Please Remove ARAM

Composition popularity already has the sum for that mode, so you’d just need to take 1 composition and divide it by the converted percentage (of its popularity) to get the whole.

eg 1000 pick composition played 5% of the time can be rephrased as 1000/0.05 to get 20000.

D’oh! I should have caught that before. Even when calculated the “correct” way, QM has almost 100,000 more matches recorded than ARAM, and SL is in second place by almost 14,000 matches. It looks like most people won’t miss ARAM when it is gone!

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At one point if aram poofed, I would have missed it, but that point passes away a long time ago. I wouldn’t vote for it to go away now or anything, unless the trade off was that it caused unraked to be reborn.
If that was ever the case "get it outta here!’

On the US server, the average wait time for Co-op A.I. is around 30 seconds. Without the data provided by Blizzard, we can only look at HP and make guesses as to how popular each mode is. Eh, well I think it’s a safe bet to assume URD, is still dead on all servers.

I get where Hoku and Xen are coming from, with regard to QM. If, say, QM has 5 times as many players as ARAM, despite the longer queue times, there will be more matches played total. Really it doesn’t matter exactly how popular ARAM is compared to Ranked/QM, as we do know there are plenty of fans of this mode, and many people have stated here and on Reddit that ARAM, is now their “main” mode.

So like I said above, the Dev should be careful with what changes they make to this (or any) mode, because if any problems that might come with a change, aren’t usually quickly rolled back due to Hots being in the retirement home.

I miss URD…

Hm, I wonder if I schedule a scrim, and both teams queued for URD, would we get an instant queue? If we convince all of NGS to do it, could we bring it back from the dead?

bribe them with cookies.

The most popular mode is not always the one which have the fastest que time which leads to more games played. You have to look at how many people who ques up to it.

Same for when you are in tivoli. The rollercoaster which have 150+ people standing in line every hour is always the one which is most popular then the one who only have 10 people running back in line to try it again and again. So again more games is not always equal to more popular.

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Yup, not only is ARAM much more lax on matchmaking for MMR, the hero selection and comp rules the system tries to abide by can be limiting. It’s why when new heroes used to be released and when the game was much more popular, the first few weeks as everyone swarmed to play that hero would seriously create terrible matches and longer queue times depending on what hero you picked.

It’s kind of incredible one can even make such a huge leap in logic to equate queue times with popularity.

Nope. I love ARAM! Whats ARAM got to do with you hating the world?


ARAM should be removed solely because it features the worst of the playerbase. It’s where all the leavers, afkers, throwers, and trolls congregate.

And since Blizzard does not perform ANY moderation whatsoever, as well as make it insanely easy to make new accounts that can freely queue into ARAM right off the bat, it’s just best that they remove the mode entirely and drive away these parasites to other games.

Blizz is just too incompetent for this mode to exist.

ARAM is the best mode and the only thing keeping this game alive. All other modes are dead compared to ARAM. Those trolls you complain about in ARAM would just migrate to Draft or Ranked games if they were the only options.

The real problem with ARAM isn’t the trolls it is the players who think they are hot stuff and in a ranked match when they go into ARAM. If they tell me to pick something I always do the opposite to defy them. I’ve got 60-70% win rates with “junky heroes” like Samuro and Murky. It means I’m probably better than you if you start telling me not to pick it. Your opinion also means nothing to me. I don’t care about your ranking or prior ranking if you are retired on forums. Why would I listen to some ranked nobody who doesn’t even like ARAM?

Removing ARAM? Yea they will get right on it I’m sure. Your opinion is objectively wrong and you are in denial. It’s okay…maybe you’ll get one of those all of the same matches you guys supposedly love so much. Enjoy the forums which is the main game many of you play. I’ll enjoy ARAM.

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you know this thread is mostly satire right?


I want to play a lane minion. A real one, not the oversized one.


You are trying to make the argument that there is some in-depth algorithm that is preventing matches from happening within seconds. We live in a world where AI can spit out a novel in 2 seconds. A calculator from 30 years ago, could handle the sorting and role matchmaking if the player base pool was there.

