I dont lose very often bc im in diamond and get good games. I dont need your free handout wins against bronze players. Sorry sir but im afraid you’re struggling to keep up with this conversation.
Actually let me edit this to be more respectable
I dont lose very often bc im in diamond and get good games. I dont need your free handout wins against bronze players. Sorry sir but im afraid you’re struggling to keep up with this conversation.
Actually let me edit this to be more respectable
You win the same percentage of games as the rest of us.
Why lie about it?
Bc my wr is not nor has it ever been 50%
So you are rank 1 GM?
Dude, lying doesnt help your argument. It just highlight how horribly you understand how the ranking system works.
Its 52% lifetime. Over a few thousand games thats a significant difference and means ive increased about 20 ranks since i started playing. I know some that are better than me and rest closer to 60%
I used to play with GMs and against GMs in my master league back when I played ranked exclusively, I think I can do just fine thank you for your own concerns though.
That’s one weird hill to stand on, but that’s expected from a place like this anyways from people who actually this stubborn not realizing how ridiculous they can sound with more they write, seriously there’s just a lot of hypocrisy and contradiction-ing in here.
And implying your idea as not is just absurd.
What do you exactly think that happens in everyone game right now?
POV the bronze reset:
Anyways I’m heading out, you guys have fun coming up with whatever excuse because the new generation improved your old ways.
Can’t believe there wasn’t a mail vs email example here yet.
To react on some points wildly out of my head without quoting.
I think Yusuke’s main issue is that his winrate drops as he is dropping rank, or at the very least doesn’t improve (I’ve been there, too), and with some heroes or playstyles it has merit. A simple example, an exclusive Medivh player with enough games is either going to be Bronze 5 or GM 1, but nothing else in between is possible. It all depends on where you start, like putting a ball on top of another ball: you fall off. Either you mesh and it justs works, or you don’t and it doesn’t.
The monthly reset just takes gambling to a seasonal level, similar to the original complaints of people lucking out in Diamond. If you are lucky with your teammates after a reset, you can reach high and then either fall back eventually or put down roots.
It might even be fun, depending on what you want, when you want to join. But it’s institutional smurfing. Also useful, if you don’t care about seasonal rank but you want a few shots at scoring Diamond sometime. Heck, I could possibly cap out there in some tries (my micro doesn’t allow me normally) before falling back.
If we could somehow verify that the current system has no variables besides MMR whatsoever, then theoretically rank should even out.
The only question that remains is the confidence interval, which kind of relates to the earlier point.
So, Hearthstone’s system.
It’s not an idea without merit, but I’m not sure how well it would translate into HotS.
It wouldn’t. the high level players will quickly rise above the others.
The problem is (and has happened before), is that if there’s enough high level players in bronze to keep each other at 50% win rate, then they will be forever stuck in bronze, since now bronze is some sort of grand master league. The ranked ladder isn’t an absolute measure of skill, it measures your skill in relation to other players.
You just said that
1 the high level players will rise quickly
2 there could be so many high level players that they will all be trapped in bronze
Please tell me you see this contradiction. Theres no need to defend op. They constantly pick silly things to defend. I know a bunch of masters that would stop playing ranked if this idea went through. Beating up on bronze players isn’t as fun as fan makes it look.
There is no contradiction. For #2 to happen, it would either require a bug in MMR (which is how it happened the first time around), or that all GM play at the same time and outnumber the lowbies, which is unlikely to happen.
And in general, they are facing players of equal or greater skill. All of the players in high ranks I know do not find any enjoyment in beating up on Silvers for the hell of it, but they will form groups to avoid trolls. This is a very different issue than what would be created by an MMR reset. That would be the end of people with decent MMR willing to solo queue. This would dramatically increase queue times for higher ranks, or a lot of people who didn’t mind queuing alone would just quit.
And the last thing this game needs is even more people quitting.
Nobody would be “trapped” in bronze. You really do not understand how a ladder works do you?
Bad idea. All it does is make climbing more frustrating/unrewarding since you’re just constantly redoing the same grind. It also creates tons of awkward matchups by constantly dumping everyone in the same unbalanced pool.
