Plz explain the 50% win rate to me

A) Just go stat-padding and watch the “You achieved” messages appear…
B) Do some maths on the amount possible team combinations. Now take talents into account.

Stop eating the cookies other people give you.

Both your points were specifically brought up and debunked by the Lead Developer in the interview I linked. So…it’s actually you that needs to stop eating the cookies.

Debunked by giving you more cookies to eat, which you swallow…

I like cookies, but only the one’s I make.

I didn’t even read the whole because we all know it’s bs. Let me explain to you how cancerous your game is. You have a hard day, you come home and hope to play a nice game and have some fun = loss (most times because of trolls), you play again, loss, you play again loss. The next day the same thing. Oh btw it’s so much fun getting the same opponents you had last match. That’s exactly how the 50% win rate works. You have no plans on working on it, well because you won’t gain any money. On the other hand, skins and new heroes will so yeah. Keep spreading cancer to your players!

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While I’m looking forward to the WC x SC event, I don’t think I will enjoy this game with that kind of mm anymore. What’s the point in playing a game which forcefully holds you down?

At this point the game would be better off with no matchmaker where truly everything is random and not predetermined by win%.


Yes I read the reply that blizz wrote but that’s not the whole story and we know they’re not being transparent.

A coincidence that I had 3 heroes @ around 58% win rate and all of a sudden I dropped so fast down with them to 48% - 51%? uh huh…

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So, in your opinion, you should be able to reach GM with those 3 Heroes because you should never drop around 50%. Right?

Also you reached almost 60% because of your skill, not because the system was “forcing” your opponent to lose. Right?

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That’s because as you won games, you got put against better and better players, so then you lost some. Congrats, you found your MMR range.

Your teammates do have a large impact in your games and they can influence the result, but at the end of the day, the common factor in all of your games is you.

Tbh I kinda start to believe in forced 50% winrate by myself (not MySelf).


How does “behavior skill” come into play if your teammates are constantly tilted and throwing. Ignoring them doesn’t really fix it, not saying you should engage with them either. I want to stop getting matched with these people, then I can guarantee a much a higher win rate.

There is no computer in the world powerful enough to predict whether a person is going to randomly tilt or throw even though he is within 10 MMR points of you, i.e. a perfect match otherwise.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.
I’m new to hots
But it’s the same idea for OW

I find in OW, just like I’m sure in here, the forced loss mentality is just an easy scapegoat for losing, when in actuality it’s just not the case

Very well worded and thought out response, TY


Couldn’t agree more, there is something majorly wrong with match making, and the fan boys and those abusing it continue to defend it.

I’ve taken a break from the game(probably will skip this even all together), as I was tired of the 10-20 win streaks followed by 10-20 loss streaks. A majority of these wins/losses are due to which team received the most afk’s/lowbies

My biggest issue with a lot of this, is when someone(Jackson) who doesn’t even code for a living and isn’t a software engineer, is explaining to us how their match maker works. I write code for a living, unless source is provided or an actual engineer explains the algorithm, then I’ll pass.

I know a lot of the trolls want to say “you are the common factor in your games.” Here is another ‘common factor’ the crappy match maker. #mindBlown


There are ways to distinguish players who act accordingly. I recommended a commendation system in the past which would help distinguish clean and focus players from the people who don’t care about teamwork. Too many people who experience this are neglected because those who don’t, claim that they themselves are doing something wrong. Kinda reminds me of the rich and poor…

I’m sure he knows a lot about the matchmaker but his knowledge doesn’t translate into the actual content.

And yet, still nobody can explain to me from the development team why a friend of mine worked in +50 HL games his butt off to get to Diamond from Plat, only to have a massive loss streak of over 50 games with him having the replays saved to show everyone how rigged the matchmaker is with the majority of the games of him having zero deaths and good stats and the rest feeding like hell WHILE he stays a teamplayer. It was a massive losing streak, he did not won a single game back then until he reached Plat again.

If this isn’t forced matchmaking then I don’t know what it is.
And no, he doesn’t play the game either anymore. Was the breaking point and how unfair it is.

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I don’t know how people are overlooking this. His disclosure of not being an engineer gave him lots of leeway to spew anything. A different story if it’s the actual engineer writing the matchmaking algorithm, if he wanted to lie to us, let him lie through his teeth and I want to hear it.

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I recently tried to Storm League mode for playing as Lucio but fell to enemies hands. I went to play this mode again tomorrow though I want still for these winrate.

Since you do that then you’d know that your boss has to be able to explain to the higher ups how what you built works so they can present it to other people.

It also doesn’t matter what the code is as long as it works which in this case it does. If so many people think there is a forced 50% winrate then that means a lot of people are hovering around there which in turn means that the matchmaker is working as intended. If a matchmaker is doing its job then the bulk of the playerbase would be in the 45-55% winrate range with the largest group being closer to the centre of that range. As was perfectly explained in the post from Mr. Jackson if you play 1000 matches then if the matchmaker is working correctly you’ll be at or close to 50% if it is making fair matches. Fair means you lose just as much as you win. It is also a self correcting process so if it looks like it has you misplaced it gives a temporary bump or drop to your number to see if you should be placed differently. If the trend reverses then it leaves you where you were originally if it doesn’t then it adjusts the number even further

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We don’t have fair matches. I have played over thousands of QM/UR/HL/TL (20:60:5:20) in this game and obviously we recognize unfair patterns and stomp-games. There is nothing “fair” about it, even when the mmr has been settled in.

It doesn’t help when you repeat stuff like a shill-parrot either. The matchmaking is bad in this game and it’s known outside the hots-community that this thing holds the game down ever since it left the alpha.

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You are considering ‘fair’ in hindsight, as a human who played the games.

To a computer, averaging MMR is a perfectly valid – albeit overly simplistic – definition of fair. If you and others must continue to harangue the devs about this, be specific: a better definition of fair, that a computer can understand and that takes into account the relatively low player count.

So, driving players away by ‘forcing’ them to lose makes business sense?

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