Premades ruining fun in QM

Give us an option to opt out of games involving premade groups.

Every single frustrating game in QM involves a premade. I que solo, I want to play against other solo players in a pug group.


Premade also ruining Storm League.


Premades will allways be a thing in qm as long you can que up as 5 in it. No problem in that. But when the 5 man is going tryhard it’s another thing.

Isn’t the point of the game trying to win? Never understood ‘tryhard’ as an insult.


Cause tryharding vs a random team makes them fell good ?

If ppl would use the ingame voicechat feature premades would be less effective, but noooo…
Sometimes premades are surprisingly coordinated, but overall I never had trouble with them. They are regular players as well.


Had a premade with morales suicide-bomb fort, keep and core with that medivac heroic. I wasn’t sure if I should be mad or impressed.

But beating them sure feels good.

This, people seems to be under the delusion that every premade has 5 guys on comms speaking non stop.
It is false, it mostly is total silence. Even with friends it mostly is so unless we crush the opposition so much that we can afford doing small talk that have nothing to do with the game.
You can convey things as fast with few pings.
Issue would rather be solo players think they are beneath taking others pings into account but i have 0 sympathy for such players.


How wrong you are. Pings are rarely followed.

That’s not about speaking, but about teamplay. Combos. Training as a team or with other players you know.

That’s true and a sad issue with pick up in every multiplayer game; but 5 vs solos, or even less than 5, is just a rape in most situations, even out of a moba. In a moba this is just insanely unfair.

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You mean people forms teams in a game that’s all about team work, communication and skill?!

SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE. This is single player RPG where you get to set the difficulty slider! UNACCEPTABLE.

Please - give me a break. You guys sound like you don’t even like playing MOBAs and should probably just quit.


Factually incorrect. I’m in full voice coms with every single of my friends or premade group. Thank you very much. And the person is not talking, I kick them out before the next game.

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When on the US server I always try to encourage voice chat and even partying up with people after wins. Not sure why this is a bad thing?

My biggest frustration with playing on Asia is that I have to rely almost entirely on pings. It makes carrying harder and does impact my success in a noticeable way.

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From my experience in premade groups. Most of the chat is inane babble about how the AFK guy is trying to get a promotion at work.

Or about some random video on youtube half the group is watching.

Or about how one guy thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him.

Sometimes I try to talk about the game and they get annoyed with me.

sure everyone can speak in English :wink:


in SEA region, there are:

Thai speaker
Chinese speaker
Malay speaker
English speaker
Indo speaker
Indian speaker

and probably other languages that I don’t remember for now.

I once met a 4-man team that speaks Thai that didn’t join the in-game voice chat and one of them told me that they were using 3rd party to communicate in Thai. That is their secret on why they never chat in-game and still able to coordinate better. Had them invite me into their voice chat game, I still won’t able to tell what they said in the whole game.

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well usually nobody is in voice so joining it feels pointless


Very common in Asia SL and QM. Almost every pre-made I see (ones I get invited to after a match) are just randoms/friends using chats and (mostly) pings as communication. Rarely anyone goes or asks anyone to get into voice due to language barrier but teamwork is still observed and done.

last time i have try use voice chat, i was trying to speak English (me a french :blush:) and the two other was speaking Something else, i think that was greek, and the other i have no clue, and the premade has been stomped us, was doing nice wombo combo, and they got fun and we got a very unfun game, that Don’t happen everytime, but still the premade problem is a problem since day one in this game.

That shouldn’t be allowed, a solo queue would be very nice to be honest, people who want team against other player should fight against other team, that seem logic and nice for them, better challenge !

In the old times when my friend still play heroes of the storm, we was doing crazy thing with my ETC, that was terrible, and we was premade and we often stomp the other random we meet, i remember my friend said, you win but its not like a win, you feel Nothing, because yes that wasn’t hard, that was like playing against AI, we was coordinate, on vocal, we have pick hero who can do nice, and the other was random, alone, not on vocal, with not great pick.

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Did you read new patch note ? Can’t see icon premade team in loading screen anymore :rofl: So you can’t blame premade anymore :rofl: Forcus improve your skills right ?

Is this even worth a discussion? Dismissed.