Pyro over Phoneix

I was paired with this Kaelthas 3 times on QM, and he insisted to chose Pyro those 3 games. What sad is the enemy had Kharazim on the other side all those games…

PYRO + PALM = ???

For 3 straight games this KT took pyro, on palm Khara insisting that Phoniex is weak. 3 games of losing this player did not learn anything. Please I need more Pyro OP threads on these forums.

Clearly that player had a Learn 2 play issue.


This is why all those guides, forum advice, watching educational vids etc. is meaningless.

The game is just one big IQ test and most people you will meet are slightly to moderately mentally disabled.

No amount of mentoring them will make them play good. Let him pyro Kharazim and his teammates 20 times in a row if he thinks it’s a good idea. Nothing else you can do.


I think pyro is the dominant ult. But you should know when to fire it.
Like mosh people wait out abilities before you cast it. If he takes palm I would just use my pyro for damage or wait till one enemy is death


You are expecting a lot from the average pea brain playing Kael. Fact is they will use it randomly whenever it’s off cooldown and if you tell them it’s a bad idea they will get pissy or report you.

It could even kill Medivh if timed well, but again, that is too much to expect from avg. players.


So accourding to you everything you typed here is meaningless


Yes, even my post/s was/were meaningless. And despite good intentions, none of the lenghty forum guides posted here will be read by the people who need them the most.

This forum heavily preselects for dedicated players many of whom seem to be diamond+ (disproportionately compared to the fact they are 10% of the total player base).

Telling people here to soak exp or avoid unnecessary deaths (or not cast Pyro when enemy has negating abilities off cooldown) is preaching to the choir.


Some players dont watch which talents enemy picks these days so that should not come as a surprise. Most kts just think Pyro is a 100% kill ult when someone is low on hp just to see his ult gets negated by spell shield or protect spells.

LIke i had 3 KTs in a Brawl who took Pyro after i had taken Divine Shield and spell shield for myself. 3/4 of the Pyros did not even kill cause i had shield and ult ready for when they casted it.


So if you give advice and the first reaction is
Dont listen to forum advice or tell that to the average player.
Then why dont you listen to it to become better then the average player?

It is but a minor inconvenience if you fire it after he uses palm on something else.
Or if he is hell bent on keeping it for your pyro.
In a non stupid game kharazim would heal the one or two ticks you get out of Phœnix with one W use anyway.
I concede that Phœnix could give an opportunity to put a bomb on kharazim and force him to be careful with his dashes.

I agree with Frogsaron, my friend is also such a player despite being level 1400. I am trying to advice him not to pick mosh pit when enemy has 4 counters, but he still does, then never gets off a single good mosh.

Honestly it’s useless trying to teach certain people because they are just that way naturally. And I am trying to be as polite about it as possible & he repeats it the next game.


Pyro is good on paper, and situational at best.

This is true, but the average KT will only use Pyro as a finsher. A smart player can deactivate a spell shield and activate it when KT pulls that


pyro is for engage and disbanding enemies, not for securing kills
or to bite the enemy to use its block thing, then cancel and use it elsewhere

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Yeah but why shoot the guy with the spell shield at the first place :stuck_out_tongue:
I know average kt does weird stuff. But reading these threads a lot of people think “yeah lets look at the talents before casting it”

Even if they are being told they wont listen, that KT player even had the mentality

“I did ALL the damage and yet we lost. I blame you guys.”

The enemy lunara activated her spell shield when KT Pyroed her. You can toggle that talent on and off. And Khara was dead.

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And here i thought its only use was to have a semi excuse to yell "kameh * meh * " at your screen.
I scream “fin * l fl * sh” when using planet cr*cker btw.

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Just won a game now as Uther. Enemy team had a KT on the team who was waiting for me to pick a ult. When he later on saw i had picked Divine Shield he then picked Phoenix ult cause he saw i had already countered picked him. Talking about forcing a KT to pick a ult he dont want to play with :smiley:

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I usually throw my Pyro at the start of the team fight on the enemy Anub. They will be so confused about that move that they will play like a potato and we can roll them 5v4 :sunglasses:

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Ults can be countered. There are few spells that have 0 counterplay in HotS. People in here talking like Kara saving people from Pyro is the beginning and end of the teamfight. KT is still a strong hero in teamfights.

The problem is not with the ultimate itself, it’s with the perception of the player base.

People think that because it’s considered a nuke ability, that it needs to result in a kill. You can cast that thing on a full health Ana at the start of a fight and as long as it zones her away long enough that your team wins the 4v5, that’s a good ult.

Then you think to yourself, what’s more valuable? A little bit of AoE damage during a team fight that Ana can probably heal through, or zoning her away from her team, resulting in more damage sticking because she’s not there to heal it back?

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I think pyro looks funny (a warm orange disco ball of death that mario ghost chases you) and it’s fun when you get kills but it is super situational. If the enemy has more than 1 protect or stasis you probably shouldn’t pick it. Phoenix is amazing. Zone out a team, prevent a channel or just drop it on a fort when no minions around to do a bunch of single target

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