Remembered the old Heroes of the Storm Tutorial?

This original Tutorial for new players dates to Technical Alpha days until before Heroes 2.0 release which featured Raynor seeing Uther being enter to the Nexus let take a look one:


I always liked how it had that Aba+Illidan combo graphic for the “master” tutorial.

Still a bit sad it fell out of favor (rather, Illidan fell out of the meta).

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The tutorial that current new players are missing out on

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I have no idea what that sentence means. I guess it was translated with Google. (it’s unfortunately inaccurate sometimes)

So currently Tutorials had two versions: New players for Battleground Training features Jaina, Muradin, & Tyrande as Free Hero gift & Veteran Introduction playing as Valla & Zeratul.

The best part about the tutorial was that it gave you 500 gold.

What would a tutorial need to do nowadays, to keep attention but cover necessary info?

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I remember playing that tutorial when the game first launched, when i returned to the game a bit ago i was looking forward to playing it again to re-familiarize myself with it

Didn’t know it was actually gone for new players too, thought i just couldn’t repeat it as id done it in the passed

This makes me sad :frowning:

Edit: actually i only ever did the first part of the tutorial as well, never got to do extra levels, glad this video is up so i can see em

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IMO this is the way HoTS lore should be. A chance to see existing characters interact with each other.

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