Reporting abusive chat rant

Imagine playing a game that you are losing, suddenly the Gul’Dan on your team says “Gul’dan is crap, yadda yadda”. You tell him “I’m sorry but you are crap with Gul’dan” and you are explaining to him what he is currently doing wrong, how he can change that by simply picking the right talents in this situation and out of nowhere your whole team gets butthurt or shall I say “offended” (meanwhile the Gul’dan doesn’t actually care about what you said) so they start talking crap. You respond, game ends, you get reported by that one absolutely offended high level player, who also decides to PM you after the game and instantly block and you get suspended for abusive chat the following day.

I’m sorry but if you can talk crap and report someone, you have no right to report someone for abusive chat. If you can’t take trash talk but also talk trash just mute and that’s it. Every game consists of a scuffle between players, you can’t expect butterflies and unicorns in a game where you have to work with 4 other people towards the same goal.

What exactly did you expect to happen when you said this?


Exactly what followed up, although the whole backstory is just there for the follow up. As I said I don’t mind trash talking or getting trash talk from my teammates.

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So you expected it to devolve into a flame war, for which you would get suspended? And even knowing that, you wrote it any way?

Some days people baffle me…


I don’t think you are following up everything. Did you read 2 sentences and stopped there? My point is you shouldn’t be able to report when you are getting involved in this.

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Or you could have just reported him and moved on rather than making a topic? Doesn’t matter what you think at this point because these are the rules you’re stuck with them like it or not. Your topic is entirely pointless because this isn’t anything new and you knew full well what you were walking into.

If you want to vent out there is a salt thread available stick to that.


Or maybe you shouldn’t start flame wars for no reason, so you wouldn’t be reported in the first place?


Every rule is there to be perfected and as you can see there is a huge flaw in this one. You shouldn’t be able to get suspended if 1 guy reports you for abusive chat considering he is lets say instigating the situation.

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He reported you because you actually went there? Seems to be working fine for me. Rather why don’t you take your own advice and grow a pair. You talk crap you know what you’re in for. Doesn’t matter who started it, the team doesn’t need to listen to either of you bickering over chat rather than playing. You think your little argument is any fun for the other 3 people in the team? Fat chance.

If you want to be productive rather than fighting in chat use those keys to actually move around the map and contribute. Again the team doesn’t need to deal with either of you.

It takes more than one report to actually have someone banned if that were the case the game would be a lot more fun for me getting rid of so many nuisances.

It takes multiple reports from multiple matches to get suspended, so it sounds like this is a persistent problem for you. I do recommend reconsidering how you offer advice moving forward.

Tough chance when there is 1 game like this in every 10 games you play. So it wouldn’t make any sense to get reported for abusive chat when you don’t say a thing the whole game.

They don’t consider such reports? They already modified that ages ago to disregard any abusive chat reports if there is nothing typed on the side of the person being reported. Try again.

Then maybe don’t say anything, rather than calling other people crap?

I’m sorry, but you don’t get suspended/silenced because of 1 single report. You’ve been pretty toxic towards a lot of players in a lot of matches and now you got what you deserved.


Why call someone crap? Sure maybe they might not be good but try to be more positive in your games, it goes a long way towards bringing the team together. Maybe try and point out and give the worse players tips. Trash talking gets you no where.
By the way, you can’t get silenced if you just don’t say anything


Most teams that work toward the same goal have respect for each other. Its not always butterflies when things go wrong, but once you lose that respect, you’re not going to work well together.

I played some matches with some people on the forums and I was pretty bad compared to them. I felt like they were frustrated with my noobiness but they were never disrespectful to me. Respect goes a long way. Some people don’t care about it and are toxic either way, but you don’t make things better by calling people crap and talking trash.

Starting a debate or argument in the middle of the match is a great way to lose a match and collect a bunch of reports.

If they suck at playing and building Gul’dan, they aren’t going to improve in the next 15 minutes no matter how much advice you dish out.

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The toughest pill to swallow over these tiffs is that you most certainly were not slapped with an abusive chat warning over one report. You have to receive consistent reports, over multiple games, from multiple users.

It’s never, ever just one game, or one set of reports.

My thing is this. I will not report people for i dont get offened by words. If you do its time to grow up kids. Now the only time i will report is if the person is saying raciest stuff. No need for that stuff in a game and honestly people like that should not be online in the first place

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OP, bottom line, you need to accept responsibility for your own actions.

Regardless of the instigating situation that prompted you to speak in a way that earned the reports, you still chose to speak in a way that put the final nail in the coffin that led to your suspension. Note that I said ‘final nail in the coffin’… This means that you are repeatedly engaging in this sort of discussion that I, whether it’s targeting me personally or not, just do not play a game to experience.

What’s worse, with just taking a moment and switching a few things around, just changing a few words… you could have actually improved the understanding of the offending player. You could have said ‘well, using that talent against this comp/on this map is a little difficult to pull off’… but instead you just jumped right to the things that got you suspended.

There is the mute function, but any player who actually is worth their salt shouldn’t have to employ it. That chat feed can give you useful information that just can’t be communicated through pings, and maybe, just maybe, it could be information from a more experienced player trying to help me understand a character I’m coming to grips with. However, it’s discussions like these that prompt me to mute, yes, but also report. I shouldn’t have to mute anyone in this game if everyone behaves, so the report goes in… and seeing posts like these, with the same tired excuses of ‘toughen up buttercup, I wanna be a snot and play this game, but you get in my way snowflake’ tell me that the system is working as intended.