Probably an unpopular opinion

It’s actually funny how one patch changed Artanis from being an incredibly simple hero to having one of the most intricate spell combos in the game.

That said, I still think they need to make some changes. Namely to add an extra charge to Blade Dash, and to move Phase Bulwark to level 20.

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You will take my level 13 spell armor out of my cold, dead hands. But if you like having frequent Qs. Templar’s Zeal plus Force of Will can be pretty much Q on demand. The CD is incredibly short with that talent pair.


I know you are, thank you.

That’s comforting lol. Seriously though, it really is.


I guess it stems from a curiosity to see the greats collide at their prime. Like, would tracer be a problem if Illidan can smash her up and stick to her or endure with his old lifesteal?

Like a bunch of Muhammad Alis fighting against themselves but the most important note is that their old kits would be what they were. Like I said, I don’t need them to one shot stuff, I just liked the way they worked.

Obviously, I’m not a dev so I’m sure it’d increase your workload having to balance and bring other heroes up to par to a new magnitude.

I’m just spitballing ideas, throwing out my opinion, and not really expecting to be taken seriously for them.

I just like the old ‘hide and seek’ element. You’re hiding in plain sight but you’re not sure if you’re in sight. That was suspenseful to me. I played Nova religiously back then because some games had me ‘biting my nails’.

Assassinating Abathur, using my decoy to tank and then running from his retinue was just the most fun I’ve ever had. I had a friend who played stealth tyrande with me and we just had a blast doing covert stuff.

Genji’s slip and slide didn’t do it for me because it wasn’t about getting the most kills possible, it was the suspense of it all.

Fair enough, I guess my ‘unpopular opinion’ still stands lol.

I’ve used them both, it’s just a matter of preference.

The issue remains that Q is a multi-utility spell tied onto the same cooldown. This wouldn’t be an issue if Q’s utility ended at 2 utilities but Blade Dash has 4 utilities tied into it. Dodging, AoE Damage, AoE Shield CDR, Swaps.

That said, Phase Bulwark’s problem is that it interferes with all the most interesting talent tier. CDR on Phase Prism? CDR on Blade Dash? Triple Strike?

Those are fun talents that I think should represent the tier, in addition, Phase Bulwark’s stat increase is more reminiscent of a level 20 “mega talent” anyways.

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Move Phase Bulwark to level 4 and get rid of Psionic Synergy. It makes more sense there anyway.

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I mean, I wouldn’t hate a level 4 phase bulwark, but it would probably get nerfed to 25 armor.

I don’t think it would need to be nerfed, because you are trading that for more reliable shields, or being able to stay in a fight way beyond the point of sanity. It would be a far more situational pick at that level. Right now, you can have your cake and eat it, too, which is why the 50 spell armor is so strong.

Ii mean, not to be blunt, you’d be giving yourself Phase Bulwark much earlier in the game. That’s why it would be nerfed. Maybe not 25 armor, but 30-35 armor range for sure.

But your shields would be less frequent, or easier to burst through, so you wouldn’t have the spell armor up as often as you can now, which would make it much easier for burst or combo mages to delete you. They just watch your shield timer, and kablooey.

But then you’d have to compare that to 50 spell armor that’s up roughly 75% of the time.

Without Shield Battery, it won’t be until very late game.

Macro play overall, as in some heroes can solo macro by themselves is not…

But for everyone who couldn’t already macro without mercs/minions, it is a nerf.
I have a feeling you simply don’t macro much, or understand how to play such macro heroes/how power level of heroes impacts this.

When you buff heroes, WITHOUT buffing non-heroes, you’re implicitly buffing Hero versus everything else “combat”.

Which means that everything in the game is effectively nerfed.

It’s relevant in figuring out how and why you come to some conclusions. Maybe you’re a person who plays a massive amount of macro games and is at the high level of play.

In which case I would be much more willing to have a discussion on the ins and outs of how it impacts things.

But you haven’t even refuted the most basic of points, and your understanding of it doesn’t seem to reflect that. But as someone who has a difficult time clearly expressing themselves with written words, perhaps there is a barrier in how i’m understanding what you’re trying to say.

