Restrict full 5m parties to ranked

You are saying this based on the assumption that any 5 people together will result in a good team with a high skill level. Which is not true.

Not supposed? Based on what?
It would make no sense in a team based game to prevent people from playing together. Brand new players can’t play ranked.

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It’s called “quick match” for good reason. You have ranked if you want quality, if you want game quickly at expense of quality QM is for that. You have the same option to invite friends if you believe it to bring you such advantage. Simply horrible idea.

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Let me quote that for you. All credit to the original poster.

Repeat after me:

Quick Match is not Balanced.
Quick Match will not be Balanced.
Quick Match will NEVER be Balanced.

I don’t enjoy being blunt about it, but that is the hardcore fact that just is not getting through here. The problem is not that there are teams getting all sorts of CC while another isn’t, the problem is that the players are expecting all the benefits of drafting without actually drafting.

Seriously. Mobas with a large roster are designed from the start to go through a drafting process. You pick your team, you pick them to work together with each other, and hopefully develop some sort of overarching strategy to deal with the enemy team whether it’s hard lane pushing or dive compositions. In addition, you can also get the chance to ban characters that would pose a problem for your intended strategy.

That doesn’t take place with Quick Match. All that mode was designed to be was one where you could pick a character, and just be assured that you could play that character in the game that you got. It could be with a group of characters that work well, or it could be in a group that doesn’t. This also means that you get tons of players playing the characters that they want, rather than what the team needs… So you get a lot of hot-shot DPS players complaining they don’t get any help or healing because no one wants to go tank/healer.

Seriously, the problem is not the mode, it’s the people who don’t understand what the mode really is… Just a quick way to get into a match by completely bypassing the drafting process.

And every attempt to have the computer even attempt rudimentary drafting for you has just sent the queue times skyrocketing to the point where the devs revert them.

Repeat after me: Quick Match is not Balanced. Quick Match will NEVER be balanced.

Which is why 5m premade have such an overwhelming advantage, esp if they are of the upper MMR range. I don’t care about team comp if it was 5v5 solo queue and it just happens to be luck that one team got the short end of the stick, but it’s unfair when one team can coordinate their strats vs another team of randoms.

Maybe this doesn’t apply to lower end MMR because there are sufficient high mmr players to match them. But higher end pub stomp premade teams are disgusting.

If this really is the situation, then that means this game does not have enough players to even curb this problem. Alternatively, let them queue 10, 20 minutes to find their 5x correct MMR players, but bliz MM has now prioritise match time over match quality.


This… SO MUCH This. pressing the heart isn’t nearly enough.

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You’re talking as if it’s not your responsibility to work together with your team.

If you go into Quick Match without a group of any kind, you’re going to get what you can get. It’s the Wild West on crack in there, and it’s not the systems fault that you just refuse to go into a drafting mode, but expect all the benefits of a drafting mode. You got your team, work with them to try and get things under control and give that five-man premade hell.

Just because you aren’t part of a group doesn’t mean that you can’t work together with the randoms… Or at least admit that you’re a poor team player in a genre where teamwork is supposed to be paramount.


Thank you for the reply, taking the words out of my mouth. And thank you for the original post.

no amount of teamwork is going to beat those all-diamond and above 5m premade. there is a reason they have 70% win rates; their losses are probably from when they solo queue. I have at most won 2 such games in my memory of >3 years, and that’s because the enemy team wasn’t playing a serious comp.

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Im diamond and I stoped play quick match full 5m party. Its not fair with new players. The sistem cant find another full 5m party diamond/master level in qm’s, so after a few minutes forces umbalanced matches… its free win for us. Always stomp. 5 high leves Vs. casual or new players. Its not fun at all.

p.s.: desculpem se meu ingles não estiver 100% correto.