[PTR] PTR was patched just now

Those are minor hotfixes that are nothing to worry about, the PTR was filled with bugs those are probably just soft patching, hopefully they patched one of the ones I reported in PTR Bug Report

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PTR is same size as the game or bigger? nvm 16GB hmmm :sleeping:

This seems like it’d cause much more variance in QM than either of the draft modes since the weather is map specific. If you know you’re on a map with movement speed boost you can pick or ban characters that would be particularly strong with the extra movement speed. If you’re playing on a map with snow you can focus on having better sustain damage than burst since burst would be weaker there. In QM you pick without knowing the map so one team might have a big advantage because of the map that was randomly picked

5K gold and 750 gems. Most likely just for PTR purposes.


Of course, they always make a new hero cheaper on the PTR. I just wonder if all will be 15k now with the slow release pace.

Given that her voice lines, skins and everything else about Mei is at “fresh event price” I’d say it’s almost assured she’d cost 15k for like 2 weeks. Release frequency or not.

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I think it copies most of the files from the live game. The last time I trie PTR it downloaded really quick.


oh if just copying then would be cool. i’ll have to try later thanks!

Didn’t most heroes start at 15k, and drop to 10k after two weeks? I thought DW was higher, but can’t remember.

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Yes, I meant 20k like sure Deathwing was? I wondered if this might be the new benchmark.

Nope, the devs outright said it’s DW exclusive. Because he’s freakin’ Deathwing.


This is good, I’m short of gold, thanks willyvereb. :slight_smile:

Got too many mastery rings?