When you give no evidence or long though or even “quick logic” (which is what I’ve mostly done) to support your ideas… I value rank as a quick way to figure out how well you understand the game mechanically.

And given you’ve not given me anything besides “you’re wrong” to me, I don’t see a way to judge how much you understand it. Because rank absolutely does not tie to understanding. It just tends to be higher ranks = better understanding.

So, the claim is:
returning heroes to stronger forms would not hurt macro play.
You’re stating i’m wrong because I’m narrow minded.

Sorry, but, uh… you’re trying to use an opinion to disprove the fact that:
When heroes are buffed, and nothing else is buffed, heroes become stronger against everything else.

I don’t know how else to say it. :confused:

Thanks for posting and just want to note I agree it would be a different game.

Granted, some of the “end of year” changes you’ve pushed out before have changed the game a solid amount before.

I should have noted this in the first post I made here, but this sort of thing would be cool to see in a brawl, or as a modifier for the current shuffle pick only brawls they are doing.

Where every hero has their release kit (well, release kit plus first patch might be best).

Although something tells me it would not be possible without a lot of work. =[

It also would be interesting to have a brawl where they did fixed scaling for heroes, instead of percentage based (i.e. Nova gains 10 AA damage per level, instead of 4% (I have no idea if it was 10 damage. I recall it being 10 damage)).

You really don’t know what you’re asking for. Things like Battle Momentum Thrall, Alpha Uther, Essence of Johann Li Ming and release Maeiv need to NEVER EVER come back.

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I macro plenty. Always love the chase when people realize that they need to stop fighting at a certain location to address the problem I caused while I rotate to another lane.

I think your assumptions undermine your credibility.

Not necessarily at all lol. If you have 2 specialists on your team, a dps, and a tank, the enemy team is forced to split their efforts which creates interesting results.

While we have that now, it’s at a lower magnitude. All the tower and laning changes made responding to a lane less urgent. Most people will respond to heroes or unattended camps pushing lanes.

Not at all because I’m not forming ANY conclusion or attempting to suggest a direction for the game.

I’m simply stating an opinion. That is all.

This is why I said ‘You’re wrong’. Opinions don’t need support. You seem to not understand what opinions mean.

I can say cheese pizza is the best pizza in the world. I don’t need to support that statement because it’s not fact, it’s an opinion. No matter how much support I give to an opinion, it will be just that, an opinion that someone with different tastes will disagree with.

I’m stating you’re wrong because you have no idea what the hodge podge of titans will do the gameplay. You can speculate, but that’s not fact at all.

I’d be down for that.

That’s absolutely what I’m asking for! Let the titans battle to the death!

Are we comparing ranks now? Cause your Hierarch does not approve.


I mean that’s just semantics, you’d sill have to compare the 50 spell armor to everything else on the tier.

Let’s take this example to show how I think you’re exactly asking for power creep.
If Garrosh reaches him - Stitches can help, Artanis can help, oh the swaps when I moved more than a whole screen - then there is a simple answer: she doesn’t have enough health. (Or damage.) So let’s give her +100% health to compensate.
But now, nobody can normally kill Valla, except Garrosh-Artanis.
Okay, let’s give +100% damage to everyone else.
Heck, now everyone is getting oneshot.
Okay, let’s give +100% health to everyone else to rebalance it.
Damn, Garrosh is killing Valla again! Let’s double her health again.

That being said, I’m not sure the developers should (have) remove(d) every other combo, just because it’s supposedly OP. I understand the idea of shifting the meta in circles, but that’s the only argument I can bring.

Today I’ve met a Samuro-Abathur-Qhira triple. They were literally deleting everything in their path, while being invincible. A proper D3 Sentry-Multishot-Marauder could have probably handled them (Gazlowe + Gul’Dan + …). Shall we just delete Abathur and Samuro, they are generally problematic… or… just accept this as a wombo combo?

Some heroes could possibly be reverted (such as Tassadar to 2015) and be done with it. Some heroes may have been too much of a rule breaker, though.


Yeah, and then you release Tracer and break the contract.

That’s a good idea.

All the git gud apologists here would be happy since it’s always others that are bad, never heroes that have too strong abilities and everyone can be countered by the right team/heores. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: