Ranked Aram / Selective Aram

Have a aram option - Have two primary role options out of three role options (dps / tank / heal.
The idea is each person will select two of three options. (dps, tank, heal)
in each game of aram a player can expect dps / heal (or) tank /dps (or) heal / tank.
so instead of the forced arams we are accustomed to occasionally healing or tanking or dpsing with chars we dont/know how to play. we can make a decision pre game to say “I want to practice tank, dps ,heal chars”.

to take it a step further possibly have dps/tank/heal have a ranged/melee selection.

yes the majority of players are going to have DPS as a roll. but this forces the queue to engage heal and tank as an option.
I dont believe the implementation of this to accrue longer wait times.
say I roll dps/tank
another rolls dps/heal
another rolls dps/tank

I just realized i forgot the class bruiser… hey bruisers are tanks… right???