Rehgar: The hero nobody cares about

Rehgar, the once proud wolf of the Horde is now nothing more than a puppy.

Search general discussion for the word “Rehgar” and in the last week, his name was only MENTIONED 5 times. I have not seen Rehgar a single time in the past week in-game either.

1.) Incredibly weak survivability and damage makes an aggressive playstyle impossible.

2.) Ludicrously high mana costs make wars of attrition unsustainable meaning a passive playstyle is also impossible.

There is no single category that he is the best in. He just does everything incredibly mediocre. Has CC but not as good as Uther, Mobility but not as good as Kharazim, Damage but not as good as Whitemane, Kill secure but not as good as Lucio, Healing but not as good as Stukov, Zone control but not as good as Auriel, Wave clear but not as good as Alex.

Most supports have atleast one category that they are unmatched in for example Lucio’s mobility and Li Li’s damage, but Rehgar has no single category that sets him above the others. The only thing remotely close is Bloodlust which is no where near viable in this current meta.

Take every category that a hero can excel in and say that your comp needs the best in any one of those things, Rehgar would never be your choice for anything. He used to stand out as the support with the best jungle but once Lightning bond was removed that ship sailed quickly.

Can’t play aggressive because no survivability, can’t play passive because high mana. If I had to make a list of heros ruined because of constant changes, Rehgar would undoubtedly be in 1st place, way above anyone else.

Most heroes who go through reworks or changes more-or-less keep the spirit of their character, even extreme examples such as Tyrande still have the same type of playstyle even though their role has changed. Rehgar keeps nothing and has nothing.

Press F to pay respects to the once proud shaman of the horde.


also tell me which support can solo bruiser camps at lvl 1


Was able to do it easily with transcendence Kharazim. Picture included with stats to prove I didn’t use deaths to cheese it:

Did it again with Ironfists in even less time:


His damage is medium to high end. He is in the top damage bracket for support. He has the second best Wave clear of all supports (next to Tassadar).

His survivability is also good thanks to his mobility due to instant and uninterrupted mounting.

He is about making plays and not endurance. If you play to poke the enemy all day another support like Li Li or Lucio will do a better job. If you want to dive in there with many melee heroes he is one of the best support choices.

Yes but he is near best in damage. He probably has lower single target DPS than Kaharizim but has infinitely better wave clear. Like wise he probably has worse wave clear than Tassadar but has a lot higher single target DPS.

Except Uther has trash tier resource management. Reghar manages resource a lot better than Uther.

Reghar’s mobility is better at disengaging when alone. Kharazim needs allies to move around fast or has to sacrifice powerful talents.

His damage is an order of magnitude better than Whitemane… Whitemane only runs up high damage numbers due to continuously dealing small amounts of damage, similar to Li Li. This is aided by her being ranged. Reghar on the other hand is more about damage bursts since his DPS is considerably higher than most supports like Whitemane but requires melee play which is risky as a support.

I would rate them about equal. Lucio has trash tier damage so needs 5-10 seconds to do what Reghar can do in 2-3. Reghar also has enough CC to finish them off. Sure Lucio can speed boost allies to help, but heroes like Reghar might not need allies depending on the situation.

Reghar’s wave clear is infinitely better than Alex (not dragon form). He literally dives in with his lighting orbs and a wave is quickly dead. Alex needs them to line up which can be very hard early game or when one actually needs wave clear the most.

Her damage is trash tier… She only runs up large damage numbers due to being ranged and able to constantly poke. Reghar can easily do a lot more damage than her.


I still remember the once proud doggo :sob:

And yeah, they completely directed his kit into healing away from damage and his offensive nature the rework was supposed to heavily emphasize. Poor doggo has last his fangs :frowning_face:


if u play rehgar by standing next to allies and spamming Q you play him wrong
rehgar need to do camps, clear waves

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Rehgar was my priority support, but as i got placed with higher ranked players the value got lower and lower so i had to switch to other supports.
After players didn’t clump up in fights or the tank backed when i used my W on him i just had to find another support.
But Rehgar is still ok(ish) imo.

I find it very annoying when people respond to your arguments by piecing it out and responding one line at a time, but I suppose I can play this game. this line in particular struck me as the most amusing.

This screenshot was literally taken yesterday by me:

LiLi absolutely melts teams and 1v1 alike with water dragon and serpent spam.

As for the rest of your argument, it’s incredibly hard to take you seriously when the stuff you are claiming to be true is objectively not so.

Like this for example:

I went into trymode again with the stopwatch on my phone, and using Rehgar with lightning shield hitting all enemy minions at once, it took me exactly 14.38 seconds to clear it.

Using Alex, I was able to clear the entire wave in 11.85

Me yesterday:

So literally no different than LiLi. Waterdragon and Blinding Wind x2 can all hit at the exact same time, and this is all of her damage. Total value is about 630 at level 1 values instantaneously.

You see, when you say stuff that is just not true on any level, it makes me wonder if you even have the ability to participate in this topic.

I main support. I know which supports are capable of what. Lucio, Malfurion, LiLi and Kharazim are all above Rehgar in terms of damage output.


just say u play brawl supports who fight 24/7 and rehgar doesnt fit in this bronze meta

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Lol. Alex has really bad waveclear. Rehgar’s Lightning Shield is a really strong wave clear option, quicker than a lot of other non-supports actually.

If you think Alex has good waveclear, you probably also think Rehgar is a bad hero.



you kidding me?
i look at him as the Blitz support
not Blizzard
the stormtrooper
the shock topper
build that W and you get mana sustain for a long while

Entire minion wave can be cleared with 5-6 fireballs or just a little over 10 seconds.

If you can catch the minion wave before they clash with yours and spread, it can be done in as little as 6 seconds.

Best I could do with Rehgar with Lightning shield hitting all 7 minions was about 14 seconds.

Took me 16~ seconds of constantly E’ing to clear with Alex.

So it took you about 4 seconds more than me. Even then, it’s practically identical to the amount of time it takes Rehgar to clear. Given that knowledge, you still claim that Alex has “No wave clear” and Rehgar has godlike waveclear?


Unpopular opinion 1 i find reghar not that miserable as a whole: he is a safe all around pick that can multi heal without landing non stop skillshots, he has an option to have an aoe root that doesn’t require me to use 2/4 abilities in a combo, he has cleanse, he can clear and merc decently.

What irks me are people that feel forced to charge each time they are in wolf form before the tank even went in or because wolf bite is avaiable cauz’ “he supposed be gladiator”. Well doing a misengage as a melee is death, if you want to dash in like diablo at least pick the lord or terror or l2 know when to go in safely.

Unpopular opinion 2) you want to know what supports really suck imho? Ask BW and lucio.


I miss when rehgar healed the primary chain heal target more.


I remember when Rehgar could use ancestral on himself.


his weakness is he lacks offensive support, melee range damage is risky and no cc outside of a long cd snare.

what he brings is the best wave clear of a healer and cleanse.

making healing ward (quest perhaps) base line would do wonders for him and fits thematically.


I just want to be able to cast AH on self again since that was a silly nerf forced on him during his Rehgod days.

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