Loot chests are also significantly harder to get in LOL, so that adds even more value to it
I guess it depends on what the goal is.
If the goal is to hold a mirror to the player to paint a picture of the player’s actual behavior then tangible rewards is not the way to go. Sure, accolades might motivate those who are on the fence with their behavior but it wouldn’t deter those who are deep rooted in bad habits. Therefore, intangible rewards would result in a reflection of the player.
If the goal is to get players to behave better, then tangible rewards would be the way to go for that as it provides an incentive to not be toxic, afk, etc.
The issue I have with tangible rewards is that players will always find a way to exploit it and thus, make the system meaningless. I don’t think there has been a single online game I’ve played where I haven’t seen someone exploit a system in place and by extension, invalidate it entirely.
That is my concern with rewards for participation. Personally i don’t need any rewards for such a system.
I would like Dota 2 report system to be copy pasted in hots + good/bad behaviour system, where your acting rates from 1 to 10000. The higher you are - the better it is.
Unfortunately I have to agree. Good behaviour and sportsmanship is a qualitative trait and not a quantifiable one. It would be like comparing the first forum post that has 100 thumbs up with another one few scrolls below with only 10 and claiming that the author of the first one contributed more to the conversation.
The minimum you would expect from someone is common courtesy and general manners. I don’t consider being recognised as such as doing anyone a favour nor should I be rewarded for my consistency in not even trying. If I encounter someone that truly made an impression, I will instead express a compliment or send out a friend request.
What this community needs is encouragement to grow more organic relationships, not a counter that would simply measure how many days you’ve lasted without making a scene. I don’t really care about a specific badge a certain player is wearing to show off and neither will he after a month has passed.
What could work is votes counting in some way to reduce potential or current penalties for disconnecting from games and such. You earned a minimum of 5 votes in your last match? -one leaver penalty game less regardless if you won or lost the game in question.
The game is already rewarding you appropriately in form of bonus experience for winning, which becomes faster and more frequent the more successful I am. Now, if I put in a little more effort and do my best not to provoke my own teammates in the process, I will probably get rewarded more often. Do we really need a separate form of encouragement?
This is leagues honor system. What Tooton said is false. Most players care about this and seak to get the best honor level possible. The system is very very good.
Read the wiki link to the honor system. Players seak to get the highest honor possible to get all the rewards. Their system is really good at encouraging people to play with a positive attitude, since getting reported and the report actually being true can hurt your honor pretty bad and make you not get to level 5 at all. You can also get less experience and be unable to even level up if you lose honor a lot, can get you chat restrictions and even a ban for some days (though it may take a while to happen/you need to be destroying games everywhere).
Honors given by non premade teammate is worth way more than honor given by someone you’re partied with, so people can’t abuse it as well.
First your thread got closed down. Then opend again. What is this madness.
Ah never mind i saw you made a new one :BW silly
It was another thread, and he edited it. IIRC you can close your thread as well if you want. It will be deleted in 24h or something.
Ah nice did not know you could that.
That’s a great idea. Positive reinforcements work!
I kinda just want to get rid of the MVP screen in general. Play of the game would be something I’d like, but that’s kinda bland.
I see it get used in those cases beyond the norm. Like you get that one player who totally carries the team and is cool, or the one player who rallies everyone to a victory, and they’ll pull all the votes for that player.
I think that’s fine. It’s a good way for players to show some simple gratitude or respect.
Whether it’ll mean anything to players on HotS is the real question.
Id really like to see something like this
They have the upvote system at the end.
Blizzard said years and years ago they were going to do something with it but nothing…
Oh wait, they also said 3 years ago they would do something about AFK’ers that turn into AI players which would result is some type of loss mitigation… but here we are, nothing changed.
At least they spent a lot of time doing that weather thing instead of all these QoL changes, am I right?
Played with an Artanis Yesterday who was a good shot caller. I wish there was a way to emphasize that in-game.
Imagine if your team mates have none lol
Maybe a version of Billie the Kid for good behavior.
One of the problems with the MVP screen at the end is you don’t even get all 10 players on the screen. It’s very poorly designed, often a zero death healer, who has the most heals, most kills assists, zero deaths, will not even make the screen because the enemy healer who died 5 times gets “silencer” or “shriner”, “most seeds collected”, or other trivial things.
It is also pointless as an encouragement system as only MVP awards are recorded on your profile and the algorithm determines that.
I’ve had so many games like this with someone who pulls a team together and makes solid calls all match that lead to victory. There is a reasonable chance they won’t even make the MVP screen so you can give them a token vote.
It’s kinda sad that few people are interested in a merit system that awards good behviour.
I really think it’s needed as I just had someone “report” me as I asked them as them to solo lane (Sonya) top lane. I’m so rude I know!
This is because most people are not interested in good behavior lol.