What specifically are you saying is broken? And what is the broken thing that would get solved by changing QM entirely, while this new thing of yours makes sure that all the players who are playing QM because they like QM will still like this new QM of yours?
It is. It forces losses by giving you ridiculous comps or AFKs and terribad players. Just check the match history of anyone, doesn’t matter who. You will see losing streaks of up to 10 matches easily. If you win too often, Blizz makes you lose. That’S broken.
Forced losses is just nonsense excuses by people who lose too much because they get tilted or other things.
And most people aren’t very good, so they would rarely realize that the enemy has these terribad afk idiots too. So they feel that it’s only their own side that gets them, while both sides gets them.
Also, for the record, I don’t think I’ve ever had a lose streak higher than 5 losses. I’ve had plenty of 10+ winstreaks, though.
How can it be abused to the extent it will be broken? A random group of 5 join, one is AFK from the start and by that, the game has not registered any clicks in the game.
Also if the person is AFK, they will get leaver penalty anyways and what are the chances of a bunch of people “abusing it”. Only takes like what… 2 or 3 games to get leaver penalty.
Everything can be abused in this game:
reporting false actions
exiting a qm from the first 5 seconds
trolling in-game
in-game chat
teaming up with 2 x healers or 3 x tanks or whatever combo
Abuse can come in many forms, not just what benefits the player.
Yeah you’re right, I will be the one that “abuses” it cause I sure do love queueing with other leavers and wait 1 hour for a qm game. Don’t tell anyone but that was sarcasm. Shhhhh
Unranked is fine for people who wants to go one step futher and play draft were you dont lose any ranks for it. Then when you are more experienced with draft you enter the real ranked mode and play with ranks.
So there is nothing pointless about unranked unless you dont play draft modes yourself.