Also when you queue up in QM for the “role bonus” xp, you still don’t get instant queue-ups. You still have to wait 20-30 seconds…

Lastly, matchmaking from a pure MMR perspective is relatively the same between QM and ARAM, so that argument is a wash.

Shhhhh…do not let them know. They are getting their hopes up thinking Hoku has joined them. Let them enjoy their fantasy.


Ooooh that is not a bad ideal! like do some kind of call out in NGS chat like a bat signal!

yea, it’s called “role matching” and “team size.” Matching is intentionally delayed so it doesn’t instantly make 10-assassin matches all the time that put 5-man stomps against pure pug. Now in select severs, it might ‘instantly’ go to extended matching, but part of the whole design of QM is to have select parameters automated to facilitate players getting to intentionally pick a specific hero before a game is made.

There are frequent player requests that players want the matching to take longer in the hopes it improves the match quality.

The game wasn’t made and released yesterday. Any current advancements and claims of AI don’t matter to this game.

Ah yes, a claim you don’t have any means to check, but of course is expressed with upmost certainty.

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No it’s actually a trash mode for people to just f- around in. The mode itself takes very little skill and it’s entirely based on RNG comps and facerolling your way to victory. No strategy, just luck that your team gets heroes y’all are good at. It will never be a serious mode.


Why is it the only mode that is still alive? Wasting an hour on “serious business” ranked games is a waste of time for most people these days. You ranked boys are in some extremely small subgroup of a subgroup that needs to try to prove your skill on a video game or want a bigger number/shinier logo next to your name.

Most people play games to get a break from their work week or busy lifestyle, not get subjected to more grinding. Yes, it is always grindy and stressful to waste time on competitive games. People gave up on HOTS ranked because they got burnt out. Now you anti-ARAM boys are like “wait…please come back!”. We aren’t going back…

Might get better quality matches sometimes in ranked but this is the reason why McDonalds is so successful like ARAM, it’s consistent quality with minimal time investment. I can get 3 to 4 ARAMs in an hour by the time I get trolled or outdrafted in one ranked match. I can get a “better” although expensive burger at a local place for more time investment OR maybe even get sick due to lack of consistency. You simply can’t replicate a McDonalds burger just like ranked fails to replicate the ARAM experience. If we are the typical player and just want a fun break, you KNOW which one we are queuing for almost 100% of the time.

It’s not.

Itsverayce tends to play QM, a mode you seem to have forgotten in your misplaced indignation. In case you, somehow, forgot the game is comprised of multiple playerbases:

  • qm solo players, qm parties,
  • aram casuals, aram ‘mains’
  • ranked solo, ranked party
  • ai hour-farms, ai ‘mains’
  • custom lobbies and organized play

Several of these player groups coordinate on discords instead of waiting around the forums, bothering with reddit, or crossing their fingers and magically hoping ‘match making gets fixed’.

But, here you are asserting that McDonalds of all things is some magical experience that cannot be replicated… it’s not.

Use a Bacon Work App – or similar – to fill in a shift at a fast food joint, learn to make the burger and then make it yourself. Stuff like McDonald’s is widespread because the process needs to simple enough teenagers can do it. Even if you can’t figure out how they prep their grill, or read it from the employee manual, there’s youtube videos and cookbooks where people have spelled out how to do it.

Some locations even allow people to pick up used oil for diesel recycling, so even if you don’t believe people can’t replicate the combinations of oils they use for whatever particular menu item you want, you can likely get access to used stuff anyway.

Yea, for a one-off effort that’s a lot more work than just going into the store, but the point isn’t that people can or cannot buy McDonalds’, but realizing their are possibilities they didn’t consider, and thus limit their capabilities for it.

Grandstanding a case of pretending you represent a majority you don’t know, let alone consider that they are players that simply aren’t you kinda undermines the whole claim of trying to represent a playerbase you mostly ignore.