Remove MVP ending screen

I’m sure this has been said to death, but remove that screen already.

It seriously blue balls people who start playing this game as a final middle finger despite having a good time in the game.

I pretty much try to get people together, even entice some of my friends to buy some of the cosmetics in game which they think about, looks fun.

After a game of just fooling around and joking, like most games are, that MVP comes up and just screws up everybody. While some of us make it to the screen, those that do not are basically alienated out, even those that turned the tie of battle by doing one specific point at the right time.

Really turns off friends from picking up the game and playing again afterwards, even when I tell them it doesn’t mean anything and should ignore it… there’s still that bit that MVP didn’t need to be there and just ruin it for everyone.

If you don’t get rid of it entirely, at least remove it from casual game play so it won’t demotivate people who are just picking it up for fun, and hold it for those that really are trying to get better for competitive game play.

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How often does that happen? You’re telling me that one of you guys is never on the screen after many games?

I’m always up there for something, feel free to upvote #voteforme #prez202-whatever

That’s sad.

An MVP screen is enough to ‘turn’ people away from the game? Kind of pathetic, really.

While I agree that it is dumb design to HAVE to sit through it, I don’t find it a bad thing. I just wish that it wasn’t a requirement to sit through the screen in order to move on with your life.

Some times, I’ll have something come up toward the end of the game. So then I have to sit and wait for the core to explode, wait for victory/defeat to be displayed for 10mn, and then have to wait for the MVP charade to end so I can finally leave without incurring leave status.

Aside from that, it’s not really a significant factor in whether I play the game or not. i don’t play the game for the MVP screen, I just play to win.


That’s fine if you just play to “win”

However, like I said, newer players that are getting into the game, who are getting the grasp of it and play for fun it’s really off putting.

If it doesn’t affect you, like you just mentioned, then this really isn’t addressing you too much. And just that’s fine if topics don’t address you.

I’m talking about my experiences and how it’s been when I get newer people to play the game.

But if you just rush rush win, that’s a whole different demographic than a casual would get into.

Well, before they added the MVP screen, in its place was just a long loading screen, so it’s not too different sitting through one or the other (only the loadscreen feels like it takes longer :stuck_out_tongue: )

I agree with Ayeziza: it’s weird that the MVP screen has that much effect on your friends’ enjoyment of the game.
If they’re just playing casually and are newer, should they be expecting to get commendations?
'Cause I would think being disappointed or discouraged because of not getting one kind of implies they think they should have gotten it.
Going into a new game expecting to be MVP and feeling insulted if you’re not seems absurd from where I’m standing :man_shrugging:


It only ruin anything for you if you actively allow it to. It’s not about the MvP screen… It’s about you not being able to manage your emotions for something that has no significance.

Think about it.

“WHAT?! THIS guy got MvP? Maaaaan this freakin game don’t know anything!! ME… I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MVP!”


It has nothing to do with ‘rush rush win’.

My point was that I play in a way that wins the game, whether that takes a long time or not. I don’t play to appear on the MVP screen.

The MVP screen is heavily misleading because it doesn’t take into account of valuable data like peels so you could have been doing an amazing job but not appear on the MVP screen and that’s ok. Play to win, not play to appear on the MVP screen was my point.

There are plenty of people who appear on the MVP screen that I would die before voting for. They were useless all game and stat padded all game. Will not vote for them. If that’s what you want to do, then so be it but you should simply disregard the MVP screen and just play to win. You and your lot.

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While the MVP screen really is meaningless. If it’s enough to make a person stop playing because they weren’t on it, I think the issue isn’t the screen itself.

They’ll probably happen upon something else that will bother them and make them stop playing,

If they’re not competitive and play for fun, I can’t see why it would bother them though.


Those kind of players plays ARAM since ARAM has the fastest queue times. Why because it’s one lane no need macro play just skirmishes in middle and that’s all.

MVP screen itself is not the main issue. The real problem is people do ARAM all the time in Ranked and pick their favorite heroes and being selfish and refuse to fill other role.


There is no MVP screen in custom games, but that requires you to have 10 people to have normal games or something.

