Ragnaros HP not enought for bruiser

He needs more hp to reach to level 20 hp 5000. He cannot fullfill enought bruiser role with assasin hp


He shouldn’t be classified Bruiser in the first place, being solo front liner as him against an Imperius is not exactly a fair fight (for those who play QM).

He used to be Melee Assassin. I don’t know what was wrong with that classification.


I think that’s because he actually lacks damage, but have pretty nice selfsustain from his Q.

is a bit sustenable Q, butnot enought. he cannot resist much as a bruiser. The Blizzard classifed him as a bruiser, so he need some improvements to be like that.

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He still does good damage. I don’t understand why him or Malthael are bruisers now; doesn’t fit the fantasy at all, and also doesn’t fit the kit.



This is funny as in another thread, I revealed to someone Thrall isn’t considered a Bruiser for QM matchmaking, and Hoku confirmed neither is Ragnaros.

So they made them bruisers, and later changed it for QM matchmaking.

I’m not sure if they should reclassify them, as they don’t (esp. not Rag) feel like melee assassins to me. So Bruiser for draft, eh. IDK

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True, though in his assassin days Q healed even more than it does now. He had one of the best self sustain abilities in the game (which was further supplemented with the health globe quest, which increased his regen by almost 2x as much as it does now).

He also had 100 more max HP as Melee Assassin.

Cauterize Wounds (13) also healed for 60% (now 40%).


Malthael is a bruiser.

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A Bruiser, as they currently stand, is generally any melee hero with notable sustain.
Between his Q and numerous protection talents Rag is a lot like Thrall in that he’s deceptively tanky.
He might not be able to eat focus fire from 5 people but the same thing applies to every other “bruiser” like Malth and Thrall, and even regular bruisers have trouble when they get caught out.

Baseline he can be a bit squishy but he scales really well. Between Meteor and Blast Wave he has strong poke and utility so you can play out those early stages of the game as a faux-mage, which I find also lulls the enemy team into a false sense of security and they won’t be initially be so afraid when you do finally close the distance.
Full Q build does some disgusting things against grouped enemies and is very strong on compact objectives like Infernal Shrines.


Personally, I think the biggest issue is the size and variety of the bruiser class at the moment. The original breakdown when the bruiser class was first added was OK, if maybe not ideal. Since then, the trend has been to add tankier bruisers with amazing self-sustain, so a number of the older heroes are necessarily outclassed. Given how small the pools of tanks and melee assassins are, I think it would be healthy to adjust and move heroes like Thrall, Rag, and Malthael back into a full melee assassin role, and some of the tankier bruisers, such as Imperius and Artanis, into a full tank role.

Balance just becomes too hard when a role gets too diverse for a mode like QM. In draft it doesn’t matter as much, as you can play pretty much anything you want in the solo lane, regardless of role. You know going in what you are doing and why, and even if oddball things happen, that is on you and your team to make it work. Sometimes it can end brilliantly, depending on the skill of the players.


I liked it since it showed that they were listening to the community. For a long time before that I’d already been diving Warriors into tanks and bruisers and so did a large number of other people.
There was a lot of confusion to some players about “Why can’t warrior tank at all?” so we’d just say “He’s a bruiser, not a real tank.”
I do miss the Warrior tag since it sounded cool but the classification is a lot healthier than previously.

Though I do admit Thrall and Malthael border dangerously close to melee assassin territory, I have to agree with Rag though. On release he felt like a Specialist to me simply because of his raw macro potential but with that role’s abolition I’d say Bruiser is the best tag.
And even for those two it’s pretty accurate. Thrall’s burst damage isn’t what makes him so notable, it’s his massive sustain that can make him seem nigh-unkillable at times. When a Thrall player fully grasps his EHP and can properly judge what they’re capable of fighting they become a real force of reckoning.

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Wat do we have here?

No, rag has gr8 health.
He has pretty sweet sustain.
Maybe you’re just playing rag as a tank like imperius or yrel cuz they’re the same role. I assure you that’s the wrongest way u can play him.

Try making the enemy focus ur tank in a teamfight, then hard engage for max burst and area dmg, dodge poke and heal with Q, and dont get CCd. That’s the best way I can put it.


Considering it’s % damage and thus mitigation screws it, it’s some of the weaker sustain of the bruise pool.

Thrall Malthael and Ragnaros are melee assassins in QM
Varian is a tank, dont ask me about supports because I don’t play them

I think labeling them as a bruiser is easyer.
They all are someone who can take a hit besides the tank and is good at a lane
The other melee assassins don’t really hit that label

What he needs is either reliable sustain, or a decent escape.

In order to “heal” you have to walk up to people and take damage…(And a blind negates it)

Malthael is a tough solo laner. If you’re not range and you’re left alone with him, you’ll have a hard time. I don’t think roles should have anything with Fantasy. Otherwise, everyone would be an assassin.


He has more health than Rexxar, Thrall and Malthael who are also Bruisers. Unlike those Bruisers, Ragnaros is capable of solo laning. Plus he was Assassin before the roles got reworked.
On top of that, his Q is a lifesteal and he has access to some defensive talents. I’d say his HP is fine.

I don’t believe they ever messed with their QM matchmaking. I’m pretty sure any melee assassins that got moved to Bruisers continued to follow their old QM rules after the move.

Which is dumb. What’s the point of having them there then?

IMO they need to be moved back to Melee Assassins or reworked so that they are actually able to be matched as true Bruisers.

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While I agree with your sentiment this is a fine case of cherry picking.

This I don’t agree with.
Rexxar is probably the best solo laner in the game when played right while Malthael’s only saving grace is his macro ability. Thrall’s a decent solo laner since he can duel a good number of heroes but his waveclear could use a bit of help.

I wouldn’t say he needs either of those. Of course he would benefit from them but I’m adverse to anyone saying he’s in a bad spot right now.
His E isn’t the best movespeed in the world but it’s highly versatile since it can be used to save allies as well, and while Q isn’t the most reliable ability it gives you a lot of staying power in lanes.

His current weaknesses are a good offset given that he has a baseline ult available to him and how well he does in the late game.

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Where has this bad perception of Malthael com from? I have seen people say he can’t solo lane, he can’t teamfight, does no damage.

I like him and think he is a ton of fun. Pretty decent with him and have never had any of these issues.


He’s fun but he just really doesn’t do his “job” well.
Any other assassin with % damage is usually a much better pick because Malthael’s entire gimmick is based around him being in the middle of the enemy team spamming Q to stay alive, which just does not work against the average team because he evaporates to any kind of focus.
Slow-ticking % damage is a weird concept because it goes against what % damage really wants, and that’s to kill high health enemy heroes quickly. Malth’s kit outside of his trait isn’t very bursty either, so it gives the enemy team plenty of time to react to you.

All he’s actually good at doing is clearing lanes like no one’s business, taking bruiser camps pre-level 4 and showing up to teamfights to ult someone.
Play him like a sideways Murky and you’re fine. Play him like he’s some kind of assassin or something and typically it just makes for a bad game.

Don’t get me wrong, he can be strong in the right scenario but generally there are much, much safer picks to do what he aims to do.
And don’t ask me who thinks he has bad laning. Maybe they played him wrong or saw a Malthael player trading autos with the enemy laner at level 1 (Protip: never do that).

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