Seriously, this isn’t I got banned or silenced rant. This is a you can report anyone for anything and they will still get banned or suspended.
You didn’t pick the right talents? Report
You are soaking bot lane when team is down 3 levels? Report
You don’t join a fight when enemy has 20 and you 16? Report
You are taking camps before obj to push while obj is going? Report
You said gg? Report
You picked murky? Report
You picked Aba? Report
I mean seriously, if you play enough games and have chat turned off, and just try your best each game you will eventually get banned/suspended just from people abusing the system.
Here is one. I just got reported probably by 4 people because I didn’t pick a talent correctly in an ARAM. So ya. Imagine getting suspended for that?
There are literally alpha/beta long accounts with 0 account actions… No one gets “just banned cuz reported”.
And tho picking Talents and Heroes are not ban and report worthy, in some cases that is a clear sign of non-cooperation, and individuals lacking teamwork are not well-suited for games like this, since they’re all about teamwork.
I bet that every banned acc did something actually report worthy.
Yes you can report, but this amount based system programmed by trainees doesn’t do anything. The only thing they implemented is to check if somebody wrote something before language reports get counted.
If you get reported in a lot of games without typing then you are the problem.
I’m just annoyed that every time there is a game loss people start handing out Reports for no reason at all. And im pretty sure if you rack up enough you get auto suspended.
Yup and with the report system being ran by bots, You will never get a proper review. Its just X amount of reports from different accounts, You can and will be punished and you will not be able to appeal it. Its quite sad really
Maaaaaaybe we will get lucky if microsoft gets this but even then I doubt it.
Sorry but talent/hero choice isn’t ban worthy. No one should get banned because they pick a hero someone else doesn’t like.
Death threats, telling someone to kill themselves, and racial slurs are the only things that should be ban worthy. Turn off chat if you don’t like what someone says aside from what’s listed above.
Disconnections are not ban worthy, there’s leaver’s queue for that.
Bans should not be for these type of minor things. If someone only talks trash, just mute them. There’s a feature in game for that… like what? If someone disconnects a lot they’ll get leaver’s queue and you don’t have to deal with them anymore. At most, suspensions should just get longer and longer with each offense… but bans should be reserved for death threats, telling people to kill themselves… and then hackers or cheaters.
If you think that because someone says you’re stupid they should be banned than you are a baby.
People being able to report during match without giving a reason is the major issue.
Imagine the huge drop in number of reports if you could do so only #1 after the match and #2 with a clear description what exactly the reported person did wrong.
90% of them are gone. Most invalid reports are filtered without blizz having to lift a finger.
You should actually. Even in those cases talent/hero choice is never ban worthy. In your above statement, you insinuated that in some cases it can be because its a “clear sign” of non-cooperation, but that doesn’t make it ban worthy. That’s what I was getting at. Don’t question my ability to read and understand when you can’t even read what you wrote yourself, which I even quoted the whole thing, not just one part like you did.
I clearly stated that it is not ban worthy. Period.
After that, I mentioned that it is a sign of non-cooperation, meaning that there are ppl who do stuff maleciously. Ever heard of trolls?
Geez, at least don’t try to push a narrative when you clearly just misread. Oh boi…
Just was blamed for going dbl support uther when other team had illidan… ya, was my fault for picking a hero and reported for picking a hero… see what I mean?
We had muradin/Valla/Lili/Gazlowe and me Uther on Braxis and I was blamed when other team had illidan Anduin, Anub, Nova, xul
I also picked Heroes (like Uther) in Ranked that made ppl angry. I have a friend who made a lot of ppl angry with Support Tassadar. Neither of us were banned ever, not even a Silence. You prob do more than you tell if you do get punishments.
Never said I was getting punishments. The entire point of the post was about people abusing the report system…
Literally in draft the lili said im reporting him. I mean… what are you reporting me for? What are they selecting? AFK? I mean I will eventually get suspended if people continue to do this.
So this thread is about ppl reporting players who did nothing and the reports being useless?
Like where is the abuse? To me abuse would be ppl getting innocent others getting banned, but reporting them with no negative outcome?..
Ok so when I get suspended I should come back here and tell you about it? I mean really. The system is literally automated. You get a certain number of reports in a certain time and bam, you are suspended.
So people abusing the system can very well get people suspended. I don’t see your point. Sounds like you are just trying to defend the broken system for whatever reason.
The use of “and though” and “in some cases” means that its not “period” because you put excuses to where its not as simple as “period”. If you really meant to say its not ban worthy, period… then you wouldn’t have even mentioned it in the first place because we already know that.
It was in the same exact sentence, separated by commas, meaning that you were relating them to each other lol.
Still not ban worthy.
Lol you just aren’t able to accept you are wrong huh? Typical narcissist. You either need to learn how to read what people write in their replies to you, or learn basic grammar and sentence structure so that two things you are saying are completely unrelated in regards to your point aren’t in the same sentence, structured as if you mean them to be relative to each other.
Here, this is the mirror: , get a better understanding of it just like reading, because only a narcissist would try to dictate what another person said. Only a narcissist would think they know better the intents than the writer, kek xD
I see it’s good I have you on ignore. Bye.