Probably an unpopular opinion

It’s refreshing to see a respectful discussion between two people who actually know what they are talking about.

Wish we had more of that on the forums.

What was broken?

Whoa, let me stop you right there.

You forget that most people don’t draft 3 tanks in one match. Also, Morales has mana instead of energy so we’re good there.

Rest of your post is invalid. I mean, you’re reaching if you think people will draft artanis, stitches, and Garrosh in one game. Who is going to dps them down? The one dps and healer? get real.

Real gymnastics right there.

why people are getting upset? >.>

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Imagine being salty about Tracer in 2019.


The concept here is arguably how Dota 2 is balanced: heroes are kept taut in a sense that every hero is situationally OP.

When done right, it brings the sense of power fantasy in playing the hero, but it so can convey a sense or worthlessness or misdirected power distribution.

Part of what does help curb the effects of that sense is through the gold resource: those heroes tend to need particular items to reach the break point, so there is a sense of contesting to get to the OP point on your side before the other team.

Similarly, the space between lanes is huge, there’s multiple resources to split between the team, and timely runes can break up the grind over just gold in the lane.

In that regard, taut balance works because of a number of factors not available, or dispersed, to the same degree it is in hots.

In dota, skirmishes may be between 1-3 heroes instead of 4-5, and heroes aren’t as defined by a role for a team, but rather tend to be defined by how much resource they need to function. So power disparity isnt so much team vs team as it is representative vs representative.

if i just had my TL3 to show you something about salt… but i must wait 4 days more for it :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

I’m not talking about 2019 if you need an explanation. Her release broke the game and it actually felt exactly like making established game mechanics void.

All this situation felt like a forced Overwatch promotion. Tracer released in HotS before her own game with higher ups demanding OW heroes to always be top tier. Genji was much of the same, Zarya was released during Starcraft event instead of an actual SC hero for no reason. Feels like the devs were left to their own judgement only after the incident with Zarya when she was suddenly hotfixed into OP state since the non-OP release for an OW hero was inexcusable. Then again, only after teasers being not what everyone expected Blizzard stopped insisting everyone should like Overwatch at all costs.

Almost all skillshot-based and melee heroes couldn’t do anything against her due her unprecedented mobility. Many healers and tanks died retreating from a teamfight or caught 1v1. Ranged AA heroes, who should have been strong vs her, died to her burst. The counterplay was to properly layer multiple stuns and burst her down, which is quite a requirement.

She was Blizzard’s answer to Morales since at her release date, she used mana and was practically unkillable with a team that guarded her. Tracer was released in 2016 and Morales mana to energy change happened in 2017 when tracer didn’t rectify the issue.

That’s why she had the high burst on pulse bomb and the blinks so she could get to the backline where morales was to possibly kill or disrupt healing, causing the game to move forward.

Morales used to be a real pain back in the day. She was practically unkillable and her trait worked like Muradin’s where if she didn’t take damage for x amount of time, she’d start regaining health.


Personally i want the Old Nova and Cromie. Very bad reworks.

And Tassadar of course. Zagara suffering right now too.

It wasn’t “for no reason”.
For one thing, many people actually complained that the Diablo event was too much (3 Diabo heroes in a row, but actually 4 because the last hero before the event oficially started (Johanna) was also from Diablo).

For another thing, they didn’t have another Starcraft hero ready for release, probably.

This is how I see it:

  • They did 3(4) heroes of the same franchise in the Diablo event, people complained it was too much.
  • They did 1 hero in the Starcraft event, people complained it was not enough.
  • They did 5 Warcraft heroes in a row for no reason, people complained it was way too much.
  • They did 2 heroes in the Overwatch event, twice in the same year (4 heroes relatively close, but not back-to-back), people complained it was too much.
  • They did 1 Warcraft hero during the event, people didn’t complain (as much), but that’s because the release rate had already gone down.
  • They got a lot of their staffed moved to other projects…

So, in the end, they never did find a good release balance for events :confused:

OT: The one rework I might want undone is Azmodan’s… I miss Laser Build sometimes.

