Qhira, the most broken hero in Heroes of the Storm history

Quira is way too powerful and needs to be nerfed, she’s insanely too strong for this game, I feel like her win rate is high, correct me if I’m wrong and first ban most of the time, and they buff him because they thought she’s weak. Please nerf her, it’s not even funny, i even feel like she can 1v5 the entire game, even Deathwing will be afraid of her.


monkaS it’s been a while i thought everyone already forgot about her existence


Wait until you play with and against DWing kekku

incoming nerf DWing threads


they already complain about him without him being released yet so i can imagine the chaos when he’s released lmfao


We can’t say that Deathwing is broken until he’s out, but first things first, Qhira, for weeks, since her release that i found her broken. But i don’t understand the joke that Blizzard said that she weak.

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How original :roll_eyes:

@OP: She’s honestly pretty easy to kite around and focus down after her E if your team is paying attention. A constant stream of heals easily negates her trait damage. She’s really good at ganking, but that’s her job.


She doesn’t have stats to support you saying she’s too strong, at least none that I’ve seen. Where are you getting your stats to say she’s got a high winrate?

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I just say what i think, because i alway lose when I’m against her. And I’m tired to lose against her and her ridiculous amount of power. Maybe i should fix that.

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tbh if you dodge her E she’s more or less useless. i’ve never had issues vs her even before the “bug fixes” for her bleeding damage or whatever that was. but there’s something that “could use a nerf” the full hp recovery from the amount of targets she has dots on them like if she’s nearly dying and has dots on more than 1 target = full HP with 1 click of a W team be like “yessssss she’s dead just 1 more hit” Qhira clicks W > back to 100% mwahahaha


The only time i dodge, is because of luck. Most of the time, she hit me. With her E.

Annoying =/= OP. I don’t like playing against her all that much (though there are many much more annoying heroes IMO), but she is definitely not OP.

Also, I see OP must not have played HotS back when EoJ Li Ming or wildfire Living Bomb was a thing. Qhira is the “most broken hero in history?” HA! what a load of :poop:.

Hell, we don’t even know his stats or talents yet and they’re already crying.


I don’t think I ever really lost against Qhira. I didn’t play for like a month, happened to be around when she released. After I came back though, she had been nerfed/bugfixed, and everyone just focused her really hard. She usually topped deaths on the enemy team.

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it’s gonna be the first hero ever people complain about without even trying him out lol

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And besides, Deathwing weakness is nobody can buff him and heal him. Even Abathur can’t help him.

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and the heroes that deal % damage. my bets going on Tychus BIG BIG BIG HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE D he’ll have a lottttttt of fun vs DW

Deathwing is afraid of Tychus and Malthael. Because they deal percentage of health as damage.


Hit dat dragon wit dat BIG D!


Imagine Mal Ganis Dark Conversion on him.

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Did they not say in the stream that Deathwing gains protected when losing a plate as a level 1 talent? Might help with the bigger they are tychus.

I… didn’t watch the stream, but i heard his trait, month and abilities.