Pro Murky build


As a high level murky this is the best build

Without regard to the build, beware of people calling themselves a high level hero x. Many have even under 45% against human players and their advice is not really worth considering… (Not commenting on you OP, just in general)

People should rather mention their win ratio over a few hundred or few thousand games against human opponents than hero level (which they could have grinded against AI’s).


k, I only play human tho. AI is boring

Win% 65
KD 6.33 (which i’m not sure how that works on murky)

This build hurts to look at but if you’re good with it then it doesn’t matter. You’re going to get raged at alot for it though.

Ive personally had a solid 67% winrate with murky in diamond with bribe, octograb, and pufferfish talents. I would only pick him on towers of doom though and id double soak for most of the game.

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Fish Eye is a decent choice if you’re constantly teamfighting, which Fishtank/Toxic Buildup are really good for but I feel like the build doesn’t really compliment March. Every high rank murky I know swear on bribe because it makes you all the more dangerous of an element to be left alone when you’re doing your murky thing and running around the map soaking and pushing everything.
I’ve had good success with straight slime build and reduced cooldown at 20. Slime is very strong being aoe, burst and cc all wrapped into one. I find the extra damage from time to krill to be pretty minimal compared to extra slime radius to make it easier to blanket damage and you won’t even miss the slow if you took slime quest.

Also Octo-grab is too good for teamfights. March can get value but too often the enemy team just walks out of it. Even if you didn’t take pufferfish talents you can still easily 1v1 most squishies by sliming them, dropping puffer, Octo-grab then sliming them again.

Pufferfish is the soloing build since it evaporates in fights, slime is the “I’m gonna be an assassin!” build, and March is the high risk/reward meme build.

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I don’t waist time getting bribe because murky can get camps with ease with out it

if MotM level 20 is doing serious work you’re not a high level Murky. Or rather, your hero level might be high, but your rank/skill and that of those who you play with is not high.

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Not until you get Fish Tank he can’t. Also the speed he takes them at is still far less than many assassins.
And bribe reduces camp cooldown which when used right increases your xp gain and greatly contributes to lane pressure.

Meta build is mini malthael right?

  1. Bribe
  2. Slime time
  3. Slippery when wet
  4. Octograb
  5. Fish tank
  6. Fish oil
  7. Making inky
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(not aimed at you Avikon)

edit: as Narha notes (And as i somehow missed) it doesn’t apply to Murky. But it does apply for nearly every (absolutely every?) other bribe.


It is a massive waste of a bribe stack, and often means that the team will be able to safely take that camp sooner.

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Wow, this staggeringly massive wall of text of a thorough guide makes me old Chromie guide look pathetic in comparison!

Based on the indepth analysis of this amazing guide, I now have a complete new understanding of Murky.

Overly sarcastic jokes aside, I find a simple build as rather lacking. Without any reasoning, logic, why/why not etcetc so is this rather moot point…

Literally anyone can just jump out and say “Hey THIS is the build!” (link)

Murky Bribe doesn’t reduce a camps respawn timer. Only Nova’s does, now that they removed it from TLVs bribe.


I personally like

Bribe (Fish Eye on Arctic Pass)
Living The Dream
Slippery When Wet
Rejuvenating Bubble
Fish Oil
Big Tuna Kahuna


Care to show?

KDA means little without Average takedowns (to see how many you kill compared to how much you die).
But usually the average KDA for a “normal” Hero is 3-4. Since Murky dies 4 times for a normal death, his KDA needs to be higher for an average. Around 5-6. So averagely a Murky dies 10 times/match.

Anyway, your build uses Living the Dream and Endless March, so on paper it looks like a PvE build, which makes me think your rank is prob Plat, where that kind of splitpushing can still win games.

I dunno man, I saw you murloc march on an AV core with 2 tower buffs up so I’m skeptical on the “high level” lol

Just in case you wanted to check out a “pro murky” in action!

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Ok, I have a ~65% wr with Murky (though he’s only level 10… that’s technically my second highest character O_o), and this build is fine. I’m not sure why your taking an egg talent if you are specifically going living the dream as they have a bit of anti-synergy (I usually go Bribe on 1 myself, and split-soak two lanes, and Tufferfish on 4 helps immensely speed up waveclear and push bribe stacks to the extreme, and has later synergy with Octo-Grab improving damage of combo by 50%), but you do you.

If we just posting our main Murky Builds, my go to is [32221?3]
Bribe and Tufferfish have pretty crazy synergy, cause it improves your pufferfish to clear all minions as early as level 4, which is dumb. Slippery when Wet on 7 has synergy with Octo-Grab on 10 (you can literally just, urm, float up to your target and combo them) and further synergy with Rejuv Bubble on 13 since it lowers the cooldown. on 16 you can pick either Fish Oil to clear waves with even less effort and set up combo much easier, or Wrath of Cod for more combo damage. And of course, Big Tuna is incredible.

If I wanna go March of Murlocs instead, I generally go with [3321123], which is pretty similar, but has a key difference, going for Living the Dream instead of Tufferfish since LtD buffs March’s damage.