Remove MVP ending screen

With all due respect, I think they have a lot more reasons they’re just not bothering to count. Quitting solely because of the mvp screen doesn’t add up.
All the best for your friends though.


Oh don’t worry, it’s not like they leave in tears or anything xD

Lots of people here seem to think they either have to fully love something in full devotion or fully hate it with their heart and soul due to One event.

They just pretty much go play something else where e-sports isn’t shoved to their face at even a casual map over and over. Not their cup of tea.

Think someone said it covers a loading screen and that make sense considering how sluggish and cumbersome the game engine is, but it definitely is just a place where people jerk eachother off after a match

… but there is a loading screen after the MVP.

I like the MVP screen, but only when the picks align with my observations in-game – which is not all that often. I find it very satisfying to give props to allies and opponents alike. I wish there was some way to express an end-of-match handshake like in sports. This game (and indeed, genre) needs more sportsmanship.


Minky usually suggests to have all ten people there, if I recall correctly.

In DotA2, on the results screen you have the option to up- or downvote each player, and they see it. I find the single upvote a little restrictive, and it usually results in a funky outcome: everyone with one vote, sometimes except the MVP who has none (got from the game, or played a stomp hero, or one that requires babysitting). Occasionally there are people with multiple upvotes, if they were really stellar.

Fairly often there are barely any votes, after bad, one sided matches. In fact it’s kind of a sellout for analysis.

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Because that is for the best. I dont know how many times I have done some good just to watch a base dweller Aba get MVP cause hiding in spawn with zero deaths is pro.


Nah, it’s a fun bit of flavor at the end of each match.

If you don’t like it just hit the button.


I think mvp system isn’t really accurate so it’s useless. There should only be the vote of the players and not the game automatic system.

I love this wording. New nickname for Aba: “base dweller” :joy:

There is no way a game can recognize every single type of play and give it a value. The MVP is pointless, and I too would like it to be removed. Not for your reasons.

My Gold paper stickers on your foreheads are much more valuable than the MVP screen. If not getting one makes you sad, this could be an age problem, or a self esteem problem.

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Definitely not base damsel.

Are you and your friends real?
The MVP screen ruins the game for you and your friends?
If this is true i would assume you guys have personal issues that have nothing to do with the game. You put way too much meaning into something meaningless, how can you not see this?


I can completely understand if people start to get bored or annoyed by me being MVP each game.

Everything is more valuable than the MVP screen, I want a gold sticker now.

The OP shouldn’t worry, even if you don’t get on the MVP screen you get the sweet after game blurbs:

“Good Work! You controlled the Temples for 00000.1 seconds longer than other players at your level.”

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“Great Work! You understood that the MVP screen is pointless where 90% of the players, don’t.”