And your reasoning doesn’t make sense. As was mentioned, MVP screen doesn’t mean much (just by looking at the at stats, you can pretty much guess who will be MVP, who will be awared what for each category), but on the same sentence, you’re claiming they’re trying to get better (when you said your friends were joking and fooling around in the beginning of the post), but MVP screen demotivates them? I would figure MVP screen will motivate them if they think it means much, to get better and have a slot on it.

I’m thinking there are stuffs you didn’t tell about.

You mean that there is a technical reason for the MVP screen? So instead of the MVP screen that I find confusing, maybe find something else to display so that the waiting does not seem long to players? I don’t know, a replay of some “funny” moments of the game?

Same thought I had.

If they made the MVP screen include so all 10 players are on it and everyone can be voted for, they’d just quit the game if they didn’t get any votes from other players (aside from the ones they queued with).

I reckon that they don’t want to play the game for a different reason that they can’t say out loud and just blame the MVP Screen.

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Becasue watching a base dweller Aba getting mvp trigger people.

Personally, I wouldn’t care if they did change MVP screen for something else.
Unfortunately, the network architecture of HotS doesn’t really work too well for showing clips or replays of specific moments (see any thread complaining about the reconnect system if you want more details), so no Overwatch-like “play of the game” (though OW still has the commendations and MVP voting, it’s just after the PotG bit :sweat_smile: )

IDK, if they did remove it, maybe they could just put a text screen with hints that are more elaborate than the ones shown when loading into the game, or even random blurbs of lore.

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I was trying to put it together and I came to the opposite conclusion :slight_smile:

If I am a competitive person, trying to improve, or just get measured, then the MVP screen is great information on aspects where I could be better. Alongside the score screen. Sure, some measures are wonky, and virtually nobody knows the details such as you should minimise deaths. A bit of a mystery.
Although it doesn’t put me off, but stings and motivates instead.

If I am not (competitive), then I may want participation trophies and it may put me off.
It’s a very American commoneer thing, everybody is awesome, everybody is perfect, everybody is #1.

People find new ways to get offended by every day.
Don’t remove them, at least then we know the answer. Strive to get better, learn to handle criticism, join a boxing club.
There will be a day when people will be offended by a joke or a smile.

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MVP is only for fun and added as cosmetic but I can see that some people would get triggered i the wrong hero gets MVP over you.

Last year I had a Zag who /w me afer game cause he got MVP by afk pushing one lane for whole game while his team won the teamfights for him. I tried to gank him as Fenix but he just chickend away useing Maw on me to escape and then B-step me everytime I failed to kill him.

Then proceses to say you mad and bad cause I got MVP and you did not. Those are just exstreme cases where people will do everythng to mock others that they got MVP by doing nothing really.

At least they reduced the time you have to watch it before you can ship it now so that helps a lot if you just want to go away and join a new game fast.


Yeah that would fustrait me as well. I also wish the voting system was better so you could vote for anyone and if they got more votes they got bigger over the MVP :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll give you the opposite end of the spectrum. We play as a 5 stack (if anyone on my team B steps I’ll stop it and lay into them) and sometimes the wins feel lopsided but when that happens we push harder and compete for MVP.
Kind of our mini game within a game.

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I don’t like the MVP screen for many reasons. Your claim that it discourages new players I don’t quite accept. I’m sure some new players don’t like it, but I’ve been in enough games with new players to know they really put too much weight into who is represented on that screen.

Many new players really think they are MVP if they got that title, or if they died 10 times and got “escape artist” they often think they have done well. I know this from friends I’ve introduced to the game, as they are new, many think if they make the end screen then they played well. Heck, even some veteran players use the MVP screen to claim they played well.

Get rid of the screen, or ideally show all 10 people on it, but as for it hurting the new player experience, that sounds like an exaggeration to me.


That would be better. Let the 10 people you played with decide who was best and not some flawed system that is based on least deaths.


yeah, I agree. I feel like I’ve gotten MVP when it wasn’t warranted. and I think certain things aren’t captured well with the stats (e.g. good frontliners or those causing backline havoc. they have that “deterrent” effect)

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And how do you vote for the Most Violenting Potatoe then!?