Reporting system needs changing


Has me on ignore yet still replies? Lol

Funny how you haven’t been able to address anything I’ve said besides one phrase or sentence. Proves you can’t come to the realization you’re wrong. Either by lack of intelligence, or simple arrogance. Either way, that’s a bad hill to die on friend.

“I can’t prove how I’m correct so I’ll ignore anyone who makes me look stupid” Grow up neckbeard man child.

2nd week of Alpha here. Level 1500 or something.

Zero account actions whatsoever.

Lol, no. I pretty much never play vs AI and i talk all of the time in chat.

There’s only been ONE instance of abusing the reporting system ever working and that has been when Grubby was silenced wrongfully. Until you have the notoriety of Grubby, it won’t happen to you.

These threads are hilarious because usually not very far into them the OP clearly demonstrates why they were punished by showing that behavior on the forums.

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He said “Not ban or report worthy.”

You’re going on a huge tangent because you didn’t read properly and wont admit it lol.

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If Grubby was nailed with this you just know it’s happened to others. Even with Grubby, the Blizzard GM literally refused to do anything about it. It’s only because someone with power in Blizzard watches Grubby that the case was reviewed.

Honestly, the only way this problem goes away is if Blizzard gets sued over it…and gl finding people who care enough to do that…it’s a F2P video game…

Are we just going disregard his actual sentence?

Looks like you need improvements in reading comprehension as well, and sentence structure

Good god it’s always you defending your forum clique.

I thought you had me on ignore too? Funny how you still take the time to reply also. Lol

He was silenced and got his appeal reviewed within 20min and got unbanned again becasue the dev already knew who he was. So yea some people have the priviledge to get unsilenced again while people like us dont stand a chance.


Unfortunately the community is so soft


There is a giant problem with the report system.
Should it be fixed? YES
will it be? probably not until AT LEAST after the microsoft buy goes through.

Those that say there is no problem with the report system and that it is not abusable are those that like to only acknowledge a problem if it is or has happened to them.

Considering how closely the report system for this game is VERY similar to Overwatch report system and some tiny details about that system let us peer into it more than the HoTS version there is many abusable aspects you can learn from it. As well as many examples of it being abused.

Like for example the entire Fuey500 fiasco of a torbjorn only player getting mass reported MANY AND MULTIPLE TIMES because people didn’t like his pick and he got banned for it, multiple times. Reason? gameplay disruption. He was a streamer so he had video evidence that this was wrong, but this happened multiple times and only got un-banned due to him being a streamer and having the video evidence public.

Also if you are fine with the report system being abusable it is literally against the ToS to abuse the report system and report falsely, do they enforce it? no never, even the report system doesn’t follow its own rules

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every time i play with my accounts i report everyone for everything at the end, after being banned and suspended several times by BS, im just joining the BS party and false reporting everyone just for fun, and sometimes i got an email saying my report was succesful and took actions bla bla bla… if they gives us the weapons im going to use them… sorry but not sorry

Anyone can sue anyone. Doesn’t mean they will win. No lawyer would take the case, not because it’s Blizz, some large corporation, but because there is little merit/chance to win in it. Most of the system is automated. There is nothing intentional about some player’s ban in Blizz’s end.

I would even say above are not ban worthy either. Perma-silence them for all I care, or even couple of days suspension (that doesn’t stack up to infinity).

My position about ban is, player who disrupts gameplay, afk, trolls, or throws. I know this can be subjective, and I acknowledge that without human element in the review process, it doesn’t mean much, but my standard is the same (bans for players who disrupt gameplay related).

As mentioned, disconnect itself isn’t a problem, if it were indeed just a disconnect. You don’t know if someone deliberately disconnected themselves. You said there is leaver que for it, I say if it were genuine disconnect on their end, player wouldn’t get banned for it as it would be infrequent (general rule is, you don’t get banned for first or couple of offence). If it’s frequent and shows a pattern (disconnet when the team is losing, when the draft is non-standard so to say), ban worty.


TL:DR for the most part only people who are highly e-famous get unfairly silenced.


Seriously. They wouldn’t last in a halo 3 lobby.

This I like, and agree with. But this forum clique would outrage if they weren’t, more than they are in this thread. They’re the only ones who think the report system is fine…

I can agree with that, but only if they aren’t permabans… same as above, it’s time based that stacks to infinity. Permabans just encourage smurfing.

I only say leaver queue is a good solution because it keeps players who routinely finish games from being disrupted by players with bad internet (not always their fault and shouldn’t be punished harshly for it), players who afk, and players who simply just quit. They get separated from the normal players and are put in “jail” if you will. Leaver queue isn’t a ban or permaban so I don’t think it’s an issue. But players who quit shouldn’t be banned either. At least not perma banned

I’ll reiterate that perma bans should be reserved for extreme cases, like cheating, botting, hacking, death threats (like finding someone’s IP address and threatening them in real life for example) should be perma banned. Anything chat related should just have a time based ban if anything.

More so, players should be smart enough to turn off chat or mute others if they don’t like what someone says. They’re seriously hypersensitive children if they actually get offended by what a random stranger says. That’s their problem though, even though they’ll never admit it.

Ha, I literally made a smurf just for ARAM matches because I realized when I’d play a bunch of ARAM in addition to regular ranked game I’d get my account suspended >_> That ARAM game volume is deadly! I do enjoy the mode for late nights and early mornings though.

Also, try running non-meta hated heroes primarily, non-meta compositions, and play at a high frequency, and see if you never run into the joy of being banned. Yesterday I had nine wins in a row in mid diamond level games. This included two games with no tank, and one game with no healer or tank. I guarantee I got some reports due to my own and my partner’s drafting decisions. Did we win? Yes. By a large margin? Usually. Will that matter to the automated reporting system or to a lot of players who don’t know any better and think uncoordinated play is the same thing is a high level tournament, no. So… Good thing I now have enough accounts so I can be happy with my game volume. Granted, I shouldn’t have to run three accounts to not have issues with suspensions for playing a lot while also not agreeing with community consensus about drafting.

Side effect of a dead game.

All the bright-eyed hopeful new players with dreams of having fun are gone. All the players remaining are the miserable masochistic wretches who justify their continuance playing with a sunk-cost fallacy of (Well I’ve played is this long, might as well keep at it.)

The downside to this, is most hots players are so miserable that their tolerance for poor performance and incompetence has reach an all time critical low. It’s gotten to the point now where [x,y,z] strat is so commonplace and accepted as meta that any deviations from it are considered trolling. “Everyone knows you split 4-1 on two lane maps. You deviating from this merits a report. Good day sir.”

Essentially, trolling by definition is defined as ruining the experience of other players through deliberate negative actions. Well, to most, staying top while the objective is up and the entire enemy team is on obj can be considered by most as ‘ruining the experience’ and ‘deliberately negative’, so, enjoy your report.

It’s a mixture of that, and just regular venting. I think the majority of the playerbase knows the report system is dumb busted broken, so at this point a report is likely to do nothing, but it makes you feel better sending one out so what the hell, right?

Exactly, unless it’s cash up front. Not gonna happen. Basically, deal with it lol.

The most problem is no limit of reports.

I agree with you until this point. I personally would like to see a stacked suspension punishment, but not a perma ban.

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