Reconnecting over and over Disconnect Bug

Well, centurylink is certainly something different but that doesn’t mean Verizon didn’t change allowed ports or something

Same Issue, I choose QM and jump spider queen tomb but can’t play the match start and I stuck on “Reconnecting” window, and if you exit and come back, the character rejoin but only and make 1-2 clicks and go to “Reconnecting” window again

Okay just verified with verizon’s customer service that no changes have been made on internet settings / ports allowed… they suggested contacting game support team but kinda surprised haven’t seen a blue post yet

Im on century link. This is not isp issue. This is blizzard.

Same thing is happening to me. 3 times today. Now I have to play 3 quick matches in order to get back to ranked. This is Bull! This has been happening since 9am - I am in NYC and have Fios. If deemed a problem by blizz, do they take the quitting match penalty off one’s account or do you have to play qm for their mistake? (WoW had problems as well)

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Hey everyone!

Thanks everyone for the reports! We are currently investigating this issue now and hope for a quick resolution! Sorry about this and thank you for your patience!



When you do please remove the quit match penalty! We should not suffer for a mix up on your end. Thank you


Same problem here. First game I played today had this issue, played 2 games without a problem then 4th and 5th game encountered this issue. I am with Frontier who purchased from Verizon in this area

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Ditto - I’m having the same problem as of this morning. I could never connect to one game, actually managed to play one game (with other “leavers” because I was penalized for missing the first game) and am now in a constant reconnect cycle on a third game. I hope this gets fixed ASAP because the game is unplayable now.

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Consistent with what some of the others here posted, I was able to play a game in Blackheart Bay, but when I tried Brawl I immediately hit reconnecting again.

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I swear its always something. I play most of the blizz games and its always something, truth be told I dont even know why I play and pay for wow anymore. Runes of magic is old but never a problem. I have few problems on League of Legends


yea, problem persists, then you get “leaver status” and then you’re being matched 20 games in a row with 3 AI because people leave, it’s horribly designed system. I’m just tired of this, we can’t even contact support properly I feel like nobody cares about improving the game


TDS is my ISP here and I have the same issue. Hopefully it gets resolved quickly

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I’m also having this same issue, queued for Storm, got a game, but immediately it quit out. Now I have Leaver status (and probably lost rank). When I try to queue for QM, I get a game, then it kicks me out immediately.

And after a few failed QM queues, now the game says “You cannot enter the matchmaking queue because your status has been locked.”

EDIT: I doubt its a Verizon or regional issue, as I’m having this on Centurylink DSL in Colorado.

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Im on Sprint hotspot, never had any issues like this until today.
I think the issue is on Blizz’s end and they are just ignoring it

Same here. I keep getting the reconnected screen after I join a match. I’ve got gigabit internet and it’s stable and I’ve never had this problem before. I’ve got leaver status now which is blizzard’s great way of showing their community that they care.

I’ve been playing HOTS on and off over the last couple of years and they are terrible at responding promptly when issues arise. They don’t post anything until the game is completely unplayable and don’t fix issues like leaver status. You would think that a big company like Blizzard would set the standard for communicating with their community but they don’t.

Any updates? I still had this issue about 60 minutes ago

at least announce it on the launcher so casual players (myself included) who dont visit forums or that kind of stuff very often dont Q for ranked then end up getting kicked within 5 sec and on top of that a penalty. unplayable was about to unninstal but decided to check the forum, cause theres no way to fix that client-side.

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YES YES YES… This has been going on ALL day on for me starting around 8AM and continues to this moment. I got placed in leaver’s q and now can’t even get out because the QMs disconnect too!! Post something so more people don’t get placed in leaver’s queue for no fault of their own. It’s literally impossible to play for me atm.