Ragnaros HP not enought for bruiser


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So, maybe this is just me but in my opinion Ragnaros is an amazing solo lane pick, and Iā€™m pretty much always happy to see a good Rag on my team. Heā€™s comfortably capable of double soak, he has lava wave for even more soak later on, and molten core feels like the ultimate safety net for all kinds of pushes. But thatā€™s just my relatively inexperienced view.


He is good in the solo lane, but donā€™t confuse solo laner and bruiser. Any hero can solo lane, technically, it doesnā€™t have to be a bruiser. Blaze is a tank, but one of the best solo laners in the game. If they have something like an Imperius, it is not a bad idea to send a Fenix or Jimmy to deal with him.

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Ok true, but does he have to be a bruiser? I meanā€¦ I know heā€™s classified as a bruiser because frankly ā€œbruiserā€ these days is a bit of a catch-all, butā€¦ are we saying he fails his job or the classification system fails its job?

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I mean, I would love to see him, Thrall, and Malthael moved to the melee assassin class and beefed up in that direction, but that is just my personal opinion.


I also notice youā€™ve advocated for Artanis being shifted to tank whichā€¦ really? You want him to trade damage for more consistent survivability and CC I guess?

Pls donā€™t try to get 3 of my fav Bruisers to be removed from their role.

To @Op: I donā€™t know what you think the Bruiser role is and why he needs more hp for that than now.
I used Rag (and Malth) a lot of times as my choice of Bruiser in Diamond+ with 60%+ success.
I disagree that they are not Bruisers, bad Bruisers or shouldnā€™t be Bruisers.


He was a tank originally, then reworked into a bruiser, because quite honestly, his tank kit was terrible. I think too many people put too much emphasis on a label, as there are a ton of heroes that can cross between roles very well.

Actually, rag IS a great sololaner vs most melee heroes, because he has 3 VERY underrated things:

  1. unlike most bruisers except thrall, he has a REALLY good ranged attack that can get decent damage over time.

  2. his AAā€™s speed in comparison to its damage is INSANE! Especially early game when the enemy does not have efficient ways of mitigating this damage. Even if the enemy Is aware of rags AA and get out of range he can still poke with W and Q (empower sulfuras range is underrated. I use it when the enemy gets close enough for unexpected damage. Happens alot more than u think.)

  3. very good healing by Q
    3.1) his Q healing isnt amazing, but its enough when u can MICRO! Microing ensures that busted heroes in lane like imperius and qhira miss their skill shots.
    3.1.1) his E can be used as an ok disengage and as more micro potential.

Micro is ESSENTIAL with rag because rag has smol health. Ensuring that ur taking minimal damage in lane is KEY to beating rlly good heroes in lane. Thats why raynor and lunara murder him in lane: beefy ranged.

AA Heal with Q as much as possible and AA alot and I assure you that u will be amazing

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give him a bit more melee damage and heā€™s better off as an assasin. Heā€™s too squishy to be a bruiser imo. I literally get excited as Qhira when I vs him in a solo lane.

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then u have never seen me groove vs qhirasā€¦

or im just going up against qhiras who miss their Es every time

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My ideal label for him would be Melee specialist. But failing that heā€™s a melee assassin. Even though heā€™s not what a traditional melee assassin is, and heā€™s definitely not what a typical bruiser is imo


fresh crunchy insect maybe , but i dont want to be ragnaros your fresh meat.

You misunderstood me.
I wasnā€™t saying Rag couldnā€™t solo lane, I was saying that he wasnā€™t the only one that they listed who was a good solo.

Ragā€™s basically my FP on Braxis and Infernal Shrines, I know his laning capabilities well.

ohhhā€¦ that makes much more senseā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

In comparison to what he could do before, all of the above is true. Malthael was absolutely gutted a couple years ago and has been mediocre ever since. I was never more disappointed because I had started maining him the minute he was released and kept going through nerf after nerf, until they killed him.

Iā€™m on the Thrall, Malthael and Ragnaros should be Melee Assassins team.


Man I hate the Qhira Matchup. She already destroys most bruisers. But if you donā€™t have access to unstoppable/stasis like Leo or Dehaka, even is she misses her E sometimes, the one time she lands it youā€™re dead. Especially if sheā€™s AA build.

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He doesnā€™t. Ragnaros has insane damage, you just need to know how to play him :stuck_out_tongue: As Ragna, I outperform nearly every damager in qm games with mid diamond and below players, while I am also doing considerable soak. Just donā€™t pick lava wave and stick to one spell builds, take stasis heal at 20 and donā€™t rely on trait PvP damage, it is very specific and unless you get a good combo or dumb enemies, it deals much lower dmg than base Ragnaā€¦