Rename unranked to QM

Thank you, next.

-Disable mirror heroes unless it’s a new hero
-disable bans
-shorten time to pick heroes

Oh yeah, if someone is AFK and they don’t pick a hero when the game starts, the game is voided and players return to main screen. This will make sure players are ready to go and reduces the rage players have when someone is AFK and an AI takes its place. Don’t you just love it when you’re in QM and there’s always that 1 person who is AFK the first 2 minutes of the game.


No thanks. If I want to play draft, I will play draft. I actually enjoy being able to play whatever I want every now and then.


Unranked was made for people who wanted to train himself in a mode were he draft his team without having to think about ranks.

Qm is fine at it is. People just need to stop leaving games and take responsibility and fix his internet insteed of keep on playing to ruin 4 other players enjoyment becasue he dont care.


I like the idea of unranked (though in ANZ no one plays it) I think because pop is low we should get rid of unranked and have a QM option for “~normal” comp.
Though I don’t think this will happen and would like it to happen even if they didn’t get rid of unranked.

No. I like QM as it is.


No matter how often you regurgitate your ideas in regards to QM and UD won´t change that it´s a dumb idea.


This is too logical to be put in place.

QM is a mess! I lose half my games at draft. BS like 5 assassins vs 5 assassins, or 4 melee against 3 blinds… things like that.

A fast draft mode would at least reduce these happening too often.

Some people don’t like to play draft. Don’t force them to play draft please.

I only play draft modes but realize not everyone is like me. Thanks.


lol it’s not even the same as draft from the changes I said. You all read the title and quick to comment like it’s some click bait article.

QM is broken and you people know it.

The only difference with my change is that you select your character while others are selecting theirs and you see the other team selecting their characters which makes people be mindful of counters and team compositions which ultimately puts everyone in a better situation. Also a chance not to be in a game with an afk’er from the start.

If blizz did change it, you have to face it like exp gloves, weather, reworks etc… Did the community ask for it? no, but they did it anyways.

This. It is so annoying when the same people suggest the same things when every time their ideas get shot down.

Its insane to do the same thing and expect different results.


Sometimes the majority isn’t correct

It’s almost as if subjective opinions are … subjective.

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There can’t be a “correct” opinion. If the majority of the playerbase doesn’t like something, no matter if its correct or not, why should it be in the game?

There’s a thing called majority rules, and its like that for a reason. Would the company rather make 5/100 people happy? or 95/100 people happy? I think we can all agree the company would want to make the most people happy as possible.

Changing QM and merging it with UR isn’t something a whole lot of people would want. QM is the way it is for a reason. Play any hero without worrying about having it get banned or stolen by someone else.

What needs to happen is optimization. That will help a lot to make the game generate more fair and balanced QM matches. This game is great, it just lacks optimization.

And lose the mode where I’m guaranteed to be allowed to play Orphea or Nova without getting flamed for my pick?

No thanks next


Am I the only one who enjoys quick match, because the way everyone describes it you would not think anyone would.

You play what you want, when you want, against any random combination of enemies, some games are good some are bad, find lessons and improve from losses. If you are actually any good at the game and end up in the higher mmr bands the stomps either way are few and far between.

Draft modes do not interest me in the slightest, if I always banned what I am weak against how would I ever learn to dominate.

Each to their own tho, I understand people wish to play draft.


Tbh I’d still flame in qm for poor picks. Dva, nova, gazno… just no to those three. There are other picks I hate too

:roll_eyes: of course you would
But at least I can pick that hero and not also have people demanding I play tank or healer which is what would happen in any form of draft, happens all the damn time in Storm League and there it’s fine I’ll bite the bullet
But QM is for when I want to play whatever the hell I want if I want to go on a Qhira marathon ,or want to play an otherwise “bad” hero for a bit I’ll do that in QM and the mathcmaker will at least try to give me a balanced game of similar heroes on both sides.

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From my experience unranked still turns into QM. You usually get one piece of trash that instantly locks w/e they want to play.

Oh no that’s clearly in favor of team… B…?

No, I know people like you have broken minds, but I just don’t have the power to fix it currently.
As soon as possible I’ll assimilate you into the hive mind and correct it all I promise.

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If Blizzard would know how to balance team comps then QM would be completely fine - if they would fix the AFK thing of course because in every match nowadays there are ppl sitting in spawn and start to move after the game has already started. Or don’t move at all.

I mean, last time we had 4 mages in our team while the enemy had total front line bullies. If we all are in the same match, Blizzard obviously thinks we have equal skill. So why is it so hard to move 2 of our mages to the enemy team and move 2 of their bullies to our team? Then both comps would be rather equal and you would not be frustrated in a match where your team gives up after 5 minutes, sits in spawn and just waits for the enemy to end the match.