Who knew…
Odd, I might try to test this. I think your angle of attack was just unlucky.
Keep in mind that the Core has relatively a lot of HP so it would take a while before you make enough dent to see the poison damage on the display. Especially since the Alterac’s core has a very rapid regeneration when back in base position.
Then again, I don’t play much Murky so perhaps the regen and leashing distance has been always an issue for Murky memeing.
it didn’t hurt it at all
I like how you thought you were going to solo or even do any meaningful damage to the core when it had 2 keep buffs and the AV core has rapid regen lol.
Even if the core took some dmg, it wouldn’t be a lot due to 2 standing keeps buffing the core and any of the dmg done would just be regenerated. You may as well have taken bot keep since it had like no hp left.
It’s nice of you to give advice but the OP wasn’t here being a pest, so no need for rank shaming anyone, or assuming he is even of that rank. Lots of that going around on the forums lately, makes for an unfriendly place.
#dontplayranked #ranked4losers
Correction, it didn’t seem to have hurt the Core at all. As pointed out the Core had 40 armor, incredible regen and you only connected IIRC 7 hits. That’s why the healthbar doesn’t change. You did less damage to it than its regeneration rate. In which case the yellowish-green bar doesn’t show because your health regen is faster. It’s the same for when you get healing over time buffs while being poisoned. If the HoT is more than the DoT, you don’t have the poison bar.
Anyways you should’ve snuck behind the Core and initiated your Murlock spam from there, preferably from an angle where more murlocks connect. Suggestion, due to how angles work IMO the most hits are achieved when you aim March of the Murlocks at 30 degree angle to the target. It seems the hitbox is effectively twice as big.
Then again I am not a frequent Murky player and never really tried level 20 March on the Generals in Alterac. So I could be wrong and the General/Core is literally immune to Murlock damage while anchored to their starting position.
I play ranked, it’s for #masochists
I think it may be the angle too…but as it’s rare I take the level 20 upgrade for March (usually in QM for the lol’s) I too have never tried it on the Alterac core. If the General on Alterac is immune, I honestly think it’s fine as the mechanics of that core are different from all cores that can be attacked directly.
Lena, what did you say to me? hehe
What is your Discord? UWU.
apart from it’s movement and armor, it is a core like any other. And is treated as a core for abilities that can only target units.
it might have to do with leashing.
Time to experiment…
yeah, pretty sure it has to do with leashing. once allied minions pulled the core he started taking damage from murlocs before anything hit him.
March does deal damage to the core. You just need something to keep it leashed. If you brought another hero there or minions you could deal damage but even then march does really low damage to buildings + it has 40 armor with 2 keeps standing.
This makes sense, always rely on Planar.
March of the Murlocks at level 21 deals 17 damage per second per murlock. The generals have 27290 health and regenerate 1% per second when leashed.
That means the ult has to deal more than 273 damage in order to hurt the General.
That means more than 16 Murlocks attached on the Core before it starts taking damage. Basically it’s borderline impossible to accomplish but technically not impossible.
Now let’s see what’s the situation with a theoretical level 30 Murky and 21+ minute General and no armor BS.
General’s health: 28100
Health Regeneration: 281/sec
Murky’s DPS per Murlock: 40.5/sec (50.7/sec w/ Living the Dream’s spell power)
Number of Murlocks to Hurt: ~ 7+ (5.5+ w/ Living the Dream)
So theoretically if you are really maxed out then you can slowly nibble away the General’s health with a level 30 Murky. It’s just as I say his passive regen is way larger than the damage you deal to Alterac’s Core.
For funzies I also calculated how many Murlocks you need at level 21 and no keeps up at this magical 19 minute time. Living the Dream is of course fully charged for the 25% spell damage bonus.
It’d be 8 Murlocks
Not impossible but given the randomness of March it’d take great deal of luck to maintain this until the Core dies.
he regens rapidly when not engaging a target to stop people from doing exactly that,
its the same with sgt hammer.
out of combat.
hence why the issue isn’t that MotM cannot deal enough damage, but the issue is that from where MotM is cast, the core is leashed, and as such is treated as if it is out of combat.
which is why, as expected, when the boss was moving to attack minions, MotM began to deal damage. Because the boss enters combat and it’s regen falls off.
Obviously but when the Core attacks you it’s impossible to maintain MotM for extended periods so you’d have to do it outside of leashing range anyways. We talk about the memetic Murky backdoor “strat” here.
Well so much for that lol