I’m not sure if you realize, but your statement basically means that there is no forced 50%.
Well that is what it tries to do.
I’m not sure why you say that. When the game creates two teams of more or less the same average MMR, you will be on one of those teams, and you can either be the worse player, or the highest and have the ban.
Player skill differs too much for any system to create one team where everyone is exactly equal.
There’s no performance based system that would prevent players from abusing it with stat padding. It has to grade you based on something, and players will eventually find out what it is. The current system rates us based on wins and losses. Which is imperfect in a team based game. But at least no one can abuse it.
I mean, I played mostly solo queue. But it wasn’t perfect. It had the same issues. Either team would lose if it had a troll or afk. You didn’t get less stomps. And people spent half the time arguing. They wouldn’t have merged the two if the population allowed them to co-exist.
Nice idea in theory, but if you want to kill off ranked below Diamond introduce this feature. Most Masters and GM and Diamond players already played a high volume of games per season without the need of incentives or the threat of rank decay to do so.
Ranked is the least played PVP mode, if anything we should be adding back things like end of season mounts to encourage more people to play and get them out of QM. Many times the MM is poor in SL because there are too few people to match, which is why they often use MMR averaging on smaller servers, which can result in essentially rainbow matches.
If you are talking to me, i am not saying that they “play” more, but they have more reason to get good. I have no desire to get good, because i have a life.
Edit: And if it’s not obvious, if you are “that which has no life”, no matter what Blizzard throws at you, they most likely won’t beat you and you get better stats.
MMr is working but explain why i face the same team 5 times in a row who are not in a party? we lost em all so their rating shoud have gone up and mine shoud have dropped why do i stil end up with them?
As I mentioned there is close to no difference between the low ranks. Rank differences in HotS really become visible only at the top of the spectrum. It is very possible to meet a Bronze 1 who can outplay Gold 5’s.
Especially if that Bronze 1 is determined to improve and is on a big win streak, and that Gold 5 only logs in every once a month & got their rank years ago.
(There might be a small difference between the average bronze or low gold, but it is almost unnoticeable)
Even a fresh account created a week ago can place as high as Silver 1. The low ranks are all the same.
That’s a single example out of thousands of players, and at a very low rank… Could even been a smurf
I’m a simple platinum 3 and I get obliterated by dia 3’s. Their micro skill, macro decisions, everything is just better. I rarely have to play against Master, but I have no business winning any of those games, I usually have 8+ deaths even if I play careful in those.
Rank surely does indicate skill in general, the larger the rank difference between two players the more it matters.
If there is such a small difference, the outcome of such Bronze-Gold ranged matches become akin to a coin-toss, which then forms a natural 50% gravitation. By extension, you cannot rank up and get better opponents, unless you smash through the gravitation (which requires x5 effort).
If you are a platinum player you will probably speed through Bronze with more than 70% win ratio. If you are a top GM like Fan (player mentioned by you) you will go through those ranks in a few days with 99-100% win ratio.
Where is the forced 50%? I can’t see it. You’re only ‘forced’ to stay there if bronze-gold is your true skill cap and you have a hard time beating those players. Having 50% at your skill cap is normal. A platinum who can’t beat diamonds but doesn’t lose to golds will stay at ~50% in platinum.
lol, developer who works for the company explains how mm works, people come here saying “that’s complete bs”
This is why real discussion on the subject is impossible, bronzes will just deny forever it’s their fault they are at that rank since 2015. You can’t reason with the typical bronze
The gap difference of Master and Diamond is more bigger than in lower ranks, if I would be absolutely honest, low ranks is either you being terrible (which is accurate representation of the lower ranks) or at best random because players are heavily disorganized and thus resulting in random results depending on what they do with no combo efforts most of the time, thus requires self carry out of that place.
There’s a reason why I spammed Lucio in the first place in all Silver and Gold not only because I don’t trust healers but because I realize that almost the average teammate seems to favor a lot of melee heroes on top of I can do more stuff alone freely.
Here me casually playing most of my time in Diamond/Master as DPS and rarely a healer.