Benefits are basically none, as all you’re doing is guaranteeing that players will definitely get the unwanted skill mismatching everyone dislikes. The only hypothetical benefit is supposed to be that people of similar skills will in theory eventually climb to the same level, but that fails for two reasons;
-Skill mismatches still ensure that the Masters climbing back to master will still bring non-masters with them in the games they win. (and vice versa, bronzes will still drag down non-bronzes by losing games for them).
-For this to work the climb/sorting system would need to work perfectly. If it doesn’t, the whole reset is pointless as it won’t get the desired result. And if it is, the whole reset is unnecessary, normal gameplay should already achieve the goal.
You might as well remove ranked altogether, that should also stop complaints about rank/low kda/etc in theory. (But still wouldn’t. People will always complain anyway.)
People are already quitting. No one wants to play ranked knowing they are gonna get potato team mates while facing a 5man premade. Ranks in this game do not mean anything right now. Gold 5 and diamond 2 are the same rank. Then mix in the majority of the remaining player base are in these ranks and have to deal with the flood of afkers and feeders in game has become a huge problem.
Oh and lets not forget the bronze 5 problem where players are some how lower than the lowest rank in the game, blizzard even admitted its a problem and have failed to address this. They need to reset the MMR in some form and seperate premades vs randoms.
Everyone says the player base isnt large enough for a split and yet we keep losing player due to it remaining the same. I already said I refuse to solo que in this game. That has caused me to play 1000-1500 games a season down to maybe 300 at best. The current system has 0 reason for a player to solo que unless they are wishing to troll other players. It needs to be changed.
Btw master and higher players are already making smurfs cause of whatever reason so they are doing it, why cant everyone else?
So let’s make it worse?
Sounds like a plan.
That’s literally what competition is.
When was the last time you saw competitors show up at a tournament and have them all ranked and the outcome of all the match-ups known prior to playing the games being played?
In case you weren’t aware, when players enter into a tournament, all of them start at the bottom. They then play games against opponents and based on their performance, move up, down, or are eliminated from the contest. A competitive ladder is no different then a tournament. A ladder is NOT a measure of skill, it’s a measure of performance. Those who perform well, move up in rank, those who perform badly move down in rank. When the season ends, competitors are presented with their ranking among their peers. That’s how it works.
Where do you all get this absurd notions of what it means to play in a competitive league? Nothing like what you believe exist anywhere else in the reality if competition.
Yes but tournaments are different than a grind that would take months to achieve. Think of it this way. GM rank is where the tournament actually is. The rest are friday night events. You don’t come into a local game store entering an mtg tournament with a welcome deck, and more experienced players are there to advise you against it if you’re naive enough to try. Think of those people as the match maker.
tournament =/= ranked play.
And while you’re not entirely wrong that competition is partially about the grind, it’s supposed to be about the grind against equal opposition. Not about being constantly redoing the same obvious matchups. A chess GM should be permanently matched against other chess M’s and GM’s, not have to crush random amateurs for months until they’re finally allowed to play ‘real’ matchups. (and then reset again next year).
Are you suggesting that normal sports don’t have leagues? Even in professional sports there are different levels of competition. Arsenal doesn’t dumped back in with the local pub teams every year, they play in the premier league with other professional football teams.
When ranked was that meaningless “rank 40-1” system, this could’ve been “fine”.
But the Tier system we (and most, if not all MOBAs) have don’t work with resets.
On paper, both teams will have the same amount of good/bad players. On paper. But just because I have 50% chance on paper for both a tail and a head in a coinflip doesn’t mean I’ll have both in a reasonable time.
Randomness needs to be selected out with sheer numbers. But if you reset and reset and reset again and again everyone, those numbers which “remove” randomness won’t exist.
For example, a Silver is barely better than Bronze ppl. A Silver in Bronze normally has like… 51% wr? 55% (me being generous)? Now how that changes if 5 higher tiers are matched against them? The Silver who could barely climb against ppl who were all worse than them… how fast will it climb when faces a ton of better opponents?
So it will be possible that a big portion of Silvers will be kicked down to Bronze unable to climb before the next reset starts, making them forever Bronze.
(Also to those who bring up HS, 1v1 game, doesn’t require skill when there are decks that win under turn 7 and have 52%+ wr (guaranteed climb) and even HS doesn’t only a soft reset.)