 5-man’s as if they have a higher mmr? Parties don’t actually win more than normal players.

So how is it unfair if Blizz -with their internal data from every game- stated that they don’t have a real advantage backed by statistics?

You say it’s “unfair”, but nothing really backs it up.

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I’m not experiencing what you’re talkin about. Can you post some replays of the Stomps to help me understand?

Where are you getting that info from? The MMR penalty applied to a full stack vs full solos is in the official patch notes.

People have also ran tests as recently as 8 months ago to try whether they have higher win rate as 5 or as smaller parties, 5 parties consistently have lower win rate (because the play against better enemies).

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