Please Stop Limiting Maps!

The garden of terror is pretty uninspired. This limiting of maps is hella boring. But let’s look at the positive. No more Braxxiss clown potato fest for a while!

In my opinion, a simply letting us choose to opt in and out of it would be fine. If newer players all opted in, there queue times wouldn’t really go up, because it tries to match newer players with other newer players anyway, and vice versa if experienced players all opted out.

Map diversity is honestly one of the big selling points of this game against other MOBAs, and they’re shooting themselves in the foot by not keeping it.


Agreed. I know they want us to see the new Garden of Terror, but at the cost of shunting other great maps from the rotations? Not worth it.

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I agree, all maps should be in rotation


You don’t prevent a new player’s growth by switching them to a new map every game, you encourage it. They need to learn how to play those map and practice on them. If they don’t want to practice to get bettter at it, that’s another issue entirely. By the time the next rotation comes, they’ve played the map enough to have the nasics down.

Changing maps every game does nothing to help a new player, and no one should expect a Lvl 200 player to know what he’s doing. People barely know the basics by Lvl 350.

A LOT of players still have no idea how to play towers of doom, despite that map being around when there were no rotations.

New players can get as bored of the same limited maps as veteran players. When I first started playing HotS, I found new maps as interesting as I do now. I would have gotten as bored of the same few maps when I was new as I do now that I have played for years.

A new director goes. I am curious he is also shall be to ignore our community?

Yes, they can get bored. Just like you could get bored practicing combos for hours in a fighting game. But if you don’t do it, you’ll be bad at it.

So you have to pick one, you can’t have both. There are players Lvl 800 and above who don’t know that sappers deal core damage, or that taking a tower is more important than taking the boss in ToD.

HotS has the most maps of any MobA, and we have more coming. So this is only going to get worse.

And remember that having all maps unlocked doesn’t garantee variety. You could still play the same 4 maps for a while. It’s random. And forget about getting your favorite map. Once we hit 16 maps, you could play for two days and never see the map you want to play.

You are forgetting that people play games for fun. Personally, I would say that fun is the most important objective of any game. A wide variety of maps is HotS’s strongest feature. A new player won’t get better at the game if they quit because it was boring.

Fully agree with this post, it makes it so hard for me as a person who thrives off variety to play this game consistently and for long periods of time as playing the same maps over and over gets exceedingly boring and tedious. If we just had the whole pool in the rotation, you could play a whole night and not do a repeat. Unlikely, but possible, where as it’s not at all possible in the current situation we’re in.

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A little late with this reply, since they increased the pool to include all maps again (except Mines, for some undisclosed reason).

You might have missedd that because the patchnotes were not available for a while after the patch?

Edit: or you’re talking about ranked modes, which still have limited rotation… duh.

Its been forever since iv seen a starcraft map, not even sure i know how to play them anymore! /s

Oddly enough iv played a few matches since the last patch and i’m still getting the same limited maps… guess i’m just really unlucky.

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I don’t play ranked mode. I play vs AI almost exclusively, and usually play with an AI team because I have found that I can hit escape to pause the game if I am the only live player. On patch day, I got 7 maps, then 6 repeated, then 5, and then 4… and I have consistently gotten those last 4 maps in the exact same order ever since.

1. Sky Temple
2. Garden of Terror
3. Blackheart’s Bay
4. Dragon Shrine

I had been getting just 4 maps before the patch went live as well, but then they had fixed that, and I had been getting 6 maps until the patch. Yes, I have reported this as a bug. I reported it as a bug when it happened on the PTR too.

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As long devs dont fix the problem with the backdoor protection is so stupid… all moba games have backdoor protection, this trash game doesnt… morales with ship - base from base all 5 go for core ez win… gj trash devs keep this us… if you dont get this straight i give you 3 more years and then bye bye blizzard …

We’ve been getting only the same four maps, over and over again. When I supplied a bug report, the support person who got back to me directed me to leave a report in this forum.

Why the bug team asked me to report a bug on the community forum is quite beyond me, other than “we want to mark this as answered,” perhaps. :frowning:

They probably meant technical support forum, not general discussion. You can get there from the forum main page, or click this link.

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I posted this down bottom but I feel it is very cohesive with your argument. I want to be heard by blizzard. i feel like this might not get anywhere. but quote “I’m honestly getting really tired of the same 5 maps over, and over, and over and over again. then you get people who just troll the same strategies over and over because of this too. it’s actually getting really old, really fast. so many good maps that i miss that change things up a bit. i hate doing the same objectives and fighting the same heroes over and over again. if people have trouble on certain maps or they want players to be able to Practice more, then they should give us a level select option in the a.i. matches. then we can practice a map as much as we want to get good if that’s the case. Having a smaller amount of maps means a smaller amount of experiences playing the game. that’s never good. you want to have as broad of an experience as possible in any game. especially one that focuses so much on strategy. same maps, means same strategies. different maps, means different strategies. Now some heroes are barely even played anymore because they don’t work very well with any of the 5, unless the right team comp is made, and in match-making…good luck. anything being met with limitations sucks. Like it’s human nature to rebel against limitations. so why is Blizzard limiting the game they made for Humans in any way. seems contradictory. I swear game developers have lost their grip on reality this past decade with all of these dumb decisions they keep making. like sure it’s free to play as well, but I monetarily support this game and have for a while. so my hundreds of dollars to keep the servers going and game running feels wasted when the developer decides to limit the amount of fun I can have. I know damn well through team discussion that the majority of players hate this practice. WE ALL WANT THE MAPS BACK. full rotation, higher random odds. i’d rather play maps I HATE then play the same 5 over and over again. and what if these are your least favorite. then I guess you aren’t playing HOTS anymore at all. I honestly sit here baffled, completely unable to understand the decision making process behind this.”
I deleted the old post and just re-posted as a comment for yours.

Other MoBA’s don’t play like HotS. ANd there IS backdoor protection. You cannot damage the core before you’ve taken out a keep. If you backdoor the keep/fort. That’s a valid strategy. And if it doesn’t work, you lose the game.

If it was a foolproof strategy, that’s all anyone would do at all levels.

Agreed 100% I’ve had this happen too many times. they even try it on maps where it doesn’t work like Towers of doom. cause you can just take forts back and they can’t get to the keep anyway. but as a general strategy for most maps it’s complete BS.

Because someone at the management level in blizzard thought that understanding all the maps at once would be overwheling for us !