PTR version 2.54.0 [fake news]

So, this happened.

Edit: The reddit post has been deleted, so here it is: Link


So are we getting arcade themed skins?

We’ll get a new hero, I think.

It’s Blackthorne.


Blackthorne /=/ Starcraft

Literally dying inside


I’m pumped. Where is my train mount, gotta hopp on the hype!


I care more about a hero’s game play than his lore to be honest.
Imagine liking D.Va’s lore :laughing:


So you’re more of a LoL person in that regard. Who needs pre-existing lore when you can have the gameplay.

Or her voice, geez, how can you handle that it’s beyond me…


I never played WoW and Overwatch more than 1h. Yet, I love D.Va’s and Yrel’s game play. They were unknown to me as much as any LoL champions.

I don’t know much about Blackthorne, but I won’t mind trying him.

I sometimes spam winky face and hump people with S + Y spam.


There are some other things people like about D.Va.
Picture was made before D.Va was reworked.

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“I quitted making sense back after Activision!”

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i don’t believe it, is this real

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Is this patch on US only ? i dont have any patch downloading on EU yet.

I thought PTR patches happen at the same time for everyone since it doesn’t have separate servers (I don’t remember where I heard that tho so I’m not entirely sure).
I don’t have this patch either.

It got rolled back after 2 min. We’ll have to wait a bit more. Maybe ultimately 24h.

Blackthorne has less heroes than Starcraft.

Yea thats what i saw now. Peopel did not even have time to check ptr before they all got kicked out and ptr got roled back again lol.

It seems that I’m impatient right now.
So, I’ll post this fan made spotlight.


Heh. Looking at this loading screen I can’t help but see Venus of Willendorf.

The good, if it actually is Blackthorne, is that it has been requested for years and doesn’t really come with the extra baggage that everything after original Warcraft has. The bad is that it’s yet another ranged assassin.