Play HotS on the weekend at your own risk. Lol every time I play on the weekend (Friday - Sunday night) it almost always ends badly. More complaints from forum posters about this game being unplayable come on the weekends. You see more coordinated 5-stack teams vs. 5 uncoordinated individuals on the weekends. I personally see a lot more griefers, afkers, people who don’t want to heal, and people who think dying is the way. It’s just a bad time to play HotS.
Enjoy general chat though, stuff is always popping off on the weekends lol.
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Never really saw this phenomenon. As someone who played this game probably too much when I was unemployed, the games more or less felt the same. It’s just another one of those things people like scapegoating on. People just tend to be able to play more on weekends so their emotional responses can compound on each other more readily which doesn’t necessarily reflect the actual game quality across all games in a given time period.
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In my eight plus years of playing HotS I only did this once for five minutes. That was five minutes too long.
More people are free on weekends, which means it’s more likely that entire friend groups will be online. That means two things:
- You run into elite teams of pubstompers who roam the weekends looking for solo players to bully.
- You end up with hiveminded jackasses playing poorly with their friends on your team.
I don’t really notice a difference playing between the weekend and a weekday. I suppose you could make the argument there’s more of a chance of people playing drunk?
For me the worst quality matches tend to be when queue times are a bit longer so less people are playing = less balanced matches. Especially if stacks are trying t fool the matchmaker with 1 low rank queued up with them etc.
I have anxiety attempting to play this game on weekends lol. I tried to queue for one game and got an all sylvanas game and one teammate left immediately, then another after first death, and then another mid way through game. Yea, it’s coincidence that happened on the weekend, but it happened…and it sucked…a lot…in the face with a chair.
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The worst selection is early in the morning, in lunch/pre-evening, late in the evening, weekends starting in Friday evening.
I mean that might have happened even if you played on a weekday because some people don’t like same hero ARAMs. I know there’s an impulse to try to make sense of the world, but I think we can all agree, making such conclusions based on one experience isn’t very scientific.
Played some games last night, it was better than when I played the previous day before the “weekend”. Oddly, I was paired with quite a few 4 mans too. One (of many) was extremely annoying with ping spam, but other than that they were competent and kind enough. The rest were quite pleasant and even quite nice to me. Also was in a game where we were 3solo/duo fight against a 5 man and won easily.
The game matches teams against other teams when it can, so if you play at times when there are more teams playing, as a solo player, you should be less likely to be matched with them.
This is a bit of a truism. You’re no doubt aware that many scientific and human behavioral studies find that most humans don’t like “random”, and instinctively seek out patterns or explanations for why something seeming random happened.
Perhaps this explains why ARAM, the MM, and QM all receive so many complaints, people just don’t like it when something “just happens”, and try to find reasons to make sense of it all.
I must admit, I get very exasperated when I read complaints here about something random in ARAM, I mean, it says in the title what you’re signing up for when you enter the queue.
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Short answer is we’re all spoiled with a false sense of being the center of the universe, so when something does not go our way we become outraged. Not everyone is like that, but it is an easy pit to fall into with technology, society, and other factors making us all feel special with validation and all that goodness.
It’s so much easier to complain about a game mode, game, or some other factor than going “Welp, this is frustrating me, I do not like it, and I see no benefit in continuing this, so I am going to go do something else.” to then do just that instead of continuing to do the definition of insanity.
There’s that, but some people also just have a perverted sense of what they consider frustrating. This is why I scoffed at Dreyda’s assessment that more than half his games were landslides/snowballs. That’s just such a ridiculous percentage. They just have a terrible sense of an objective proportion of what is “bad” and fixate on that and ignore the times it’s not, or convince themselves it is bad even if it isn’t.
a good 90% of my games snowball in one direction or another, it’s just how hots is designed lol and trying to deny otherwise is a crackpot fever dream.
We already argued in the other thread that your definition of a landslide is bad. Feel free to read it again if you’d like. The fact you say as high as 90% even more than 50% is hilarious.
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Has nothing to do with you being a bad player. I have no idea what kind of player you are. Even then, the matchmaker will still try to match you even based on your skill level. You’d truly have to be exceptionally atrocious or constantly afking or giving up to get steamrolled into constant landslides, and that would just be unlikely.
What I said was how you define a snowball/landslide, and the way you did it in the other thread is just something most people would just laugh at. I bet if I were to look at all your replays, the majority of them to the casual observer would think they’re probably fine either way.
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And where did I say you get steamrolled every game? In fact, I’m arguing that you probably don’t lol. And who doesn’t know how to read? What’s hilarious is you try to quote something I never said. You are literally making stuff up in your head. Something I can also imagine you doing after a game to create your own fiction that 90% of your games are landslides/snowballs.
I don’t need to counter you. Your definition itself is bad, and your perception that 90% of your games are snowball/landslides is evidence enough. I’m not going to relitigate your nonsense.
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