Is she absurdly broken? No, but at the same time, all these ignorant fools saying she is “perfectly fine” are clearly either delusional or are just trolling.
She is overtuned and needs nerfs but she is not beyond broken like many claim. There are too many falsehoods being slung around these forums lately.
Personally, if I were to go off the playerbase’s opinion, I would start with the top of the line and see their opinions first. Clearly isn’t breaking games based on the stats, so I would say players like Fan are probably correct in saying it’s a legitimate l2p issue
While i agree with some of what you said, let’s not forget that thoses developpers did make mistakes on several heroes at their release dates that made them overpowered.
To the point it created a conspiracy theory about Blizzard releasing stronger heroes to sell them.
They also nerfed some heroes so hard, they are very very difficult to play now.
So maybe the trust level got hit hard for many.
I trust none of the three, especially the git gud people as they seem very biased and look more like fanboys tired of people whining about the game than reasonable.
I did not know the word ‘‘obnoxious’’ and it sure fit well imo. I learned something today.
Which is itself a problem. Not giving a flaming f!ck about your most popular game mode is one reason why HOTS failed. Maybe they could start caring now. But of course they won’t. Let Qhira ruin QM, and by extension, HOTS. It’s time for this to die.
Blizz does care about QM tho. I wish they wouldn’t, but they do. Just look at Nova or Butcher. They aren’t allowed to be good because they would destroy lower skilled people otherwise.
I am unmoved by the idea that conspiracy theories indicate anything of value. You’re right, of course, Blizzard has made mistakes, and the lack of communication on their part has always been to their detriment.
None of this indicates that they are especially worse at game design and hero balance than Whingingforumdude19. The fact that I, and many others are still playing Blizzard games and that I have yet to see any releases from Whingingforumdude19 or any of his friends suggests to me that Blizzard game designers ARE at the very least better at game design.
I think, given the developer comments and sweeping balance changes that have occurred over the past 6-10 months of patches, that they are getting better at the communication part. I’d like them to show their actual stats instead of us having to use the sort of accurate hotslogs. And maybe have one of their data analysts present for their AMA’s.
I’m glad you now know obnoxious, it is a great word.
I imagine Qhira will get some tweaks because of all the whining, but she’s hardly OP.
I thought she was OP too until I invested 100 games into her. It really is a L2P issue. If you’re playing QM, either play Qhira or queue with friends with counters for the time being. Blinds and CC wreck her, targets that hit and run wreck her, poke wrecks her.
Her E is next to useless against a smart team. Her Final Strike ult is pretty thin and easy enough to side-step due to the loud sound and windup of the ability. You’ve all the time in the world to counter Unrelenting Strikes. Goes on and on.
She’s decent no doubt, and fun to play, but the REAL problem is this playerbase.
It’s not that Blizz dosen’t care about QM it’s that the Balancing team dosen’t care about QM enviroment,
it’s up to the guys behind matchmaking to make that mode balanceable but the team who make heroes aren’t going to bring down a hero who is more then balanced in a draft setting and hurt them a metric ton just to appease solo querers in QM
First off, I’m not saying Qhira is OP or that the complainers are correct.
Also, I understand what you’re saying and agree with you (gave u a thumbs up), but think about this…
…Blizzard game designers have been releasing over-tuned heroes since day 1. Faaaaaaar more heroes have been over-tuned than have been under-tuned and the majority of them get a series of nerfs in the months after release to balance them.
So here’s the real twist…
Everyone who whines and complains about every hero released being OP have been right faaaaaar more than they’ve been wrong.
Anyone that doesn’t expect every new hero released to be at least slightly over-tuned hasn’t been playing this game very long. Blizzard actually even admits they intentionally over-tune them a tiny bit to make sure people play them so they can balance them further.
Isn’t the OP in this thread the same person with all the hate threads about Qhira?
I played this hero in try mode. So I know very little. I waited 2 weeks for the gold price to go down. Everyone knows this about me.
I can’t really speak on her damage. She has CDs, and if you don’t keep your distance, you’re only helping her.
See Sonya.
If you and your teammates stand in a neat little line, you and your teammates are her healers. Spread out.
She spins, all you guys have to do is take 1 hit each and focus her down. She will not have enough heal from her spin.
CC? Her spin slows you and does a displacement. If you’re out of position that is your fault.
Her ult CC? No.
Burst? where?
git gud. Poke and CC is how you win against most melee. If not all.
Let’s see if this is actually true or not.
(“-”= buffed after release, “+”= nerfed after release, “0”= burfed.)
Anduin -
Imperius -
Orphea -
Yrel -
Malganis +
Mephisto +
Whitemane +
Fenix +
Deckard 0
Maiev +
Blaze -
Hanzo -
Alex 0
Junkrat -
Ana +
KT +
Garrosh -
Stukov 0
Malthael + +
Genji 0
Cassia -
Probius -
Lúcio +
Valeera -
Zul’jin 0
These are every Heroes since 2017. 26 Heroes. 10 were clearly(/mostly) nerfed after their initial release.
And there are Heroes known to be weak/balanced on release from earlier, like Lunara, Greymane, Medivh, Zarya, Dehaka, and so on.
So when were most of the releases overpowered?
And the funny part is that it’s stated by Blizz that they aim rather for op than up, yet more than half of the releases needed buffs (or no touch) after their releases!
Complainers aren’t complaining about overtuning, they are complaining that the hero is so busted they can 1v5 the whole team and that no counterplay exists. Both of which are usually untrue generally, and objectively untrue in this release.
Blizzard have said that they do release heroes overtuned. Quite explicitly. When they release heroes they err on the side of overtuned numbers. That means they figure out what they think is balanced, and then they deliberately bump it up a bit higher than that. They also said why they do this. So that the new hero feels good to play, to encourage people to play the new hero and for them to get as much data as possible so that they have something meaningful to base the 2 week balance patch on.
In summary
The complainers who whine and complain about a hero release being OP are wrong most of the time
Git Gud crowd are not as wrong as the complainers
Hero is usually overtuned and needs tweaking … by design!
not even close . maybe if you bought a car with horrific faults and flaws and expected to drive it as if it was a normal car. In fact if this was a car it would have been recalled long ago