More games you play, the more you can get screwed over by bad luck. In an ideal world, all games would be even, but as soon as you get a loss due to afk, feeder, troll, etc. You fall behind and can never get back until the luck swings back in your favor (system still working against you). It’s like gambling, the odds are against you, if you win big… GO HOME (Which is what people did back then, they made an account, got lucky/carried in placement, and only played their 10 games a season to maintain rank).
What I mean is, that the system should try to find 5 equally skilled teammates and opponents. YES, naturally one of those 5 is going to be the worst or best. But as I win/lose more, I should NOT become the worst on team or best naturally, it should not give me a team of potatoes and expect me to carry them until I win enough to become the potato, the system needs to always give me equally skilled teammates. It seems the more I win, the higher chance I have to be the one banning (highest MMR) and when I am banning, more often then not, the teammates I get are inferior (sometimes by a HUGE margin).
My whole complaint about the forced 50% is not that it “makes” me lose, it’s that it does not give me quality matches. Most of my games are 1 way stomps with MAYBE 5-10% being “even” matches.
Forced 50% is the feeling that there is nothing you can do to win some matches (or lose some matches). I do not care about being higher ranked, I just want to have consistent even matches with MAYBE 5-10% being stomps, not the other way around.
There is this huge misconception that some players believe the Forced 50% is preventing them from ranking up. (most think that by ranking up, they will get higher quality matches, which is not true (I used to think that, so I started getting frustrated when I lost because it set me back)), I have played in every MMR range (Except Masters/GM) and all of them have the same issue of inconsistency in teammate/enemy quality.
I know this is a team game, but if you want to use MMR as a system, I think it’s time we start talking about changing the game to allow for more individual performance. Right now, the way it feels is that whoever gets unlucky and gets the worst player out of 10, loses 99% of the time.
“A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link”, so why do the other 4 get punished just as much for losing because of the worst player?
PBMMR needs to happen, even if it screws Bronze and Master/GM players over. It worked for Silver to Diamond.
Maybe we should just find the correct algorithm to determine who was the worst player on BOTH the friendly team and enemy team and those players lose more or win less points to help fix the ladder. So like, Worst player would lose 300 points instead of 200 and the rest of team only loses 175. Same with Winning team. The guy who was carried, gets only 100 Points and rest of team gets 225. This kind of system should speed up the proper ranking of individual players in a team based game.
We also need to bring back SOLO queue only and Team League to make such a system work, because it would screw everything over if there is a huge spread of MMR in games. UNLESS, groups are always matched based on the Highest group MMR. SOo if a D5 player with 1000MMR queues with a Silver with 200 MMR(Numbers For illustrative purposes only), both are counted as 1000MMR and both go up and down by the same amount of MMR. So if you lose 30MMR, both go down by 30, they would NOT be adjusted to prevent boosting yet allowing groups to team up together regardless of rank.