Please Stop Limiting Maps!

Why can’t the developers understand that a month with the same 5-6 maps is very boring and detrimental to the health of the game? How many times do we have to complain before they end this practice once and for all? And for people who don’t like a few of the maps in the current rotation, this is hell. Why are you driving away players Blizzard? End the madness now!


I believe it was the case (outside of hero league) that the maps were reduced first for the reintroduction of Hanamura (to increase the odds you play on the map) and now again for the GoT rework.

Even if you like the maps, and I actually do enjoy the maps in the rotation, playing the same ones over and over again is very boring. They made an event that requires Id estimate at least 40 games to complete (probably more) then gave a severely restricted map pool. Even playing as efficiently as possible you’ll still play each map on average 8 times in that span if not more. This is without a doubt the worst planned event Ive seen in this game


When you’re doing the event quest to capture 4 watchtowers in winning games, and the maps you’re only getting are hanamura, towers of doom, and garden terror all without watch towers. That shows how poorly constructed this event was, I liked all of these maps until I got one of them 3 times in a row before getting another map multiple times in a row.


Why do you feel it’s detrimental?

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I’ll repeat some of the arguments I have against a limited map pool yet again.

First, different maps are an unique selling point of HotS and what sets it apart from other MOBAs like DOTA2 or LoL. The different maps and different objectives and strategies allows for varied and interesting gameplay. Heroes great on one map might not be great on another, which means it opens up diverse ways of playing the game and expands the viable hero pool.

Secondly, limiting map selection HURTS newer players and stunts their growth. Last time this happened, I recruited a new friend to play the game. Since map rotations go on for a month, this friend had leveled up into the hundreds by that time, but they still had never seen maps other than the 5 they were locked into. When the rotations finally ended, that friend had a lot more of “learning” to do, but since they were already level 200 or so, people sorta expected them to know what they were doing and not play like a noob. But if you’re seeing a map for the first time, then you’re going to play like a noob and be very slow on rotations, if you make them at all.

Third, I understand Blizzard wants more stats, but I know of no company that makes their customer experience worse strictly to get stats. For example, when a fast food company introduces a new menu item, they don’t prevent customers from buying from the old menu just so they can have stats on the new item. It would be crazy if Burger King introduced a new burger and said, “Nope, the Whopper is no longer available because we want you to try the new burger”. That drives away customers, just like Blizzard is doing right now.

Finally, there are tons of different games I can play. Why should I play a game I’m bored of? I won’t and others like me won’t either. A month is FAR FAR TOO LONG to restrict map pools. The game becomes boring and then I just play another game and might not come back to HotS for a while. That’s why it’s critical for Blizzard to end the limited map rotations forever. They are literally destroying their own product for very little gain.


Man, I can’t tell you how much the first map rotation screwed me over when I was newer to the game. I literally got put on these maps I’ve never touched before in vs ai and just failed miserably, and I felt really bad because I just didn’t know how to properly handle the map and I just really let my team down. Now that I’ve played every map though the months, I’m a lot better, but it’s also still awkward having to change your pace for the new rotation constantly.


Blizzard has always limited maps for a period of time when introducing new maps or heavily reworked maps. The problem at the moment is that this period overlapped 3 times in a row.

It started with limited maps for alterac valley. When it got around the period of time to go back to full maps, they re released a heavily reworked hanamura. Then the process repeated with the introduction to reworked garden of terror.

Unless they add another map/reworked map, then we should be going back to all maps after a few weeks.

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True, though they did make Hanamura count with the fix (or at least it said so in the Twitter update).

I’ll insist that I find it odd how they decided to go about it. Could have simply increased the odds of the new / reworked map without reducing the pool of other maps if the new one doesn’t get picked.

Still, because of this, I’m not sure if I want to see another new map this year or not :thinking:


I honestly don’t get how they didn’t see this as problematic to do basically 3 months back to back especially now that 2 of the maps just had their learning/data gathering period. Surely they have enough data on Alterac and Hanamura to know what if anything theyre going to modify with them by now. The rotation has now heavily favored alterac for close to 3 months now, even if you like the map that’s exhausting when there’s so many other maps to play.

Also coupling this limited map rotation with a large event quest that requires playing dozens of games to complete is a terrible combination. To play that many games in a short time frame on the same maps leads to boredom. They really should’ve put the new map, and thus the limited rotation after the event and coordinate better between the event planning team and the various design teams


Don’t you love playing the same five maps over and overWHAT DO YOU MEAN NO??


So what you are saying is that they are using the live game as a PTR… and that is just wrong on so many levels.


It’ll be good to get back to full map rotation. Except for blackhearts bay :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree there should be a full map rotation!! I just got Sky Temple twice in a row. And last week I could get Cursed Hallow or Towers of Doom twice in a row. I hardly ever played Garden of Terror. So their limiting doesn’t even seem to work properly other than to frustrate players. (As seen by this thread). @Blizzard, please increase the map rotation for AI and QM modes at least. Play with your limiting in Unranked and Ranked. I haven’t played Tomb of the Spider Queen in like 3-4 weeks. I miss that map.


I would not mind a map rotation, if only it meant we would never ever see Towers of Doom again.

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I can´t tell you the OPs reasons, but personally even if i like a map playing it over and over again is boring, and boring is the nemesis of any game.


Normally they do this when a new map come, to have a much information they can before putting in ithe ranked games. It only last one week and then in qm and unr, you have all the maps again.

Hanamura watch tower mercenaries count for the quest.

Why can’t the developers understand that a month with the same 5-6 maps is very boring and detrimental to the health of the game?

While it’s true, however we can’t play on bad designed maps just because people wanna see a lot of different maps no matter what.

You say that, but the main reason this limited pool pisses me off is the fact that the new Garden of Terror is a poor man’s Cursed Hallow, and is far far less balanced. Everytime I hit queue, I’m saying a prayer to Barrack Obama, Lord Helix, Chewbaca, Saradomin, Buddha, or whoever until I can find the one deity who will save me from that disaster.