Anyway, the game is fine, the new hero is fine, but the playerbase is bad. It’s always been bad, but it’s getting worse and worse.
Trying to blame everything on the game it’s another sign that the playerbase is bad. When people are bad, they blame it on everything but themselves. Simple like that.
I am just sick of seeing her in every dang quickmatch I play now. Every. Dang. Game. Please, just make her go away. And usually she seems like she is on the other team but that might just be my bias.
Just sick of seeing her. And yes, I feel she has a lot of rigged mechanics. Not sure if she’s OP overall though (in terms of winning games). She just feels oppressive.
That’s been pretty much the reason why balancing has been so bad.
Blizz has allowed blatantly broken heroes in the past because the casuals loved them [like Ilidan back then] and only nerfed them when THEY complained. In the meantime, we have characters getting nerfed left and right, getting their immunites removed, etc, all because people don’t bother to learn, adapt or time their abilities correctly.
“This stupid car is defective! It won’t start any more!”
“Have you been regularly filling up the tank?”
“Quit telling me to get good! If the car won’t start, it’s clearly the manufacturer’s responsibility to change it!”
Need to say, I remember when I start to play and Ilidain jumped on me. It was like 100% death. Now, playing same character, he is more like chalenge. Especialy early laning means he is gonna die 2 - 3 times before he realize I am not for eating. Qhira is like Butcher or Imp. Dont aproach her, unless you wanna die. Yes, I get kills on them, but usualy becouse they pick someone else as target and I am lucky to be around to punish them. But still, after 2 years of playing same heroes I find out new builds who simply work better against some heroes.
If you complain you cannot play in QM hero you want, way you want … well … you asking for Pve on place designated for Pvp. I am not defending Qhira, she is annoying as a f*ck if your team has no CC, but she is no THAT bad. If they remove her invincibility while swing, she would be more or less ok.
If they changed this ability that way it would break it. Her E is already super situational against an aware team. I’ve played Qhira games where I’ve never even used her E. Sometimes only a few times during a match.