[PTR] PTR was patched just now

The PTR was just patched; it´s to see if some info is coming up what was changed.

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I was just about to make this thread.

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Only Sami can beat me, regular posters stand no chance :open_mouth:


I could’ve, but I rather failed to log into ptr like 5 times and went to watch videos instead :'D

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i’m not a betting man, but if i was, well, I think I would bet the anomaly was modified or scrapped.

probably a modification, as I don’t think they would straight remove it in the PTR. That just seems like extra work.

Unless it was removed to be replaced by a different anomaly.

I sure hope not, i like the concept. They only need to make the start/end times fixed, do something about the rain effect and it will be nice.

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The ptr is up less than 5 days.
Ptr is pretty low populated with no mmr.
So it’s bad for non-bug testing.
This is probably the most suited anomaly for Mei and I don’t see why would they scrap it, so far we got all the anomalies and they all stayed.

I think the Imp skin got fixed. I got a good guess from @Stavros that probably Mei got updated talent icons (don’t steal from Arthas gurl) and maybe some other stuff.

Maybe just a hotfix.

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this is called “wishful thinking”. a minor adjustment is the best you can hope for.

Please reread my post and thinking about what I wrote.

I expect that they’ll adjust the anomaly.

I don’t think they removed it.

If they removed it, they likely are replacing it with a new/different anomally.

I hope they remove it


I’m looking forward to this anomaly as well. I thought it was fun on the PTR. Not sure why everyone is hating on it.


When I play ranked I want a stable match. If someone’s movement speed increases by 25% as a marksman I am at huge risk of being deleted by mobile assassins. Zeratul might become meta if the speed boost part of the anomaly comes through

If they have to do this anomaly this is how it should function. Oh yes, and only Sami can beat you RCW, or the Blizzard BOT which is king. Bow to our AI masters!


No idea what changed :thinking:

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It’s really only a detriment to ranged assassins. It makes playing tanks and melee way more exciting.

I still hope they will update the patchnotes with whatever the change was, applying one without anybody knowing is rather frustrating.

they tend to not post patch notes when it is not irrelevant things. i.e. if they fixed how some stuff displayed in the shop.

I would prefer to know… but posting patch notes on the page requires consulting a different department, and I believe also translating it into multiple languages.

And while I would prefer they post everything… but having some insight into what patch notes/etc take. . . I can understand them not posting everything.

here we go (me “complaining” about things):

I’m curious, I haven’t been on the PTR, is Mei 10k or 15k Gold?

YOU know that your speed also increases by 25% right?

It’s going to be easier to get assassinated. The attacker normally gets the element of surprise. Assuming I’m not moving backwards when they first pop into view, I’m already at a huge disadvantage. 25% movement speed buff allows the assassin to get that much closer before I would react.