Ranked ranking bs

MMR in this game is a joke. Storm league should reset everyone to start by default at bronze 5 and force players to climb. The skillful players will climb through while the bads will remain where they belong. None of this oh I played my 3 games, I got diamond so now I am only gonna play 1 game every so often.

To get Diamond MMR in the first place they would need to have played other modes enough to get their near.

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I still think all players should have to climb from the start in ranked.

Except it results in a lot of stupid and pointless matches where GM skilled player can run circles and ROFL stomp Bronze 5 skilled players. This is why MMR carries over, since there is no point in getting such a player to prove themselves again against Bronze 5 players when they are obviously better.


Or the GM runs out of luck and get paired with 4 potatoes… xD

Until the player who proved themselves get so high then stops trying to win and just afk and game throws thus creating game losses for players.