I asked for tips about defeating her earlier, it helps but only a little. I think you might have to do something about it Blizzard, she soloed down our chogal last game with ease.
“she soloed down our chogal last game with ease”
Then your cho’gal was braindead.
You can stun / blind / silence her, or outheal her damage if you have the right support (Insight Kharazim ftw). If you’re still having trouble, stay away from her and focus her in team fights.
Quira is literally a Valeera / Illidan but easier to kill, just focus her and she dies. If she uses her E on you, run / blink towards your team or tower and she’s pretty much dead.
Please post a replay of that, as it would help to see how the Cho’gall talented and used their trait.
Yeah, pretty much this.
In SL, we focused Qhira and she did next to no damage because her grappling hook is the only escape she has but if she’s running, she’s not dealing damage so there’s that.
Her bleeds rely on her attacking the enemy but she can’t do that if she’s on the run.
please show a replay
This might can help you.