Agreed - I can even see a difference between D5 play and D1 play. Whereas in a league like Silver, there is just no gameplay difference between the divisions (or much compared to even the league above it, Gold).
Though that can also be because over the years, millions upon millions of players have placed into silver-gold randomly, fresh accounts will also place roughly there. Relatively few people play in d+, it isn’t just handed out for free like a rank such as Silver 2.
(edit -It was briefly possible to smurf into Diamond/Master from Quick Match in 2016, but that was fairly quickly patched and those legacy accounts have decayed out of top ranks)
And this really doesn’t apply to HotS, it can apply to any multiplayer game, there’s a lot of skill gap that makes a complete difference between someone being average, someone being good and someone being perfect which which the gap can be from low to high depending on which you would choose to compare from these 3.
This is why I always ask the question of “do you really and absolutely belong in a higher rank?” some people pat their shoulders more than intended justify being “good” and backheld by teammates when they could also scold their mistakes and builds instead (the amount of wrong builds I’ve seen over Tracer rework is astonishingly high that if per say picks this META viable and strong talent they would have done far better).
There’s a reason why I stop playing to rewatch a replay to see what happened just so I can criticize myself, twice… and the result? Improvements, I simply started to do far better than I would before and even take sessions in try mode to simply to see which builds works the best in scenario obviously try mode isn’t the best for trial ground but its a good place to calculate math and other stuff.
6 months I got into competitive was set to Silver 3 and harshful thrown a tantrum even I’m stupid cuz I never played competitive before in HotS so it default me there ended my first season 2019 Season 3 with 68.2% | 22 Games | Gold 5, in 2020 Season 1 I was set to Gold 3 and climbed with 72.9% win rate | 70 games | Platinum 2 and last season I climbed from Platinum 2 to Master with 80% win rate IIRC and mostly playing DPS in general.
If people claim they are really “good” with their heroes or how to play the game then they would have been out of wood league in at least a season at best playing self carry heroes or one of their best heroes, but considering how much the average player, it seems they fit in right where they are if they cannot even understand META or role they are playing, from tanks, healers, solo laners even DPS to some extent.
It’s the little things that differentiate between a Gold and Diamond, a Diamond and a Master, a Master and a literal Fan.
This, I frequently watch losing replays, then realize I got repeatedly outplayed by certain D1-master players (therefore, I don’t deserve to be at their rank). I don’t watch minimap enough, they take down an entire fort because I thought it’d be better to take a siege camp.
I take a wrong talent that completely gets negated by an enemy talent (I didn’t press tab to check what they picked). Or I fight 1v1 with them at an objective and their micro skill allows them to drive me out when my hero had more potential damage and HP.
The first step is admitting you don’t deserve to rank up with your current skillset and need to improve. Many people seem incapable of that. I already know I don’t deserve to play in Master games based on watching my own replays from solo SL. I get somewhat close to that rank then always drop down because of mistakes.
Please explain where you got your information on this, because it sounds inaccurate.
When PBMM was released, there were loads of issues, which Blizzard claimed were not related to PBMM, and the release was rolled back within 24-48 hours. Following the roll back, we were told for months that Blizzard was actively working to put PBMM back in, but we never saw it. Then after like some 9-15 months, Blizzard finally came out and said that they had quietly put the performance algorithm back in, and it had been running behind the scenes for months (but it was only collecting data, not actually adjusting anyone’s rank). We were then eventually told that the performance algorithm would only be used to give players little updates after a match such as:
You achieved 26 take downs, which is better than 78% of [insert hero name] players over the last 30 days.
This was received by many in the community as a slap in the face, as we had been promised for over a year that they were working to put it back in, and that it was coming. By this time however, Blizzard had already shut down the HOTS pro scene, loads of human resources were moved off of HOTS for other Blizzard games, and thus PBMM was forgotten as it was no longer a priority.
It’s actually not that hard, and they had it figured out. You can watch an interview with the Lead Developer of Hots back in 2017 explaining it.