Pyro over Phoneix

Imagine, some KTs tried to Pyroblast Tassadar with his E, I am laughing.

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i feel your pain, people need to think about what the enemy team has before making choices.
lucios taking reverse amp against genji,
KTs taking pyro against heroes like medivh/zarya/tass/BW.

on the flip side i’ve had KTs choose Pyro against uther,
and then Uther took the stun instead of bubble…

people are idiots.

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Trading a heroic for a heroic isn’t the end of the world. Phoenix rarely does much except zone the enemy team for a few seconds. Sometimes that’s very useful and sometimes it isn’t.

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Palm has long CD. So it is still usable as long as Kael only uses it when he knows Palm is on CD, or that Palm cannot be used in time.

Phoenix is better if one can get value from its Zoning, such as on objective defense maps. Having 1 hero in its AoE for a small amount of time is a waste of an ultimate.

honestly Pyro has it’s uses same for Phoenix. i mean a team with no healer? and not going Pyro? something is wrong with you! that’s the best time to pick Pyro over Phoenix!

a map with an objective that you must kill guardians to capture it? i would like Phoenix there because it hits aoe around the target that helps killing the guardians faster if there was a fight going on in middle of it etc.

so yeah each ult has it’s uses!


In Pyros case, it does not need to be a heroic. A simple spell shield talent, or a protected can nuliffy it. Making Pyro a dead ult

And this were tha KT failed to see. One of the maps we played was towers. I told the same exact thing. But nope

Phoenix is really good depending on map and allies.
Pyro is really good depending on using it on the right enemy at the right time.
I think that’s why Pyro is more dominant, Kael is more in control of when it is good, and that can be anywhere against anyone.

Remember when Phoenix had such a low cooldown people used it for wave clear? 40 second cooldown. XP

my favorite qm KTs are the ones who complain about anduin, mediv, ect shielding the obvious pyros all game

Thats why I call them the Drama Kweens of HoTs


A few things

1 a good kt player can pick pyro in most situations and 1 kharazim ult shouldnt make it unpickable. That being said if they arent good with it they should go phoenix.
2 if its hard countered by a few abilities (iceblock, spell shields, kharazim) phoenix is fine. Its not an amazing ultimate but its better than a hamstrung pyroblast.

Only if used without consideration for these. For example Kaharizim cannot protect someone from it if he has recently used his ultimate as it has a lengthily cooldown.

Picking against Mediev is another argument entirely since Mediev shield has a very low cooldown. And yes I seen a Kael do this in Brawls earlier today.

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i do too actually. a game vs 3 KT’s in ARAM vs medivh and all of them thought they were smart going pyro and using it on same target thinking they can delete the target while medivh is right there… that was painful to watch how they use that ult without even caring that medivh shield can block anything :unamused:

But KT can interrupt Anduin’s Holy Word: Salvation with a basic ability, unlike Jaina, Nazeebo, Mephisto, and Azmodan. Guldan, Orphea, and Li-Ming can do it with Heroics, but Gravity Lapse easily has the lowest cooldown of any of their interupts, how can KT complain when he has the easiest time making sure it doesn’t prevent his damage? XP

Medivh is a different story.
9 second cooldown is shorter than most protected effects in the game, it lasts longer than most and can be used on allies.
It’s quite strong.


Obviously it wouldn’t be worth picking if the enemy comp can neutralize it with a basic ability. That’s why I said trading heroics is fine. Trading Pyro for a Medivh shield is not.


Why not just wait out palms then…I don’t get it but then again most players are just brain dead anyway.

This sounds like a perfect moment to quote myself (check the video):

Nothing is more satisfying than casting pyro, and then listening for the death toll 30s later after you’ve walked away lol


Nothing is more satisfying than playing Mediev against Kael. One can spec for shield procs such as reduced CD and 30% spell damage which Kael will always be procing because you can tank his Flame Strike. If that was not enough, if he foolishly takes pyro one can both annoy him by Poly Bombing him during the channel (puts it on fast CD, often happens due to bombing his allies) or by shielding the blast itself.

They both can zone, when used correctly they both can kill even with Phoenix being low damage, use it at the right time it can kill. It depends on the map you’re on, the team your facing, do they have too many counters to Pyro, is it a map such as infernal shrines where a massive zoning ult can help you secure the objective, it requires thinking.