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Some of these things are incorrect.

1. The Ultimate counter to Tracer at the time, was Varian. A melee hero who could 100% to 0 Tracer every time with targeted abilities in less than 1 second, and no opportunity for Tracer to avoid it since you were stunned while you died. (Varian still counters Tracer with taunt. Not AS bad as before but still a death sentence with non braindead team mates). Tracer flat out stopped being played after Varian was released, like completely. Until he was nerfed and lost his stun on E.

Zeratul is a melee hero and is one of the biggest Threats to tracer. He kills you fast and you cannot escape him with blink or recall.

Gazlowe makes Tracers’ life miserable as soon as he gets “engine gunk” Lvl 7. (His turrets already make it hard for you to stay in fights before that) When tracer is slowed, she tends to die. 3 turrets targeting you and applying a slow during a fight will quickly make you back off. Which means your usefulness to your team is severely reduced. Killing the turret yourself takes you so long that you’ll lose close to half your life destroying a single one.

Maiev does not fear Tracer. She has a dodge to pulse bomb on a 13 second cd. So you will never burst her. And you can use Umbral Bind to either get Tracer killed, or force her to burn recall. Also you can teleport.

Samuro is not countered by Tracer. He has passive move speed, he hits HARD AS HELL, and Tracer cannot reveal him out of cloak except with a pulse bomb. And if you pulse bomb him, he will switch to a mirror image and dodge it.

Illidan is a known counter to Tracer. You can’t damage him most of the time, he sticks to you and he has built in life gain. Don’t mess with him.

Valeera counters Tracer. She looks at you, you are dead. Silenced tracers don’t walk away from teamfights.

  1. Most ranged AA heroes countered Tracer. (Most still do) Before Raynor was reworked, he would kill Tracer with a few auto attacks. If you tried to trade with him you would always lose unless he came at you at low health. Zul Jin also deals more damage than you do to him. With Taz Dingo, you CANNOT win the duel.

As for skillshot based heroes, some tracer can deal with some she can’t. Nova will pinning shot you, and you have the same problem you did with Gaz. You’re a slowed Tracer in the middle of a teamfight. And with “One in the chamber” Lvl 7, she can kill you by herself.

A lot of players assume Tracer beats melee assassins, because most players mostly play ranged dps, and have never experienced it. Which is likely your case.

But this perception is incorrect. It is so incorrect that it requires its own term. It is ZINCORRECT.

But as you can see, the vast majority of melee counters Tracer.

I know my Tracer :):sunglasses:

How about Time Walking week for HotS! xD Once a month just revert changes for the week :stuck_out_tongue: But this would mean some heroes would no longer be available depending on the patch.
I know this couldn’t happen but it’s a funny thing to think about.

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There are over 80 characters, don’t they have to be watered down remnants?

If you don’t mind my asking, if this is the case, why add a character that can latch onto your hero and become completely invulnerable while she positions to knock you back into her team, while adding a huge DoT that heals her?

Hell, Illidan can die to a minion wave in the middle of a Hunt :rofl:

I’d prefer Wild formet like they did in Hearthstone :slight_smile:


Honestly, now that I think of it, based on suggestions to implement some iteration of my preferences, I think a brawl or a

would be fantastic. Basically, all heroes at their prime in a separate mode so those that want their curiosity or nostalgia sated, can do so. Let it be the ‘wild west’ and then QM, unranked, and ranked can receive the same balancing it always does without loss of resources.

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This 100%.

Combat should not be sluggish, but at the same time not be about who shot first.

Damn Daniel, here comes the guy who just read the title and then the blue post without reading anything in between.

Damn Daniel, back at it again!

I read the whole thread, just my time is limited so I only responded to the point I wanted to stress.