Qhira, the most broken hero in Heroes of the Storm history

Which heroes, specifically? General tips include things like stutter-stepping and watching your positioning, but if I know which hero you played against her, I might be able to be more helpful.

As a tank, she shouldn’t be targeting you, so save your peels and damage mitigation for when she jumps one of the squishies on your team.

I main Junkrat. I also use Hanzo, Gul’dan, E.T.C, Jaina, Stukov, Kael’thas.

For Junkrat, take that talent that drops grenades when stunned, as it completely messes her up. Traps to assist your team mates means she will have a miserable match.

I don’t play Hanzo or Gul’dan, so hopefully someone else can help there.

As ETC, if she gets on you, Powerslide to a place she doesn’t want to be, such as close to your towers. You should save Face Melt to get her off one of your backline if she goes in.

Jaina can Ice Block when hit by E, and all of the slows will allow you to kite her fairly well.

Stukov and Kael’thas are others I do not play very much.

I see, well, thanks for your advice. :smile:

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I’ll say it again, the only ways she’s really OP is if your team lines up so she can hit everyone with Q.
If you’re trying to 1v1 her keep in mind she’s a melee assassin and they excel in that scenario… and usually struggle to find an opening to help in team fights safely.

This gives about as much context as the OP.

The issue that some->many players have against Qhira is that the tether can be ended by the Qhira. There is no predictability for counter play. She is also unstoppable during the entire animation (and hard as hell to hit during it), can be linked into a stun, and an immediate escape.

The only recourse is to either dodge, or get rekt. This is pretty piss poor design.

She is not really overpowered, but is just stupidly annoying. To the one that said…take her into a tower…ya that works only in the first few minutes of the game, and is not a choice on objectives that are nowhere near said towers.

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I do! :smiley:

Well, first things first, you shouldn’t get hit by her abilities. Like, Hanzo and Guldan have too much range for her to do anything.

You are probably really out of position for her to hit you with those heroes, so watch your positioning.

If she is flanking too much and she just runs it down on you, then you should watch the minimap more and scout more with abilities.

If she is just running it down on you and you die everytime even if you have good positioning/scout, then it’s your teams fault for never peeling for you. That is a problem that happens a lot and you just can’t do anything.


Thanks. And yeah, Hanzo has a really long range. 6.5 to be exact. Just like Raynor and Ana.

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The most broken hero was Nazeebo back in Alpha/beta. As for Qhira, she’s a little strong, but it’s entirely possible to juke her attacks, you just gotta predict her.

Yeah, but when we can say that an hero is broken? By winrate? Or something else?

Don’t get me wrong, she is on the stronger side and could probably use some more number adjustments. But really she’s not too different from Zera or other assassins.

All of her damage is loaded into a single target, after that she has to get out or she get’s wrecked.

Yeah. Mainly winrates will tell you if a hero is broken or not.

Blizzard usually says that a hero being between 45%-55% winrate is balanced.

Speaking of which, who has the highest winrate right now?

My problem with Qhira is the double CC on her E swing… She interrupts a cast on the swing start, and ANOTHER TIME at the end, basically acting like a skull-cracker Muradin of some sort when dived

EXTREMELY powerful for a non-tank hero… Other than that I’d say she’s fine… Oh, and the Execute on her ult can get tricky and do INSANE damage, but it’s very hard to hit right, it’s like a Nova snipe on delay, so that probably balances it out tbh

She doesn’t win off of 1 engage, or if you really did die to 1 single engage, you got ganked or were widely out of position.

I’m not really sure why that’s bad design to you either way. It’s pretty much how skillshots work? A Valla with a completed Q quest can burst you down with even less counterplay than Qhira, yet how many complaints do you see about that?

I believe it is Rexxar.

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I don’t know. -_- i can’t say.

I can believe it. I rarely lose games on him

Hard to know. We don’t have an accurate website to look at it, only Blizzard has this information.

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Oh, that’s a shame. But yeah, sorry for sending my rage to her. She didn’t deserve that. My bad. But yeah, since i know she’s balanced, i wonder if i can remove that. So i can end this.

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