Please Remove Blackhearts bay from map rotation

Nukes on WH map stay until game is over if no one takes it too.

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i like this map, its cool. its just not well done like other maps. idk how it should be improved but i know it can be improved really really nice, i like how it works.

Nukes are significantly less powerful than cannonballs (go figure). They’re also not a currency, they have a channel time to pick up, have a cast time to use, and require player use to actually be effective. Cannonballs merely require you turn in coins that never disappear.

One round of cannonballs can destroy a core from full health, and do not require the player to ever move from the center of the map. Not similar to Nukes in the slightest.

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I don’t dislike BHB as much as I once did, but this above is what I think could be a easy fix for the map. They could at least tone down the amount of damage a turnover can do, right now it takes your towers, gate, fountain and fort, that’s somewhat too powerful IMO.

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Yea that is also what i would suggest really. At least nukes got nerfed twice in dmg. Nukes on release could take down towers/walls and healing well with just one nuke.

I dont even think cannon balls has ever been nerfed for 6 years now

So either nerf cannon balls or reduce the number of shots pirate has. That would reduce the snowball this map have had for ages now.


They probably just should cut off coins from bruiser/merc camps, so you get only coins from the two small camps between top and mid and the chest. This would fix the map probably, because people have to decide when to go to camp, when to collect coins.

I think you’re right. Has the map had any updates in six years, excluding cosmetic? If so, I think this makes it the only map not to get any kind of rework.

Looking up the numbers, nukes have a base damage of 2300, that increases by 70 per minute (at 20 minutes they deal 3700 damage).

Meanwhile, a single cannon ball deals 2,815 damage to structures (and 750 splash damage to everything else). That means one round of cannonballs deals 33,780 of damage to structures (excluding splash damage).

A single cannonball has more damage than a nuke has baseline, and you get a whopping 12 of them each time.


THere’s no indicator of the cooldown that’s the real issue if you ask me, combined with you know the fact that they weren’t rebalanced after the tower changes making the Forst one the only one really worth a damn for pushing.

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“Yaharr! You see how good my ships cannon are, you scallyvags! Just gimme your coins already!”

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NO it is VERY NICE map i want its in ranked too!!!

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That is why i also said they need to reduce dmg on cannon balls or reduce how many the pirate shoots off as my idea to reduce snowballing in that map.

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The cd and range is the same every time. You just gonna feel it out like you would with an enemies cooldown.
But yeah, the ability is so fast its really hard to react to. I wish there were like a half second animation or something before it jumped so you could at least react with a a fast ability if you weren’t ready for it. It geta particularly annoying when your also defending agaisnt 5 other players whos stuff you also gonna keep track of.

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Animation before the charge yes please though I doubt that would change my opinion that Blackhearts Bay is better map then infenral shrines, it would at least make it more tolerable
And of course, rebalance the protectors so it’s not a roll of the dice if you actually get a decent pushing objective.

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You also don’t get 1 nuke, but many.

Even if your team ran in and dropped 5 nukes at once, it would do less than one round of cannonballs.